In this section:

This section describes the DSC Software Edition (DSC SWe) SWe hardware and software requirements and recommendations.

To install and configure the DSC SWe, make sure the Virtual Machine (VM) host meets the following recommended hardware, server platform, and software requirements.


The recommended hardware and software settings intended to ensure optimum DSC SWe stability and performance. If the recommended settings are not used, the DSC SWe system may not behave as expected.


 The DSC SWe software only runs on platforms using Intel processors. Platforms using Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) processors are not supported.

KVM Host Hardware Requirements

Refer to your Host OS and KVM vendor installation requirements. Verify the base installation requirements are satisfied before allocating resources to the virtual machine containers.

Ethernet Port Requirements

The DSC SWe handles critical signaling traffic. For network robustness, it is recommended the DSC SWe is deployed with a minimum of four physical Ethernet ports between virtual machines running on individual (physically separate) COTS servers. Four physical Ethernet ports are the recommended minimum, however, eight physical Ethernet ports is preferred to allow sufficient physical layer redundancy and traffic separation. This Ethernet configuration allows the DSC SWe to remain fault tolerant.

Recommended BIOS Settings

Ribbon recommends the following BIOS settings for optimum performance.

Recommended BIOS Settings for Optimum Performance

BIOS ParameterRecommended
Intel VT-x (Virtualization Technology)EnabledFor hardware virtualization
Intel VT-d (Directed I/O)EnabledIf available
Intel Hyper-ThreadingEnabled
Intel Turbo BoostEnabled
CPU power managementMaximum Performance

For locating the appropriate BIOS settings for your server, refer to the Vendor's Website/documentation for this server.

As an example, the BIOS settings in the following table are for the HP DL 380p Gen8 servers.


The minimally required items are Intel® VT-dHP Power Profile, and Thermal Configuration

BIOS Setting Recommendations for HP DL380p Gen8 Server (Example)

BIOS ParameterRecommended
Default Value
Adjacent Sector PrefetcherDisabledEnabled
Data Direct I/OEnabledDisabled
HP Power ProfileMaximum PerformanceBalanced Power and Performance
HW PrefetchersDisabledEnabled
Intel® VT-dEnabledDisabled
Memory Pre-Failure NotificationDisabledEnabled
Memory Refresh Rate1x Refresh2x Refresh
Processor Power and Utilization MonitoringDisabledEnabled
Thermal ConfigurationMaximum CoolingOptimal Cooling

Software Requirements for the Linux KVM Host and DSC SWe

The following table shows the Linux KVM Host and DSC SWe application software requirements.

KVM Host Linux OS Requirements



For More Information

KVM Module libvirt-0.9.4-23 (or newer)

Module installed

QEMU-KVM1.5 or greater
Libvirt and tools1.0 or greater
Genisoimage1.1 or greater

VM Configuration Recommendations


 The following are general recommendations for a DSC SWe installation:

  • Refer to section Performance Tuning the DSC SWe VM to determine the required resources (for example, vRAM, vCPU, vNIC ports, and the virtual Hard Disk) for optimum performance of the DSC VM.
  • In the BIOS settings of your computer, disconnect or disable any physical hardware devices that you will not be using (for example, floppy devices, network interfaces, storage controllers, optical drives, or USB controllers) to free CPU resources.

 Allocate each VM with the required virtual hardware for robust operation. Provisioning a VM with more resources than it requires can, in some cases, reduce the performance of the VM and other VMs sharing the same KVM Host.

The following tables show the recommended resources allocated to each VM installed on a KVM Host.

Recommended KVM Host Resources Allocated to each DSC SWe VM for Diameter

ResourcesTo support Diameter only

4 cores; 2 GHz minimum

vNIC4 virtual NICS (1 MGMT, 1 HA, and 2 packet ports)

Recommended KVM Host Resources Allocated to each DSC SWe VM for SS7

ResourcesTo support SS7 Only

4 cores; 2 GHz minimum

vNIC4 virtual NICS (1 MGMT, 1 HA, and 2 packet ports)
Recommended KVM Host Resources Allocated for DSC (Diameter and SS7) VMs

Resources2 VMs supporting Diameter and SS7
vCPU8 cores; 2 GHz minimum
vNIC4 virtual NICS (1 MGMT, 1 HA, and 2 packet ports)