DISK data measurements are made from different sources that are combined together by the statistics manager. The main source is the disk_space_quota file. Disks that are being reported on are listed in /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/disk_space_quota. The file is read and the quotas assigned are used as measurements in the statistics report.


I/O cards do not have disk_space_quota files, and therefore, cannot generate DISK statistics.


 Each directory that is measured creates one new line that is entered into the DISK statistics file for each sampling period. An entry that has a directory of "none" is not measured for disk usage.

Reports for alarm disk usage are independent from the DISK data measurements.


The following shows an example of a DISK data measurements file.

DISK-30min (example)
2019-04-04-00:30,slot_2:Core:/var/core:/dev/vda4,30		,110820744,974702 ,104749457,5			   ,80				,23					 ,54
2019-04-04-00:30,slot_2:MRFSAS:/:/dev/vda3		,30		,5029504  ,1308512,3442464  ,31			   ,5				,0					 ,24
2019-04-04-00:30,slot_1:MRFSAS:/:/dev/vda3		,30		,5029504  ,1414408,3336568  ,33			   ,5				,0					 ,25

The instance represents the device being measured. The DISK instance values are formatted as follows:

  • slot_<Slot>:<name from disk_space_quota>:<directory from disk_space_quota>:<device partition that the directory is mounted on>


Each measurement is calculated as the number of blocks on the partition * the block size / 1024.

The following table provides descriptions of the DISK data measurements file.

DISK Data Measurements: Listing and Description




Number of samples taken during the sampling period. The sampling interval is 60 seconds or greater if the system is busy.


Size of the partition in Kibibytes. Mean of the measurements during the sampling period.

UsedAmount of space used in the partition in Kibibytes. Mean of the measurements during the sampling period.

Amount of space available in the partition in Kibibytes. Mean of measurements during the sampling period.

On disk systems or operating systems that do not report available space, the Use measurement is used as the available measurement. This is a lower amount compared to the true available amount.

Use PercentagePercentage of disk space that is unavailable, including overhead. Defined as 100 - Available.
Quota PercentagePercentage of the quota in disk_space_quota. Mean of the measurements over the sampling period.
Read OPS Per Minute

Number of read operations per minute on the partition. Mean of the measurements during the sampling period.

The value is an approximation with the possibility of distortion because of independent measurements of system time and disk operations.

Write OPS Per Minute

Number of write operations per minute on the partition. Mean of the measurements during the sampling period.

The value is an approximation with the possibility of distortion because of independent measurements of system time and disk operations.