This section describes how to install a DSC Kernel-based Virtual Machine (VM) on a MA-RMS server to function as the DSC SWe or vSP2000.

1Complete the Prerequisites.

Execute the configuration file and install the VM. Refer to Configure the VM.


Configure and Initialize the DSC SWe - vSP2000. This section covers the licensing, initial configuration, and commissioning of the DSC SWe - vSP2000 VM.

4Create a Backup of a VM (on MA-RMS).
5Update Host Backup Directories after DSC SWe - vSP2000 VM Creation.

Before you begin, complete the following steps:

  1. Download and transfer the software files to the MA-RMS, refer to Download and Transfer Software Files to the MA-RMS

  2. Verify the VLAN configurations, refer to Verify the VHE Host Configuration.
  3. Check the python argparse module is installed using the following code: 

    # yum install -y python-argparse
  4. Gather the information for the green boxes in the following table. This information is needed in subsequent procedures.

    Host Root User Password

    Host SSH admin User secadm
    Host SSH admin password


    "DSCSWe3" is used in the examples

    Slot ID/VM ID

    VM Name and Guest Hostname 

    Automatically created based on system name. For example, DSCSWe3.
    Automatically created based on system name. For example, DSCSWe3.
    Automatically created based on system name. For example, DSCSWe3.
    VM Management  IP Address 1

    VM Management  IP Address 2

    VM Shared  IP Address 1

    Management Gateway

    dataoam for vSP2000

    Management Netmask

    dataoam for vSP2000

    1 For the initial configuration, the hostname in the VM is preconfigured as <SYSTEM_NAME>-slot<VM id>. The option to change the hostname is provided later within this guide

    2The following naming conventions are recommended for the procedures in this section:

    • For the SYSTEM_NAME, use an uppercase format.
      In the following procedures, "DSCSWe3" is used for system name. This system name is then used for the configuration filename, for example, "DSCSWe3.conf".

Configure the VM

Use the following procedures to install and configure the VM on the VHE hosts.

About this Task

The VM configuration file is placed in each VHE Host's install directory. The file is executed from a Linux workstation and contains the required hostnames and all VMs to be installed. To run on each VHE Host, a configuration file for each host is used.


 The procedures in this section based on the DSC SWe and are using as an example installation file.

Execute the VM Configuration File

Use this procedure to create the host configuration file, <SYSTEM_NAME>. conf.  In this procedure the "DSCSWe3.conf" example system name is used. Complete this procedure once per VHE host.

  • You have downloaded the configuration file for your release.
  1. Log onto a VHE host or a Linux workstation.

  2. Run the script.

    #su –
    Enter root password
    cd  /root/dsc_swe_install
    Your install script is ./
  3. Create the configuration file and resize the file system with the steps below. 

    1. Use the information previously gathered in the System Information table to create the config file.

      Enter DSC SWe system name:
      Enter VM ids to be created (space separated, ex: 1 2):
      Enter mgmt IP address 1:
      Enter mgmt IP address 2 if applicable (press Enter to skip):
      Enter shared IP address if applicable (press Enter to skip):
      Enter Gateway IP:
      Enter Netmask IP:
      Is this a DSC SWe-C20 install? (Y/N):
      Memory Size (RAM) in GB [5]:

      Enter DSC SWe system name: DSCSWe3
      Enter VM ids to be created (space separated, ex: 1 2): 1 (For HOST0 enter: 1 and for HOST1 enter: 2)
      Enter mgmt IP address 1:
      Enter mgmt IP address 2 if applicable (press Enter to skip): 
      Enter shared IP address if applicable (press Enter to skip):
      Enter Gateway IP:
      Enter Netmask IP:
      Is this a DSC SWe-C20 install? (Y/N):Y
      Memory Size (RAM) in GB [5]:
    2. Check the size of logical volume and get the device driver name to use by executing the following command.

      # df -h
      Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol0 48G 3.1G 43G 7% /
      tmpfs 63G 0 63G 0% /dev/shm
      /dev/sda1 485M 75M 385M 17% /boot
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol3 969M 1.4M 917M 1% /home
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol5 20G 5.8G 13G 32% /storage
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol1 965M 2.5M 913M 1% /tmp
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol2 1.9G 521M 1.3G 29% /var
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol4 16G 705M 14G 5% /var/ccm
      /storage/iso/VHEL0010.iso 4.4G 4.4G 0 100% /var/vault
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol6 29G 5.5G 22G 20% /storage/backups
      /dev/mapper/vg00-<SYSTEM_NAME> 64G 52G 61G 1% /storage/<SYSTEM_NAME>
    3. Resize the file system to match the VM definition by inserting the following commands:

      # lvextend -L 128G /dev/mapper/vg00-<SYSTEM_NAME>
      # /sbin/resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg00-<SYSTEM_NAME>
    4. Check to make the new files system size is correct.

      # df -h
      Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol0 48G 3.1G 43G 7% /
      tmpfs 63G 0 63G 0% /dev/shm
      /dev/sda1 485M 75M 385M 17% /boot
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol3 969M 1.4M 917M 1% /home
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol5 20G 5.8G 13G 32% /storage
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol1 965M 2.5M 913M 1% /tmp
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol2 1.9G 521M 1.3G 29% /var
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol4 16G 705M 14G 5% /var/ccm
      /storage/iso/VHEL0010.iso 4.4G 4.4G 0 100% /var/vault
      /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol6 29G 5.5G 22G 20% /storage/backups
      /dev/mapper/vg00-<SYSTEM_NAME> 126G 52G 116G 1% /storage/<SYSTEM_NAME>

  4. The response to this prompt selects the virtual interface bridging based on the host server type. Enter Y for vSP2000 on C20 RMS (GBRY41LB/LJ) servers or N for deployments on GBRY41LA/LH servers, and then press ENTER.

    Is this a DSC SWe-C20 install? (Y/N):
  5. Confirm that the vSP2K VM is not running using the following command.

    virsh list --all

    Id Name         State
    1  msh6sst0-dm1 running
  6. Repeat this procedure on the second host.
  7. Continue to the next procedure Install a VM on a VHE Host.

Install the VM on a VHE Host

  • You have created the host configuration files, <SYSTEM_NAME>. conf, for each VHE host.
  1. Log onto a VHE Host or a Linux workstation.
  2. Run the installation script to create the VMs on the VHE host.

    ./dsc_swe_<release>_nb<date> install --config <SYSTEM_NAME>.conf
    # ./ install --config DSCSWe3.conf
    DSC Self-Extraction Utility 19_0_0_nb20200721
    Verify archive integrity... 
    Executing install script... 
    DSC SWe VHE Host Interaction
    Verify requisite files in the archive... 
    Processing hosts
    Connected to  libvirt 1005003 (lib 2000000)
    VM Installation on VHE host
    Install DSCSWe3-slot2 on host
    Continue with install of all listed VMs? (y/n):
  3. Enter y and press ENTER.

    extracting QCOW2 dsc_swe_19_0_0_nb20200721.qcow2 to /tmp ...
    Installing VM DSCSWe3-slot2 on host
    Checking for VM DSCSWe3-slot2 on host
    libvirt: QEMU Driver error : Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'DSCSWe3-slot2'
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot2.img
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/TMAkvm-slot2_configdrive.iso
    Process QCOW2 TMAkvm-slot2
    	Convert to raw image...
    > issuing: qemu-img convert -O raw /tmp/dsc_swe_19_0_0_nb20200721.qcow2 /home/libvirt_images/DSCSWe3-slot2.img
    	Resize the raw image to 65G...
    > issuing: qemu-img resize /home/libvirt_images/DSCSWe3-slot2.img +53G
    Generate VM Definition & Install DSCSWe3-slot2
    	Generate QEMU XML definition
    	Define VM
    	VM defined with UUID 89db0e0a-ea09-4297-9a13-8d6f98d5575f
    	Set autostart (start VM on host boot). 
    	using temporary space /tmp/dsce80iU0
    > issuing: genisoimage -V config-2 -graft-points -J -rock -o /tmp/dsce80iU0/DSCSWe3-slot2_configdrive.iso /tmp/dsce80iU0/iso
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
    Using VENDO000.JSO;1 for  /tmp/dsce80iU0/iso/openstack/latest/vendor_data2.json (vendor_data.json)
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 1238
    Total directory bytes: 6144
    Path table size(bytes): 52
    Max brk space used 1b000
    192 extents written (0 MB)
    	removing temporary space /tmp/dsce80iU0
    Installing VM DSCSWe3-slot2 on host
    Checking for VM DSCSWe3-slot2 on host
    libvirt: QEMU Driver error : Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'DSCSWe3-slot2'
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/DSCSWe3-slot2.img
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/DSCSWe3-slot2_configdrive.iso
    Process QCOW2 TMAkvm-slot2
    	Convert to raw image...
    > issuing: qemu-img convert -O raw /tmp/dsc_swe_19_0_0_nb20200721.qcow2 /home/libvirt_images/DSCSWe3-slot2.img
    	Resize the raw image to 65G...
    > issuing: qemu-img resize /home/libvirt_images/DSCSWe3-slot2.img +53G
    Generate VM Definition & Install DSCSWe3-slot2
    	Generate QEMU XML definition
    	Define VM
    	VM defined with UUID 31aa3384-c157-418e-bf66-627966833a55
    	Set autostart (start VM on host boot).
    	using temporary space /tmp/dscu7JE9o
    > issuing: genisoimage -V config-2 -graft-points -J -rock -o /tmp/dscu7JE9o/DSCSWe3-slot2_configdrive.iso /tmp/dscu7JE9o/iso
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
    Using VENDO000.JSO;1 for 
    /tmp/dscu7JE9o/iso/openstack/latest/vendor_data2.json (vendor_data.json)
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 1238
    Total directory bytes: 6144
    Path table size(bytes): 52
    Max brk space used 1b000
    192 extents written (0 MB)
    	removing temporary space /tmp/dscu7JE9o
    removing extracted qcow2
    	Store config with VMs on hosts.
    Wrote configuration to file /tmp/DSC_DSCSWe3.conf
    > issuing: ls /home/libvirt_images/DSC_DSCSWe3.conf
    Replacing host copy of DSC_DSCSWe3.conf.
    Process VM startups
    System configuration file: /tmp/DSC_DSCSWe3.conf
    Store install log (/tmp/DSC_DSCSWe3.install_log) with VMs on hosts.
  4. Verify the VMs are created.

    virsh list --all

    # virsh list --all
    Id    Name                           State
    1     DSCSWe3-slot2                  running
  5. Verify that a copy of the config file (in this example, DSCSWe3.conf) is saved under /root, so it can be included in the RMS host backup
  6. Verify the /etc/fstab file is updated by the install script with an entry that allows the created VM and its storage mount point to survive server reboots/restarts.

    # vi /etc/fstab
    # /etc/fstab
    # Created by anaconda on Wed Dec 5 13:49:47 2018
    # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
    # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
    /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol0 / ext4 defaults 1 2
    UUID=a042ebb7-5d5e-4bee-ab98-e26fd0aea690 /boot ext3 defaults 1 2
    /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol3 /home ext4 defaults,nodev 1 2
    /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol5 /storage ext4 defaults 1 2
    /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol1 /tmp ext4 defaults,nodev,nosuid,noexec 1 2
    /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol2 /var ext4 defaults 1 2
    /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol4 /var/ccm ext3 defaults 1 2
    tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,nodev,nosuid,noexec 0 0
    devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
    sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /storage/iso/VHEL0010.iso /var/vault iso9660 loop,owner,ro,nodev 0 0
    /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol6 /storage/backups ext4 defaults 1 2
    /dev/mapper/vg00-dscswe3 /storage/dscswe3 ext4 defaults 1 2
    /tmp /var/tmp none bind 0 0
  7. Repeat the this procedure on the second host.

Update Host Backup Directories after DSC SWe - vSP2000 VM Creation

Once the VM has been created, there are updates needed to ensure the proper backups of the host OS will be available. Use the following procedure to configure backup inclusion and exclusion of the appropriate directories.

Refer to Virtual Hosting Environment Administration Guide (630-02720-01) for more information.

  1. Login to the host server and promote yourself to root user.
  2. Edit the host <SYSTEM_NAME>.conf file in the root directory.   Typically the file name matches <SYSTEM_NAME>.conf
  3. At the bottom of the file add the following entries: 

  4. Save the file

  5. Run the command: 

    updateconfig -f <SYSTEM_NAME>.conf -c OS
  6. Log off.