In this section:

The PCE Database UI object contains the point code and trunk mapping information for the public nodes, private nodes, public gateways, GTT and IS41 tunnel gateways, and trunk mappings. TCAP exceptions information is also kept in the database.

The PCE DB Manager utility (see the following figure) allows you to commit the information contained in the Workspace DB to the Live DB or reset the Workspace DB to contain the same information that is in the Live DB.

The PCE DB Manager object has a PCE DB Summary for both the Live and Workspace DB (see the following figure). The summary object highlights the current database content and the last action performed on the database.

PCE DB Summary Screen

For information about the Workspace DB and Live DB, see the following sections on Workspace DB and Live DB, respectively. For the procedure about using these databases, see Using the PCE DB Manager.

Workspace DB

Perform all PCE database-related activities in the modifiable Workspace DB. The changes that you make in this database do not affect the traffic processed by the DSC - SP2000 Platform until you commit the database contents to the Live DB using the PCE DB Manager.

You can access the following utilities using the Workspace DB:

The Workspace DB also has the Batch Operations object (refer to Performing PCE Batch Operations) for additional provisioning tools.

Live DB

After you completed the PCE database-related activities using the Workspace DB, you can commit these changes to the Live DB using the PCE DB Manager.

The reset action at the DB Manager is used to reset the workspace to the live information. The Live DB file overwrites the Workspace DB file then the Workspace DB is cleared and followed by a load. No impact on traffic or status information.

The Live DB also has the Search Operations object (refer to Configuring Search Operations) for searching options on non UI objects such as ISUP learning records.

Database Naming Conventions

The Database uses unique names to references the point code mapping objects such as public nodes, private nodes, public gateways, and GTT tunnel gateways. The name is restricted as follows:

  • alphanumerical characters, dashes, and underscores
  • case insensitive; PCE converts to upper case
  • maximum length of 16 characters
  • each name is a unique key to the object on a per type basis

Using the PCE DB Manager

The following procedure provides you with instructions to manipulate the commit and reset actions between the Workspace DB and Live DB.

To commit or reset information between the Workspace DB and Live DB

  1. From the Main Menu, click PCE.

  2. Click Live to Workspace | Workspace to Live.

  3. Click Continue.

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