In this section:

Gateway Screening and MSU tracing use the same system-wide provisioning utilities.

The following actions are available on the GWST Configuration object screens:

  • Enable Screening - Screening Test Mode is disabled and MSUs resulting in gateway screening failures are discarded
  • Disable Screening - Screening Test Mode is enabled and MSUs resulting in gateway screening failures are not discarded
  • Restore Debug Defaults -  all debug flags are set to their recommended values.
  • Reset Tracing - MSU tracing count is reset to 0 and the tracing interval is restarted
  • Reset Reporting - logging count is reset to 0 and the logging interval is restarted
  • Reset SCRERR - screening error reporting count is reset to 0 and the screening error reporting interval is restarted

For information about

General Configuration

The GWST General Configuration screen (see the following figure) displays generic features settings. If not specified on creation, the default PC Formats attributes are used when you are creating a screening table record. For more information about the PC Formats (refer to Configuring the PC Formats).

The GWA SCCP counts incoming and outgoing data (X)UDT messages and (X)UDTS messages. The (X)UDTS messages are only counted if a match is found if the Accounting SCCP Services attribute on the GWST General Configuration screen is set to ENABLED. This feature is applied dynamically on the system. The default setting for this attribute is DISABLED.

General Configuration Screen

Logging Configuration

It is recommended that you do not change the default values on the Logging Configuration screen (see the following figure).

If you want to obtain MSU tracing results from a certain time frame, click Reset Tracing to restart tracing interval (see Reset Tracing, Logging, or SCRERR).

Logging Configuration Screen

SCRERR Configuration

The screening error (SCRERR) is a safety feature of gateway screening. If an error occurs while provisioning the screening tables, the system provides an error message in the logs and, if required, overrides discarding or passing-through of MSUs. Although there is no deletion of MSUs during MSU tracing, the logs still provide a message if an error occurs during screening table provisioning.

It is recommended that you do not change any of the default values on the SCRERR Configuration screen (see the following figure) and leave all attributes set to ENABLED.

SCRERR Configuration Screen

Debug Configuration

GWST uses the standard debuglog and syslog for logging system events. The syslog is used to indicate the GWST process execution status. All other logs are sent to the debug log based on the GWST debug flags set in the Debug Configuration screen (see the following figure).

It is recommended that you set the Errors and Setup Management attributes to ENABLED (default values) and do not change any of the other attribute values on this screen. Use the Restore Debug Defaults action to set all debug flags to their recommended values.


Debug logging is useful for troubleshooting purposes, but excessive logging can cause communication delays and is not recommended for normal operations.

For information about GWST administration including logging, refer to GWST Administration.

Debug Configuration Screen

Configuring the GWST Configuration

The following procedure provides you with instructions to configure system-wide GWST attributes.

In a mated pair configuration, both STPs must be separately configured for GWST.

Configure the GWST Configuration

  1. From the Main Menu, click GWS and MSU Tracing.
  2. Click the required configuration screen.
  3. Configure the required attributes.


    The Restore Debug Defaults action restores the GWST debug configurations to their default values and clears the associated logging alarms.

  4. Click Continue.

Reset Tracing, Logging, or SCRERR

  1. From the Main Menu, click GWS and MSU Tracing.
  2. Click the Reset Tracing | Reset Reporting | Reset SCRERR action.
  3. Click Continue.