In this section:

An Adjacent Diameter Node (ADN) is any node on the Ribbon DSC or in the Diameter network.

For more information about ADNs and ADN Connections, refer to Adjacent Diameter Nodes (ADN) and Connections.


When a transport connection is shut down, a Disconnect Cause code is sent with the Disconnect-Peer-Request (DPR) message to an ADN. The DPR Disconnect Cause code supports 3 possible disconnect conditions associated with values (0-2), as follows:

  • BUSY (1)

The DPR Disconnect Cause attribute can be configured with a maximum of thirty-three values in the general configuration screen of the selected ADN. The default value is 'BUSY' (1).

To create an ADN

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To configure an ADN

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To activate or deactivate an ADN

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