In this section:

Telnet Connection Through the Host and Port Advertised in the XML Transport Server

[root@PVVDSCslot2]# telnet 3869

Trying fd91:92a2:fca4:8cc2:0:a5b:c8:2002...

Connected to

Escape character is '^]'.


 In the example, 3869 is the XML Transport Server port number, and is the host name of the server.

XML UA Sends a CER Request


<header cmd-code="257" flags="128" hh-id="1" ee-id="1234"/>

<avp avp-name="Origin-Host" value="" />

<avp avp-name="Origin-Realm" value="" />

<avp avp-name="Auth-Application-Id" value="4294967295" />


XML UA Receives a Reply to this CER

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<header application-id="0" cmd-code="257" flags="0" hh-id="1" eeid="1234"/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="268" flags="64" avp-name="Result-Code" type="Unsigned32" encoding="u32" value="2001"/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="264" flags="64" avp-name="Origin-Host" type="DiameterIdentity" encoding="string" value=""/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="296" flags="64" avp-name="Origin-Realm" type="DiameterIdentity" encoding="string" value=""/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="257" flags="64" avp-name="Host-IP-Address" type="Address" encoding="octet_string" value="00 02 fd 91 92 a2 fc a4 8c c2 00 00 0a 5b 00 c8 20 02"/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="299" flags="64" avp-name="Inband-Security-Id" type="Unsigned32" encoding="u32" value="0"/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="266" flags="64" avp-name="Vendor-Id" type="Unsigned32" encoding="u32" value="1556"/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="269" flags="0" avp-name="Product-Name" type="UTF8String" encoding="string" value="Universal Diameter Router"/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="258" flags="64" avp-name="Auth-Application-Id" type="Unsigned32" encoding="u32" value="4294967295" />


XML UA Sends a Diameter Message


The following message is simplified to shorten the example.


<header cmd-code="316" flags="128" hh-id="2" ee-id="1235"/>

<avp avp-name="Origin-Host" value="" />

<avp avp-name="Origin-Realm" value="" />

<avp avp-name="Destination-Host" value="" />

<avp avp-name="Destination-Realm" value="" />

<avp avp-name="Auth-Application-Id" value="4294967295" />


XML UA Receives an Error Message

Consider the following for this message:

  • UA must always match the Hop-by-Hop ID “hh-id” in the received/sent request to the one in the sent/received response.

  • UA is responsible while generating messages to maintain a unique session ID “ee-id” as described in previous sections.

  • UA must have a diameter ID; typically part of the same realm as the DSC node.

The error is indicated by through the value of the flags field in the header “32” and also via the Result-Code AVP value of “3002”.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<header application-id="0" cmd-code="316" flags="32" hh-id="2" eeid="1235"/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="264" flags="64" avp-name="Origin-Host" type="DiameterIdentity" encoding="string" value=""/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="296" flags="64" avp-name="Origin-Realm" type="DiameterIdentity" encoding="string" value=""/>

<avp vendor-id="0" avp-code="268" flags="64" avp-name="Result-Code" type="Unsigned32" encoding="u32" value="3002"/>


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