Monitoring CPU load averages are important for system performance analysis. The DSC - SP2000 Platform allows you to monitor the system uptime (see Monitoring System Uptime) and the current CPU load average threshold. The CPU load threshold is a time-dependent load average metric that appears in the output of some UNIX commands such as uptime. This metric is commonly used by UNIX system administrators to observe system resource consumption.

If your DSC - SP2000 Platform exceeds the defined CPU load average threshold, then the system sends a trap showing this condition. When the load is returned below the specified threshold, another trap is sent indicating that the CPU load threshold is again below the specified CPU load threshold.

The default and recommended CPU load average threshold is set at 6.0 on the on the DSC - SP2000 Platform. It is recommended that you do not change this number.


Slow system response time can be caused by other factors than CPU Load. High CPU loads do not always indicate the system is under stress. System performance must be analyzed to determine the source of the CPU load.

To view the VM Load Alarm Threshold

  1. From the Main Menu, click Processes.

  2. Using the Process Details on drop-down list, select the CPU for which you want to see the CPU load alarm threshold and click Update.

  3. Click CPU Load Threshold.

  4. To change the CPU Load Alarm Threshold value, enter the new value in the text box.

  5. Click Update


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