This table can be used as the next screening step after the Incoming Linksets, Incoming App IDs, or Allowed OPCs screening tables. The OPC comprises its Network (NNN), Cluster (CCC), and Member (MMM) subcomponents, or equivalent ITU components.

The Blocked OPC record defines an originating PC in the network that fails the initial gateway screening.

This screening table is filtered with the following attributes:

  • EPR

  • EPR and OPC NNN

To obtain all blocked OPC records, set EPR to zero (0).

By default, the next screening step is a FAIL EPR for a nondefault record and it cannot be modified. The next screening step cannot be changed to STOP or IGNORE other than the next table for further screening.

The following figure illustrates the possible next screening tables you can use to provision additional attributes.

Possible Next Screening Tables After the Blocked OPCs Screening Table

  • No labels