In this section:

The batch operations use comma-separated files where each record is uniquely defined on a single line. Comment can be added to the batch file by starting a line with an initial ‘#’ character.

The private and public node, GTT tunnel, and Public Gateway batch-createable objects are uniquely identified by their Name attribute [see Public Node Batch Add (Basic PCE) and Private Node Batch Add (Basic PCE)]. Batch deletes only require the name to identify the object for deletion but also accept additional comma-separated fields, which are ignored. Therefore, the associated batch add file can be used to batch delete in case of errors (refer to To use the batch operation actions).

The Trunk Mapping is uniquely identified by the first three attributes [Public Node Name, Public Gateway Name, and Public CIC Min, see Trunk Mapping Batch Add (Basic and Enhanced PCE)]. Batch deletes only require these three attributes to identify the object for deletion but also accept additional comma-separated fields, which are ignored. Thus the associated batch add file can be used to batch delete in case of errors.

This section provides you with examples for the batch operations file formats.

Public Node Batch Add (Basic PCE)

#Name, Home PC, Private Network PC
PublicNode1, 1.2.3, 1.2.3
PublicNode2, 1.2.4, 1.2.4

Public Node Batch Add (Enhanced PCE)

#Name, Home PC, Private Network PC1, Private Network PC2 
PublicNode1, 1.2.3, 4.5.6, 4.5.3

Private Node Batch Add (Basic PCE)

#Name, (Enhanced only), Home PC, PrivCLLI (optional), PubCLLI (optional)
PrivNode1, 9.1.1, abcdefghijk, ABCDEFGHIJK
PrivNode2, 9.2.1

Private Node Batch Add (Enhanced PCE)

#Name, Private Id, Home PC, Alt Priv PC, PrivCCLI (optional), PubCCLI (optional)
PrivNode1, 9.1.1, 9.1.2 abcdefghijk, ABCDEFGHIJK
PrivNode2, 9.2.1, 9.2.2 

Public Gateway Batch Add (Basic and Enhanced PCE)

#Name, PC, Private Node (opt)
PublicGW1, 005.005.005
PublicGW2, 077.077.077

GTT Tunnel Gateway Batch Add (Basic and Enhanced PCE)

#Name, Public PC, Private PC
Default, 005.005.006, 005.005.007

Trunk Mapping Batch Add (Basic and Enhanced PCE)

#PubNodeName, PubGWName, PubCICMin, PubCICMax, PrivNodeName, PrivCICMin
PublicNode1, PubGW1, 0, 499, PrivNode1, 0
PublicNode2, PubGW1, 0, 499, PrivNode1, 500

IS41 Billing ID Mapping Batch Add (Basic and Enhanced PCE)

#Name, Market ID, Switch Number, ID Num Min, ID Num Max, Priv Node Name
MAP1, 1, 1, 0, 1000, PrivNode1
MAP2, 1, 1, 1001, 5000, PrivNode2

ISUP Learning Exceptions Batch Add (Basic and Enhanced PCE)




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