SNMP NameptMTP3NAMtp3SLSLinkAuditFailure

MTP3 detected an unavailable link in an SLS Table. MSU loss is possible.

ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

This issue should resolve itself in less than four minutes.

If this alarm is raised and does not clear itself as expected, do the following:

  1. Log in to the system as root.

  2. Consult the ptidbglog to identify the routeset and/or link that is having an issue and prompt a regeneration of the SLS tables by changing the routing configuration such as resetting an unavailable link, changing the cost of a route, or resetting route state.

For detailed information about viewing log files, see Alarm and Event Logging.

For detailed information about SLS tables, modifying route configuration and resetting an unavailable link, see the Configuring MTP Internal VM Communication, Configuring Routesets and Routes, and Configuring Linksets and Links.