SNMP NameptRoutesetRoutesetInaccessible
DescriptionThis event indicates that a routeset is no longer accessible. A routeset destination may become inaccessible for a number of reasons such as the destination SS7 node can no longer receive SS7 traffic, or that all routes on the routeset are inaccessible.
ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

Verify that the state of all the routes within the routeset is AVAILABLE. If a route is UNAVAILABLE, there is a problem with the linkset from the system to the adjacent point code. Verify the state of the linkset and corresponding links. If a route is PROHIBITED (TFP), there is a problem at the adjacent point code. Verify the state of the destination at the adjacent point code.

If this alarm is raised, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.

  2. Locate the Alarm.   
    1. Click on the critical alarm count in the Alarm Dashboard.

    2. Click on this alarm number.

    3. Click on the date of the occurrence.

    4. Click Associated UI Object.

  3. Click Routes to view routes within the routeset.

  4. Note the status of the routes.
    1. UNAVAILABLE: the associated linkset is down.

    2. PROHIBITED: a TFP was received from the adjacent node to notify of an unavailable destination - check with the adjacent node.

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