SNMP NameptADNConnectionADNConnectionDown
DescriptionThe ADN Connection is down due to loss of connectivity or is newly activated.

See the following recommended action.

Recommended Action

The standard procedure for bringing up an ADN Connection is as follows:

  1. Establish a TCP connection or SCTP association
  2. TLS handshake (RFC6733 preferred procedure)
  3. CER exchange
  4. TLS handshake (RFC3588 preferred procedure)

The first step is to determine which stage is failing, then troubleshoot that step (usually by checking the corresponding configuration parameters).

Check the CEA Result Code (result code from the incoming CEA) in EventContext and the SNMP trap of ADNConnectionDown.  If the value is not UNKNOWN, search for the error code in RFC3588 to determine the root cause of ADN Connection Down.

Download the ptidbglog and check for entries corresponding to the affected ADN Connection.

If that provides insufficient information, log onto the affected slot as root and use Wireshark to capture connection setup and initial handshake. Alternatively, on systems that are not processing heavy traffic (less that about 1000 messages per second) it might be possible to enable DSC Node debug for "Node Communication". For live systems, this should be done in a maintenance window.

For more information about Wireshark, see the SS7 Applications Guide 2, Configuring Wireshark.