In this section:


This section describes how to create script files and a schedule for script execution at a pre-defined time (for example, on demand, hourly, or daily) using the Schedule tab in the Scripting window.

Script Input and Output Files

The following procedures outline how to view, configure, validate, or delete script input or output files. You can view the Transfer Log of a scheduled script output file and monitor the script file at the time of execution.

To configure the retention period for script output files

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.

    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. Select Settings > Configuration or click the Configure icon.

    The Configuration window is displayed.
  4. Enter the Retention Period.

    The valid range is 1-14.


  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click Default to set the Retention Period to 14 days.

  7. Click Yes.

To validate the script input file

The Validate icon is enabled only for the Unscheduled tab.

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.

    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. Click the Unscheduled tab.

  4. Select a script input file.

  5. Select Tools > Validate or click the Validate icon.

  6. Click Yes.

    An error message is displayed if you do not have the privilege to execute the command.

To view script input or output files

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.

    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. To view a script output file, go to Step 5.

    To view a script input file, continue.

  4. Click the Scheduled tab or the Unscheduled tab, and then select a script input file. Go to Step 6.

  5. Click the Response tab, and then select a script output file.

  6. Select Tools > View file or click the View file icon.

    A View File Dialog window is displayed

  7. Click Close to close the View File Dialog window.

To view the Transfer Log of the script output file

The Transfer Log icon is enabled only when the status of the selected script output file is COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY or COMPLETED WITH ERROR.

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.

    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. Click the Response tab.

  4. Select a schedule.

  5. Select Tools > Transfer Log or click View Transfer Log icon.
    A View Transfer Log window is displayed. If the file is transferred, the Transfer Status displays Transferred.
    If the file is not transferred, the Transfer Status displays Not Transferred and the reason for failure.
  6. Click Close to close the View Transfer Log window.

To monitor the script file

The SFTP server, SFTP client, and ssh programs for accessing remote systems are readily available for download or purchase from external vendor websites.

  1. Perform the Transfer files from remote system to System Manager procedure using FTP or SFTP application in Remote access.

  2. Perform the Prepare a script file from a remote system procedure in Remote access.

  3. Perform the Add a new schedule or the Modify an existing schedule file procedure.

  4. Click the Scheduled tab.

  5. View the file status.
    Active status is indicated by a green color diamond, and scheduled status is indicated by a yellow color diamond.

  6. Monitor the status until it changes from Active to Scheduled.
    If the status changes from Active to Scheduled, then the execution is complete.

  7. Select the Response tab.

  8. View the files listed.

  9. Select Tools > View file or click the View file icon to open the file you are monitoring to see the execution details.

  10. Check the email message for successful execution of the script input file.

  11. Perform the Transfer files from System Manager to remote system procedure in Remote access.

To delete script input or output files

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.
    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. Click the Unscheduled tab.

  4. Select an unscheduled file.

  5. Select Tools > Delete or click the Delete icon or press <CTRL+Delete>.

  6. Click Yes to delete the schedule.

Managing Schedules

The following procedures outline how to add, delete, or modify an individual schedule file. It is possible to delete a group of schedule files or abort an active schedule file from the Scheduled tab in the System Manager.

To add a new schedule

Ensure the authorization key exists in the remote directory path. If it does not exist, generate the authorization key using the Generate authorized keys procedure in Remote access and copy it to the remote directory path.

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.
    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. Click the Unscheduled tab.

  4. Select a script input file.

  5. Select Tools > Change or click the Change icon.

  6. Click the Scheduled Input tab.

    The Scripting window, Scheduled Input tab is displayed.

    The MMI User Name and MMI Password fields are optional.

  7. In the MMI Login panel, enter the MMI User Name.

  8. In the MMI Login panel, enter the MMI Password.

  9. In the Options panel, click the Continue on Error or Abort on Error option button.

  10. In the Schedule Input panel, check the On Demand check box for on demand scheduling and/or check Hourly check box for hourly scheduling and/or check the Daily check box for daily scheduling.

  11. In the Schedule Input panel, select the Start Date and Start Time (HH & MM).

  12. Click the Config tab.
    The Scripting window, Config tab is displayed.

  13. Check Email or Transfer check box to transfer the files.
    If you checked Email, go to Step 14
    If you checked Transfer, go to Step 15.

  14. In the Address Book panel, enter or select the address entry. Go to Step 20.

    The Remote Password field is disabled when you select SFTP.

  15. In the File Transfer panel, click FTP or SFTP radio button.

  16. Enter the Remote IP Address.

  17. Enter the Remote User Name.

  18. Enter the Remote Password.

  19. Enter the Remote Directory.

  20. Click Apply in the Config tab.

  21. Click Yes to email or transfer the files.
    If you do not enter the MMI User Name and MMI Password, an Information dialog box is displayed.

  22. Click Apply in the Scheduled Input tab.

  23. Click Yes to add a new schedule.

To modify an existing schedule

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.
    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. Click the Scheduled tab.

  4. Select a schedule.

  5. Select Tools > Change or click the Change icon.

  6. Make the required changes.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Click Yes to modify an existing schedule file.

To delete a schedule

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.
    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. Click the Scheduled tab.

  4. Select a schedule.

  5. Select Tools > Delete or click the Delete icon or press <CTRL+Delete>.

  6. Click Yes to delete a schedule.

To delete all schedule files

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.
    The Scripting window is displayed.

  3. Click the Scheduled tab.

  4. Select Tools > deleteAll or press <CTRL+Q>.

  5. Click Yes to delete all the schedule.

  6. Click the Scheduled tab to ensure all the schedules are deleted.

To abort a schedule

The aborted schedule is not deleted from the Scheduled tab.

  1. Select SCRIPTING CAPABILITY from the launcher tree.

  2. Select Scripting.
    The Scripting window is displayed.
  3. Click the Scheduled tab.

  4. Select the active schedule which you want to abort.

  5. Select Tools > Abort or click the Abort icon.

  6. Click Yes to abort the schedule.

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