In this section:

The SP2000 supports two required Management and Routing CPUs. These CPUs are used for both management and routing purposes and are referred to as follows:

  • Management and Routing CPU (Slot 14 - [MGMT_CPU])

  • Management and Routing CPU (Slot 24 - [MGMT_CPU])

Application CPUs are not supported for the SP2000.

The SP2000 has been designed with internal, external, and shared IP interfaces as follows:

  • # bond0     <==>  datadefault (dhcp) internal 0 subnet

  • # bond0:1   <==>  internal 1 subnet

  • # bond0:2   <==>  mgmt for slot 14

  • # bond0:3   <==>  mgmt for slot 24

  • # bond0:x1  <==>  ss7_y0

  • # bond0:x2  <==>  ss7_y1

The internal IP interface subnet supported is defined during the initial configuration process by executing The internal network is private and the IP interfaces are inaccessible to systems outside of the SP2000.

The external IP interfaces (bond0:x1 and bond0:x2) are allocated to the two required Management and Routing CPUs.

The shared IP interfaces on the two Management and Routing CPUs are as follows.

  • Management and Routing CPU in Slot 14 - bond0:2

  • Management and Routing CPU in Slot 24 - bond0:3

To view the system's shared IP, execute the following command.

 # pcs resource show dscvmV4IP 

Resource: dscvmV4IP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
Attributes: cidr_netmask=27 ip=***SHARED IP***
Operations: monitor interval=20s (dscvmV4IP-monitor-interval-20s)
start interval=0s timeout=20s (dscvmV4IP-start-interval-0s)
stop interval=0s timeout=20s (dscvmV4IP-stop-interval-0s)

[root@cvm17sp2klab18slot14 ~]# pcs resource
show dscvmV4IP
Resource: dscvmV4IP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
Attributes: cidr_netmask=27 ip=
Operations: monitor interval=20s (dscvmV4IP-monitor-interval-20s)
start interval=0s timeout=20s (dscvmV4IP-start-interval-0s)
stop interval=0s timeout=20s (dscvmV4IP-stop-interval-0s)

The SP2000 is deployed in a dual carrier card configuration. The Management and Routing CPU that boots first takes control of the shared IP interface. The unique IP interface periodically pings the gateways that were entered when you configured the Management IP interface to confirm connectivity. If this Management and Routing VM is removed for any reason, the remaining Management and Routing VM takes over. Users connected to the Web UI may be asked to log onto the system again to resume their activities.

IPV4 is supported on the SP2000

Reconfiguring Ethernet Interfaces on a SP2000

The SP2000 Ethernet interfaces are initially configured when a new SP2000 is installed. You can reconfigure these interfaces if required using the Web UI as described in the following sections.


Reconfiguring any of the SP2000 interfaces must be done with care. Any errors in your configuration may result in unexpected system behavior or loss of connectivity.