Before you can begin the SDA upgrade, copy the upgrade files from your PC or local server to the DSC 8000.

The following SDA upgrade files are copied to the MGMT CPU:

    • SDA_18_1_0_nbxxxxxxxx.tgz


The SDA archive filenames ending in tgz are installed in the software directory. The remaining files are copied to the root directory on the MGMT CPU.

To copy SDA upgrade files to the DSC 8000

  1. Copy the SDA upgrade files to the root directory on the MGMT CPU.

    Command Example
    # scp ~/ root@

    Use the IP address of the active MGMT CPU in your DSC 8000 system when using the copy command.

  2. Verify the SDA upgrade files are installed in the root directory.

    Command Example Output
    # pwd
    # ls -l
    total 220
    rw-rr-. 1 root root  8256 Mar  3 13:28 install.log.syslog
    rw-rr-. 1 root root 42663 Mar  3 13:29 install.log
    rw------. 1 root root 20746 Mar  3 13:29 anaconda-ks.cfg
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Mar 17 15:40 software
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 30885 Mar 17 15:40
  3. Copy the SDA archive files to the software directory on the MGMT CPU.

    Command Example
    # scp ~/SDA_16_1_0_nb20170824.tgz root@

    Create the /root/software folder if it does not already exist.

  4. Verify the SDA archive files are installed in the software directory.

    Command Example Output
    # ls -l software
    total 89772
    rw-rr- 1 root root  1759225 Sep 10 15:40 SDA_16_1_0_nb20170824.tgz

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