A valid password should be a mix of upper and lower case letters, digits, and special characters. A valid password is a mix of upper and lower case letters, digits, and special characters. You can use a 9 character long password with characters from at least 3 of these 4 classes, or an 8 character long password containing characters from all the classes. An upper case letter that begins a password or a digit that ends it counts towards the number of character classes used. 

Examples for unacceptable passwords:

  • 8 character long password that does not contain characters from all the classes: ox98&nkg, AAA&6549,
  • 9 character long password that does not contain characters from at least 3 of these 4 classes: alm075umn, 752@78952

Examples for acceptable passwords:


These example passwords should not be used since they are published in this documentation.



There is additional password restriction if you want to have access to a TL1 session. This restriction requires that you must

  • limit your special characters to . _ & * - /

  • must not start the password with _ & /

Example for TL1: y6U&i7o9

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