In this section:

The MTP3 user application management messages are required to support the enhanced SS7 services offered by the MTP3. The indication and response messages are sent by MTP3 and the request messages are sent by the MTP3 user application.

The following table lists and describes the MTP3 user application management messages.

MTP3 User Application Management Messages

Message Type Direction Type Description
MTP-VERSIONIndication Request A request and indication of the UAP version supported.
MTP-REGISTER-UPRequest A request by the user to register an MTP3 user application.
MTP-REGISTER-UP-ACKResponse The response to the MTP-REGISTER-UP.
MTP-DEREGISTER-UPRequest A request by the user to deregister an MTP3 user application.
MTP-REGISTER-APPIDRequest A request by the user to register an MTP3 user application using an identifier.
MTP-DEREGISTER-APPIDRequest A request by the user to deregister an MTP3 user application using an identifier.
MTP-LOCAL-STATUSIndication An indication of the local status change of the signaling point.
MTP-ERROR-MSGIndicationSent if there is an error in an MTP-DESTINATION- AUDIT2 message.
MTP-DESTINATION-AUDITRequest A request by the user about the state of a point code in the SS7 network or of a virtual point code. MTP3 responds with the MTP-LOCAL-STATUS, MTP STATUS, MTP-PAUSE, or MTP-RESUME messages.
MTP-DESTINATION-AUDIT2Request A request by the user about the state of a point code in the SS7 network or of a virtual point code.
MTP-START-LINKSRequest A request by the user to start all links. This request is used in controlled alignment only. Not supported for external MTP3 user applications.
MTP-START-LINKS-ACKResponse The response to the MTP-START-LINKS message.
MTP-STOP-LINKSRequest A request by the user to stop all links. This request is used in controlled alignment only. Not supported for external MTP3 user applications.
MTP-STOP-LINKS-ACKResponse The response to the MTP-STOP-LINKS message.
MTP-NA-CONFIGURATIONIndication An indication of the NA configuration change of the signaling point.
MTP-RS-ID-CREATERequest Request sent from MTP3 to L4 connection user on Routeset ID creation.
MTP-RS-ID-CREATE_ACKResponse Response return to the MTP3 from L4 connection user for corresponding Routeset ID creation.
MTP-RS-ID-DELETERequest Request sent from MTP3 to L4 connection user on Routeset ID deletion.
MTP-RS-ID-DELETE-ACKResponse Response return to the MTP3 from L4 connection user for corresponding Routeset ID deletion.
MTP-RS-ID-CHANGERequest Request sent from MTP3 to L4 connection user on Routeset CLLI change.
MTP-RS-ID-CHANGE-ACKResponse Response return to the MTP3 from L4 connection user for corresponding Routeset ID change.
MTP-RS-ID-AUDITIndication Indication sent from L4 connection user to MTP3 to audit the Routeset information. No response message is associated. Based on the RS Add from C20.


The MTP3-VERSION message is the first message that is sent when a connection is established. The version number field encodes an integer in network byte order. The following table lists and describes the MTP-VERSION field.


Field Description
Version Number Specifies the version number supported by the sender. Currently, versions 2, 3, and 4 are defined. Version 1 indicates a no version message. MSU lengths greater than 273 bytes (MTP3B) are only supported with MTP3 version 4. The lowest version from either the MTP3 or user application is used.



This message registers an MTP3 user application with the MTP3 of the DSC SWe. The request specifies the point code and the service indicator of the user application that is registering. The DSC SWe then ensures proper delivery of MSUs to the registered user application on a point code and service indicator basis. The following table lists and describes the MTP-REGISTER-UP fields.

Up to 2048 user applications can register with the DSC SWe on a single socket interface. When an application successfully registers, the proper MTP3 procedures are initiated to broadcast the availability of the MTP3 user application, if required.


If the DSC SWe is an end node, only the local point code (LPC) can be registered.

The SLS field in the header is used to indicate MTP3B support.

If the point code is not the local point code, the corresponding MTP3 VNode must be defined and enabled at the MTP3. The VNode Transfer Allowed (TFA) attribute must be enabled to broadcast the availability of the MTP3 user application


Field Description
DPC The point code of the MTP3 user application to register.
SIO The service indicator of the MTP3 user application to register. Service Indicator 0 (SNM), 1 (STMR) and 2 (STMS) cannot be registered since they are part of MTP3.
User Data Length The length of the user data field.
User Data The application name. This name, stored as an ASCII printable string, is used for logging and reporting purposes only. The name is optional. Set the User Data Length field to zero if not defined.



This message is returned to the MTP3 user application in response to the registration request. The success of the registration procedure is noted in the cause field that may have a value of MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR. Causes for error include invalid fields and duplication of MTP3 user application. The following table lists and describes the MTP-REGISTER-UP-ACK fields.


Field Description
DPC The point code from the MTP3 user application as provided in the MTP-REGISTER-UP message.
SIO The service indicator from the MTP3 user application as provided in the MTP-REGISTER-UP message.
Cause The status indication of the registration. The cause is either MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR.


This message deregisters an MTP3 user application from the MTP3 of the DSC SWe. On deregistration, the proper MTP3 procedures are initiated to broadcast the status change of the point code if necessary. The following table lists and describes the MTP-DEREGISTER-UP fields.


If the point code is not the LPC, the corresponding MTP3 VNode Transfer Prohibited (TFP) attribute must be enabled to broadcast the unavailability of the MTP3 user application.


Field Description
DPC The point code of the MTP3 user application to deregister.
SIO The service indicator of the MTP3 user application to deregister.



This message is returned to the MTP3 user application in response to the deregistration request. The success of the deregistration procedure is noted in the cause field that may have a value of MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR. Causes for error include previously unregistered PC and not the registration owner application. The following table lists and describes the MTP-DEREGISTER-UP-ACK fields.


Field Description
DPC The point code of the MTP3 user application as provided in the MTP-DEREGISTER-UP message.
SIO The service indicator of the MTP3 user application as provided in the MTP-DEREGISTER-UP message.
Cause The status indication of the deregistration. The cause is either MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR.



This message registers an MTP3 user application with the MTP3 of the DSC SWe. The User Data field specifies the name of the user application that is registering. The DSC SWe then ensures proper delivery of MSUs to the registered application on an application ID basis. The following table lists and describes the MTP-REGISTER-APPID fields.

Up to 2048 user applications can register with the DSC SWe on a single socket interface.


The application ID is case insensitive, can contain dashes (-) or underscores (_), and has a maximum length of 16 characters including the NULL character.

The SLS field in the header is used to indicate MTP3B support.


Field Description
User Data Length The length of the User Data field.
User Data The application ID name. This name, stored as an ASCII printable string and includes the NULL character.



This message is returned to the MTP3 application in response to the registration application ID request. The success of the registration procedure is noted in the cause field that may have a value of MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR. Causes for error include invalid fields and duplication of the MTP3 user application ID. The following table lists and describes the MTP-REGISTER-APPID-ACK fields.



Field Description
DPC The application ID reference number is a 2-byte value stored in the last two bytes of the DPC field. This number is only returned if the message indicates a successful acknowledgement to the registration request.
Cause The status indication of the registration. The cause is either MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR.
User Data Length The length of the User Data field as provided in the MTP-REGISTER-APPID message.
User Data The application ID name as provided in the MTP-REGISTER-APPID message.



This message deregisters an MTP3 user application using an identifier from the MTP3. The following table lists and describes the MTP-DEREGISTER-APPID fields.


Field Description
User Data Length The length of the User Data field message.
User Data The application ID name. This name, stored as an ASCII printable string, includes the NULL character.


This message is returned to the MTP3 application in response to the deregistration application ID request. The success of the deregistration procedure is noted in the cause field that may have a value of MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR. Causes for error include previously unregistered application ID and not the registration owner application ID. The following table lists and describes the MTP-DEREGISTER-APPID-ACK fields.


Field Description
Cause The status indication of the deregistration. The cause will be either MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR.
User Data Length The length of the User Data field as provided in the MTP-DEREGISTER-APPID message.
User Data The application ID name as provided in the MTP-DEREGISTER-APPID message.



This message informs all MTP3 user applications about the status of the local SS7 node. The status of the MTP3 DSC SWe is stored in the cause field that can have a value of MTP-AVAILABLE or MTP-UNAVAILABLE. The following table lists and describes the MTP-LOCAL-STATUS fields.


Field Description
DPC The local point code of the MTP3 NA.
Cause The status indication of the local MTP3 NA. The cause will be either MTP-AVAILABLE or MTP-UNAVAILABLE.

When the MTP3 user application receives a MTP-LOCAL-STATUS with the cause MTP-UNAVAILABLE, it must clear all tables related to the accessibility and congestion status of remote signaling points. All previously received MTP-PAUSE and MTP-STATUS messages no longer have significance.

Once the SS7 connectivity is re-established, a MTP-LOCAL-STATUS with the cause MTP-AVAILABLE message will be sent to the MTP3 user applications, and MTP-PAUSE and MTP-STATUS messages will be resent to the MTP3 user applications reflecting the current status of the SS7 network.


This message contains that contains the incorrectly formatted MTP-DEST-AUDIT2 message.

The following table lists and describes the MTP-ERROR-MSG fields.


Field Description
SLS The SLS field indicates the version. Coded as 0x01.
User Data Original invalid message.


This message is used by the MTP3 user application to request information about the status of a particular point code in the SS7 network or of a virtual point code. The following table lists and describes the MTP-DESTINATION-AUDIT field.


Field Description
DPC The point code whose status is being audited

When the MTP3 receives this message, it looks at its current routing tables and responds to the requesting MTP3 user application with one of the following messages:


The MTP3 responds with this message when it has lost connectivity to the SS7 network and is therefore unable to transfer messages to all SS7 signaling points in the network.


The MTP3 responds with this message when it is unable to transfer messages to the audited destination due to a link failure or routing exception.


The MTP3 responds with this message when it is able to transfer messages to the audited destination.


The MTP3 responds with this message when it is able to transfer messages to the audited destination, but a congestion status is present.


This message is used by the MTP3 user application to request information about the state of a particular point code in the SS7 network or of a virtual point code. The following table lists and describes the MTP-DESTINATION-AUDIT2 fields.


Field Description
DPC The point code whose status is being audited.
SLS Indicating the version. Set to 1.


When the MTP3 receives the MTP-DESTINATION-AUDIT2 message, it looks at its current routing tables and responds with a MTP-DESTINATION-AUDIT2-ACK message.

The following table lists and describes the MTP-DESTINATION-AUDIT2-ACK fields.


Field Description
Cause Described below. The status indication of the destination audit.
DPC The point code whose status is being audited.
SLS The version from the MTP3 user application as provided in the MTP DESTINATION-AUDIT2 message.


The MTP3 responds with this cause when it has lost connectivity to the SS7 network and is therefore unable to transfer messages to all SS7 signaling points in the network or if it is unable to transfer messages to the audited destination due to a link failure or routing exception.


The MTP3 responds with this cause when it is able to transfer messages to the audited destination.


The MTP3 responds with these causes when it is able to transfer messages to the audited destination, but a congestion status is present.


During controlled alignment, this message starts all MTP3 SS7 links. No fields.

This message is returned to the MTP3 user application in response to the start link request. The following table lists and describes the MTP-START-LINKS-ACK field.


Field Description
Cause The status indication of the command which is either MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR. The error message occurs if controlled align is not enabled at MTP3 or the SS7 links are already started.

During controlled alignment, this message stops all MTP3 SS7 links. No fields.

This message is returned to the MTP3 user application in response to the stop link request. The following table lists and describes the MTP-STOP-LINKS-ACK field.


Field Description
Cause The status indication of the command which is either MTP-SUCCESS or MTP-ERROR. The error message occurs if controlled align is not enabled at MTP3 or the SS7 links are already stopped.


When the MTP3 user application receives a version message with value 3 or above from an MTP3 user application, the MTP3 application informs the MTP3 user application about the current MTP3 NA configuration at the local SS7 node. The status of the DSC SWe is stored in the cause field that can have a value of MTP-AVAILABLE or MTP-UNAVAILABLE. The following table lists and describes the MTP-NA-CONFIGURATION fields.


Field Description
DPC The local point code of the MTP3 NA.
Cause The status indication of the local MTP3 NA. The cause will be either MTP-AVAILABLE or MTP-UNAVAILABLE (see the MTP-LOCAL-STATUS message for user management implementation requirements).
SIO The SIO field contains information about the MTP3 NA network identifier (NI; see Table Network Indicator Values).
SLS The SLS field contains information about the MTP3 NA SS7 variant (see Table SS7 Variant Values).

The following table lists and describes the NI values.

Network Indicator Values

Network Indicator Value
NI 00 0
NI 01 1
NI 10 2
NI 11 3

The following table lists and describes the SS7 variant values.

SS7 Variant Values

SS7 Variant Value

The NI and SS7 Variant UNDEFINED values are defined for completeness but are never set by MTP3.


The messages described in this section are applicable to SP2K C20 Routeset ID handling.

The following table lists and describes the MTP Routeset ID messages fields.

MTP Routeset ID Messages Fields

Field Description
Cause Cause, for response message return code as provided by the C20. Set to 0 for all request messages. Set to either 0 (doesn’t exists) or 1 (exists) for Audit message as per the C20 audit message flag parameter.
DPC Indicates the routeset Destination Point Code (DPC).
OPC Indicates the Routeset Identifier (ID) in the two Least Significant Bytes (LSBs) of the Originating Point Code (OPC).

Indicates the Routeset Type. MEMBER (4), CLUSTER (3), NETWORK (2), DEFAULT (1).


The C20 is only configured with member Routesets so the Routeset Type field has been added for completeness only. On response messages returned by the C20, the field is be set to MEMBER.


User Data Length Indicates the User Data Length [length of the Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI)].
User Data Indicates the routeset CLLI for the routeset. Only applicable for create and change requests using the data section (maximum size is 32).

It is the responsibility of the Signaling Gateway (SG) to convert and pass along these Routeset messages to and from M3UA for C20 messaging.

All other fields in the MTP3 UAP messages are defaulted to 0.


This request is sent from MTP3 to the SG connection user when the Routeset ID is created. For the Routeset ID message field listing and description, see Table MTP Routeset ID Messages Fields.


This response is returned to MTP3 from the SG connection for the corresponding Routeset ID creation. For the Routeset ID message field listing and description, see Table MTP Routeset ID Messages Fields.


This request is sent from MTP3 to the SG connection when the Routeset ID is deleted. For the Routeset ID message field listing and description, see Table MTP Routeset ID Messages Fields.


This response is returned to MTP3 from the SG connection for the corresponding Routeset ID deletion. For the Routeset ID message field listing and description, see Table MTP Routeset ID Messages Fields.


This request is sent from MTP3 to the SG connection on Routeset ID CLLI change. For the Routeset ID message field listing and description, see Table MTP Routeset ID Messages Fields.


This response is returned to the MTP3 from the SG connection for corresponding Routeset ID modification. For the Routeset ID message field listing and description, see Table MTP Routeset ID Messages Fields.


This indication is sent from the SG connection to MTP3 to audit the Routeset information. No response message is associated. For the Routeset ID message field listing and description, see Table MTP Routeset ID Messages Fields.

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