
Prior to completing the following procedure, ensure you have  

Deploying DSC VNFs

  1. Log into VNFM UI.
  2. Click VNF Catalog.
  3. On the CSAR package you want to deploy, in the Actions column drop down, choose Instantiate.
  4. In the VNF Information tab, fill in the required information:

    1. Add a name of your choosing for the VNF.

    2. In the Cloud Name drop down, choose the pre-configured cloud that was created earlier using Adding a Cloud from the UI
    3. In the Tenant Name drop down, choose which tenant to deploy. For more information on adding and configuring tenants, refer to Prerequisites for Instantiating DSC SWe on Openstack using VNFM


      The user must have a network-admin role on the chosen tenant.

    4. In the Zone drop down, choose an Openstack Availability Zone accessible to the tenant.
    5. In the Continuity Plan drop down, choose the current VNFM stack. 

      VNF Deployment Wizard - VNF Config Tab


  5. In the Network tab, in all three network drop down menus, select external IPv4 networks from the drop-down menus that list the existing networks on the cloud assigned to this VNF.


    Standalone VM with 1 mgt0,1 pkt0 and pkt1 is supported.

    mgt, pkt0 and pkt1 should be different networks. VNFM will be on the same subnet as mgt.

    VNF Deployment Wizard - Network Tab

  6. In the Address/Port tab, in the drop down menus, select address for all entries and fill in the desired IPv4.

    In order to use the manual IP, you must have network_admin role on the project/tenant.

    The IP must be in the same subnet with the external network in the network tab.

    In this example figure, there is one VM. The VM has one mgt0 and one pkt network interface. ribbon-dsc-0 is the floating IP for both VM.

    VNF address/port

  7. In the Flavor tab, under the Available Flavors drop down, select the desired flavor. If not set, the default flavor in the VNFD is used. This default flavor is created earlier on Prerequisites for Instantiating DSC SWe on Openstack using VNFM

    VNF Flavor

  8. Skip the Storage Volumes tab, as the VNFD does not require any cinder volume setup manually.

    VNF Storage Volumes

  9. Optional: In the Cloud Config Init Data area of the VNF section (not the "VNFC Type : ribbon-dsc-" section), add the following information so as to be able to log as a particular user from a given host without requiring a password to be entered:

    • User account (login) name
    • Encrypted password
    • Sudo privileges
    • Public SSH RSA key (for a particular host)
    • Flag to ensure the account is not locked.

    The above parameters should follow this format:

    - name: <Account Login Name>*
      passwd: <encrypted password, including leading format specifiers (eg. "$6$" for standard SHA-512 encryption type)>
      lock_passwd: False
      sudo: <Level of sudo access you wish to allow this user>
        - ssh-rsa <public ssh-rsa key, including originating hostname>

    For example: 

    - name: admin
      passwd: $6$nHSeKFG2$YO9ttQsRaH3rxZrRe6mNGq0LJ8dHtZv4xgk7liJrxl2oNyNDF2jo.PZ223abADrlP7hcXJ26YlNHZKaIvJpKL1
      lock_passwd: false
      sudo: ALL=(ALL) ALL
        - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQDYS6GWQQ/IM22j4c5xLMrQiSu7PTX7l9hbkoZal00LbIWLI/sgD+HDI4yfmXc4gcMGwEl0dltkEvQ5+yHo6019INQN9blZRcDUtzAasH4RheJW+fDnEw2UIh8EDNNdvIqRjHWgsFlGa5P9j4kO8BH+/oStVMN81TbpbJFH3hlVY1vHC0R7X6m451d3rZXuorh7UbeRB3qrZdcuesYZseAuLThjN+chLc0ri1LPTvpQe/TvC1ohNBcacw3DPHCCWVWPQxYE+y89zt2EdWHgsCUbsq3/ZNYCzI0otHhOwn+VCC1BL9LxFKXZmdGXFeVscVONTdXZPurFhJV31Thz3euqYoiV9aiU/WkuAPDFkl6LQ1++wPSRPBFcQq2nl3w+CFmWQvOGFhL92BOmLyAp5bxct/kQBAaq6C4F80H+oLrP3KRtbuztktfUTbsmeZOYseXTD3JhuYUnLW/x6+p6PyZthGm0MvQ6X8mzrnhH4tFVg0To50MzeFMMq9mF8on7k90=

    If additional users are to be added via cloud-init, they can be included at the same time (no need to repeat the 'users:' tag).

  10. Click Instantiate

  11. To monitor and verify the VNF Status, navigate to VNF Lifecycle.
  12. Ensure the details of the deployed DSC VNF appear in the VNFC Lifecycle panel. 


    Before adding the license key, the status should be "Orchestrated".

    After adding the license key and the VNFR process starts running, the status should be "Ready".

    VNF Lifecycle