All gateway screening is initiated with the Incoming Linksets (refer to Incoming Linksets) or Incoming App IDs screening tables for incoming traffic. Messages that are passed through the Incoming App IDs table may be subject to further screening using rules that are defined in the additional screening tables. Each screening table, as many as you require for the trace, must be configured separately.

The Incoming App ID record defines an Application ID that initiates gateway screening. To implement the search, the table is queried with the associated MTP Level 3 NA and the incoming Application ID.

This screening table is filtered with the NA attributes.

To obtain all incoming App ID records, set NA to zero (0).

By default, the next screening step is a successful STOP Entry Point Reference (EPR). The next screening step cannot be changed to FAIL or IGNORE other than the next table for further screening.

The following figure illustrates the possible next screening tables you can use to provision additional attributes.

Possible Next Screening Tables After the Incoming App IDs Screening Table

For more information about Application IDs, refer to Reserved Application IDs for SS7 Applications.


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