In this section:

This section describes Transaction Language 1 (TL1) commands related to Global Title Translation (GTT).


Verbs and modifiers are separated by hyphens ( - ), attribute fields (TID, AID, CTAG, and General Block) are separated by colons (:), and every command is terminated by a semicolon (;).

Any attribute that contains TL1 special characters [ equal signs ( = ), colons ( : ), dashes ( - ), and commas ( , ) ] should be enclosed in double quotes ( " ) to help the attribute values escape.

Refer to Input Command Structure for more information.

GTT Command Groupings

The following figure lists the GTT objects that can be configured using TL1 commands.

GTT Objects

GTT Command Set Information

This section includes information for the GTT command set information.

GTT Configuration 







Response Format


Attribute Details

Click to

GTT NA Manager



Response Format:


Attribute Details

Permissions: Read-only
Type: int
Description: Number of GTT Network Appearances.



DLT-GTT-NA::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]:[CTAG];


ADD-GTT-NA::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]:[CTAG]:::::[DB_DEF_NM=<string>],[CONN_TYPE=<NAConnType>];


CHG-GTT-NA::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]:[CTAG]:::::[DB_DEF_NM=<string>], [LPC_REG=<FeatureBoolean>];




VFY-GTT-NA::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]:[CTAG];

Response Format

::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]:<NA=int>,<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<NA_TRAFFIC=ActiveStatus>,<CONN_TYPE=NAConnType>,<USER_DEACTIVATED=FeatureBoolean>,<LPC_REG=FeatureBoolean>,<PC_REG=int>,<APPID_REG=int>,<UNCONN_PEERS=string>; 

AID Description

Network Appearance - Position 1
Type: int
Description: Network Appearance identifier. Used to determine the default SCCP GTT port.

Attribute Details

Click to

PC Registration


DLT-GTT-PCREG::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<PC Registration/Point Code>]:[CTAG];


ADD-GTT-PCREG::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<PC Registration/Point Code>]:[CTAG];


CHG-GTT-PCREG::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<PC Registration/Point Code>]:[CTAG]:::::[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];


VFY-GTT-PCREG::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<PC Registration/Point Code>]:[CTAG];

Response Format

::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<PC Registration/Point Code>]:<PC=pointcode>,<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<PCREGSTATUS=PCRegStatus>;

AID Description

Point Code - Position 1
Type: pointcode
Description: Point code used to register GTT with SCCP.

Attribute Details

Click to

AppID Registration


DLT-GTT-APPIDREG::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<AppID Registration/Application ID>]:[CTAG];


ADD-GTT-APPIDREG::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<AppID Registration/Application ID>]:[CTAG];


CHG-GTT-APPIDREG::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<AppID Registration/Application ID>]:[CTAG]:::::[DB_DEF_NM=<string>],[RETAIN_ORIG=<RetainOrigin>];


VFY-GTT-APPIDREG::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<AppID Registration/Application ID>]:[CTAG];

Response Format

::[<GTT NA/Network Appearance>]-[<AppID Registration/Application ID>]:<APPID=string>,<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<REGSTATUS=PCRegStatus>,<RETAIN_ORIG=RetainOrigin>;

AID Description

Application ID - Position 1
Type: string
Description: Application ID used to register GTT with SCCP.

Attribute Details

Click to

GTT DB Manager





Response Format


Attribute Details


GTT DB Summary


VFY-GTT-DBSUMMARY::[<GTT DB Summary/Database Type>]:[CTAG];

Response Format

::[<GTT DB Summary/Database Type>]:<CURRENT_STATUS=string>,<LAST_ACTION=DBAction>,<LAST_MODIFIED=string>,<ERRORS=int>,<GT_CLD_SEARCHES=int>,<GT_CLG_SEARCHES=int>,<GT_OPC_SEARCHES=int>,<GT_MODIFS=int>,<PC_LISTS=int>,<CMD_LISTS=int>;

AID Description

Database Type - Position 1
Description: Database type (LIVE, WORKSPACE, and GTT for SEAS)

Attribute Details

Click to

GTT Database


VFY-GTT-DB::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]:<LAST_MODIFIED=string>;

AID Description

Type - Position 1
Description: Database type (LIVE, WORKSPACE, and GTT for SEAS)

Attribute Details

LAST_MODIFIED - Last Modified
Permission: Read-only
Type: string
Description: Date/Time of last modification

GT Called Search






DLT-GTT-CLDSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Called Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Called Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Called Search/GTI>-<GT Called Search/NP>-<GT Called Search/TT>-<GT Called Search/NAI>-<GT Called Search/GT Calling Searches EPR>-<GT Called Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Called Search/SSN>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CLDSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]; 


ADD-GTT-CLDSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Called Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Called Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Called Search/GTI>-<GT Called Search/NP>-<GT Called Search/TT>-<GT Called Search/NAI>-<GT Called Search/GT Calling Searches EPR>-<GT Called Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Called Search/SSN>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CLDSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[PC_LIST_NAME=<string>],[GT_MODIF_NAME=<string>],[DESC=<string>]; 


CHG-GTT-CLDSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Called Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Called Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Called Search/GTI>-<GT Called Search/NP>-<GT Called Search/TT>-<GT Called Search/NAI>-<GT Called Search/GT Calling Searches EPR>-<GT Called Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Called Search/SSN>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CLDSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[GTI=<GtiAny>],[NP=<NumberingPlanAny>],[TT=<Any_256>],[NAI=<Any_128>],[SSN=<SSNAny>],[PC_LIST_NAME=<string>],[CLG_EPR=<string>],[GT_MODIF_NAME=<string>],[DESC=<string>]; 


VFY-GTT-CLDSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Called Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Called Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Called Search/GTI>-<GT Called Search/NP>-<GT Called Search/TT>-<GT Called Search/NAI>-<GT Called Search/GT Calling Searches EPR>-<GT Called Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Called Search/SSN>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CLDSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Called Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Called Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Called Search/GTI>-<GT Called Search/NP>-<GT Called Search/TT>-<GT Called Search/NAI>-<GT Called Search/GT Calling Searches EPR>-<GT Called Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Called Search/SSN>]:<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<MIN_DIGITS=string>,<MAX_DIGITS=string>,<GTI=GtiAny>,<NP=NumberingPlanAny>,<TT=Any_256>,<NAI=Any_128>,<SSN=SSNAny>,<PC_LIST_NAME=string>,<CLG_EPR=string>,<GT_MODIF_NAME=string>,<DESC=string>; 

AID Description

Click to

Filter Criteria Details

CRITERIA - Criteria
Type: CLDSearchesFilterList={PC List Name,GT Modification Name,Matching Ranges,Start Digits,All,Recently Created,PC List Name Prefix,GT Modification Name Prefix,Minimum Digits Exact Match,Description Substring}
Description: The GT Called Search records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have many thousands of records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to search for a subset of GT Called Search records. This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific record; and 2, as a performance aid, so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Criteria attribute indicates how you wish to determine that subset of GT Called Search records. The possible settings of the Criteria attribute are: - PC List Name: find all GT Called Searches associated with a specific PC List. - GT Modification Name: find all GT Called Searches associated with a specific GT Modification record. - Matching Ranges: find all GT Called Searches with a Digit range (Minimum Digits to Maximum Digits) matching the provided digits. - Start Digits: find all GT Called Searches with a Minimum Digits matching the provided digits or digits prefix. - All: list all the records - Recently Created: list only the most recently created GT Called Search record - PC List Name Prefix: find all GT Called Searches with a PC List Name matching the provided prefix. - GT Modification Name Prefix: find all GT Called Searches with a GT Modification Name matching the provided prefix. - Minimum Digits Exact Match: list only the GT Called Search record matching exactly the Minimum Digits to the provided digits. - Description Substring: find all GT Called Searches with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring. - CSV MSU Fields: find all GT Called Searches matching the CSV formatted entries as per the Value help text. 
The Criteria attribute sets how you wish to filter the list of GT Called Searches. The next attribute, 'Value', indicates which of the above Names or Digits will be selected. 'Value' is not needed if you are selecting 'All' records or 'Recently Created' records.
Note: The recently created list does not include those records created with a batch operation or database load.

VALUE - Value
Type: string
Description: The GT Called Search records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have many thousands of records in the whole list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to search for a subset of GT Called Search records. This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid, so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Value attribute works with the Criteria attribute to determine which of your records will be presented.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'All' records or 'Recently Created' records then the Value attribute is not required.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'PC List Name', 'PC List Name Prefix', 'GT Modification Name', or 'GT Modification Name Prefix' then the full or prefix name of the PC List or GT Modification that is used by the GT Called Search records you are seeking should be entered.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Description Substring', then a case insensitive substring of the Description that is used by the GT Called Search records you are seeking should be used.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Start Digits', 'Matching Ranges', or 'Minimum Digits Exact Match' then the Value attribute should contain one of: - the digits (GTAI) of the GT search records you are seeking. - the first few digits of the left side.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'CSV MSU Fields', then a CSV tag name and value on the associated MSU-related attributes that is used by the GT Called Search record you are seeking should be used. Supported format is <tag1>=<value1>, <tag2>=<value2>, etc...a single tag-value is permitted. Supported case insensitive single-use tags are DIGITS, GTI, NP, TT, NAI, and SSN. DIGITS is a prefix range match, GTI is an string match (0000-0100, ANY), while the NP, TT, NAI, and SSN are integer matches. For SSN, 256 is defined as NOT PRESENT. All integer matches also include wildcard support (ANY).

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of GT Called Searches to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Attribute Details

Click to

GT Calling Search






DLT-GTT-CLGSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Calling Search/EPR>-<GT Calling Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/GTI>-<GT Calling Search/NP>-<GT Calling Search/TT>-<GT Calling Search/NAI>-<GT Calling Search/GT OPC Searches EPR>-<GT Calling Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Calling Search/SSN>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CLGSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]; 


ADD-GTT-CLGSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Calling Search/EPR>-<GT Calling Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/GTI>-<GT Calling Search/NP>-<GT Calling Search/TT>-<GT Calling Search/NAI>-<GT Calling Search/GT OPC Searches EPR>-<GT Calling Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Calling Search/SSN>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CLGSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[PC_LIST_NAME=<string>],[GT_MODIF_NAME=<string>],[DESC=<string>];  


CHG-GTT-CLGSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Calling Search/EPR>-<GT Calling Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/GTI>-<GT Calling Search/NP>-<GT Calling Search/TT>-<GT Calling Search/NAI>-<GT Calling Search/GT OPC Searches EPR>-<GT Calling Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Calling Search/SSN>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CLGSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[GTI=<GtiAny>],[NP=<NumberingPlanAny>],[TT=<Any_256>],[NAI=<Any_128>],[SSN=<SSNAny>],[PC_LIST_NAME=<string>],[OPC_EPR=<string>],[GT_MODIF_NAME=<string>],[DESC=<string>]; 


VFY-GTT-CLGSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Calling Search/EPR>-<GT Calling Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/GTI>-<GT Calling Search/NP>-<GT Calling Search/TT>-<GT Calling Search/NAI>-<GT Calling Search/GT OPC Searches EPR>-<GT Calling Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Calling Search/SSN>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CLGSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Calling Search/EPR>-<GT Calling Search/Minimum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/Maximum Digits>-<GT Calling Search/GTI>-<GT Calling Search/NP>-<GT Calling Search/TT>-<GT Calling Search/NAI>-<GT Calling Search/GT OPC Searches EPR>-<GT Calling Search/DB Def Name>-<GT Calling Search/SSN>]:<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<EPR=string>,<MIN_DIGITS=string>,<MAX_DIGITS=string>,<GTI=GtiAny>,<NP=NumberingPlanAny>,<TT=Any_256>,<NAI=Any_128>,<SSN=SSNAny>,<PC_LIST_NAME=string>,<OPC_EPR=string>,<GT_MODIF_NAME=string>,<DESC=string>; 

AID Description

Click to

Filter Criteria Details

CRITERIA - Criteria
Type: CLGSearchesFilterList={PC List Name,EPR,GT Modification Name,Matching Ranges,Start Digits,All,Recently Created,PC List Name Prefix,GT Modification Name Prefix,Minimum Digits Exact Match,Description Substring}
Description: The GT Calling Search records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have many thousands of records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to search for a subset of GT Calling Search records. This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific record; and 2, as a performance aid, so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Criteria attribute indicates how you wish to determine that subset of GT Calling Search records. The possible settings of the Criteria attribute are: - PC List Name: find all GT Calling Searches associated with a specific PC List. - EPR: find all GT Calling Searches associated with a specific EPR - GT Modification Name: find all GT Calling Searches associated with a specific GT Modification record. - Matching Ranges: find all GT Calling Searches with a Digit range (Minimum Digits to Maximum Digits) matching the provided digits. - Start Digits: find all GT Calling Searches with a Minimum Digits matching the provided digits or digits prefix. - All: list all the records - Recently Created: list only the most recently created GT Calling Search record - PC List Name Prefix: find all GT Calling Searches with a PC List Name matching the provided prefix. - GT Modification Name Prefix: find all GT Calling Searches with a GT Modification Name matching the provided prefix. - Minimum Digits Exact Match: list only the GT Calling Search record matching exactly the Minimum Digits to the provided digits. - Description Substring: find all GT Calling Searches with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring.  - CSV MSU Fields: find all GT Called Searches matching the CSV formatted entries as per the Value help text.  
The Criteria attribute sets how you wish to filter the list of GT Calling Searches. The next attribute, 'Value', indicates which of the above Names or Digits will be selected. 'Value' is not needed if you are selecting 'All' records or 'Recently Created' records.
Note: The recently created list does not include those records created with a batch operation or database load.

VALUE - Value
Type: string
Description: The GT Calling Search records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have many thousands of records in the whole list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to search for a subset of GT Calling Search records. This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid, so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Value attribute works with the Criteria attribute to determine which of your records will be presented.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'All' records or 'Recently Created' records then the Value attribute is not required.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'PC List Name', 'PC List Name Prefix', 'GT Modification Name', or 'GT Modification Name Prefix' then the full or prefix name of the PC List or GT Modification that is used by the GT Calling Search records you are seeking should be entered.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Description Substring', then a case insensitive substring of the Description that is used by the GT Calling Search records you are seeking should be used.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Start Digits', 'Matching Ranges', or 'Minimum Digits Exact Match' then the Value attribute should contain one of: - the digits (GTAI) of the GT search records you are seeking. - the first few digits of the left side.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'CSV MSU Fields', then a CSV tag name and value on the associated MSU-related attributes that is used by the GT Called Search record you are seeking should be used. Supported format is <tag1>=<value1>, <tag2>=<value2>, etc...a single tag-value is permitted. Supported case insensitive single-use tags are DIGITS, GTI, NP, TT, NAI, and SSN. DIGITS is a prefix range match, GTI is an string match (0000-0100, ANY), while the NP, TT, NAI, and SSN are integer matches. For SSN, 256 is defined as NOT PRESENT. All integer matches also include wildcard support (ANY).

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of GT Calling Searches to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Attribute Details

Click to

GT OPC Search






DLT-GTT-OPCSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT OPC Search/EPR>-<GT OPC Search/OPC Range>-<GT OPC Search/DB Def Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<OPCSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];


ADD-GTT-OPCSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT OPC Search/EPR>-<GT OPC Search/OPC Range>-<GT OPC Search/DB Def Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<OPCSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[PC_LIST_NAME=<string>],[DESC=<string>]; 


CHG-GTT-OPCSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT OPC Search/EPR>-<GT OPC Search/OPC Range>-<GT OPC Search/DB Def Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<OPCSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[PC_LIST_NAME=<string>],[DESC=<string>]; 


VFY-GTT-OPCSEARCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT OPC Search/EPR>-<GT OPC Search/OPC Range>-<GT OPC Search/DB Def Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<OPCSearchesFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT OPC Search/EPR>-<GT OPC Search/OPC Range>-<GT OPC Search/DB Def Name>]:<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<EPR=string>,<OPC_RANGE=string>,<PC_LIST_NAME=string>,<DESC=string>;

AID Description

EPR - Position 1
Type: string
Description: GT OPC Search Entry Point Reference (EPR). Valid values: Alphanumeric string with a maximum size of 4 characters. Cannot be set to 0 (UNDEFINED).

OPC Range - Position 2
Type: string
Description: OPC Range (wildcard and range supported). Ranges do not overlap per EPR so single record will be found.

DB Def Name - Position 3
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of GT OPC Searches to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Filter Criteria Details

CRITERIA - Criteria
Type: OPCSearchesFilterList={PC List Name,EPR,All,Recently Created,PC List Name Prefix,Description Substring}
Description: The GT OPC Search records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have many thousands of records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to search for a subset of GT OPC Search records. This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific record; and 2, as a performance aid, so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Criteria attribute indicates how you wish to determine that subset of GT OPC Search records. The possible settings of the Criteria attribute are: - PC List Name: find all GT OPC Searches associated with a specific PC List. - EPR: find all GT OPC Searches associated with a specific EPR - All: list all the records - Recently Created: list only the most recently created record - PC List Name Prefix: find all GT OPC Searches with a PC List Name matching the provided prefix. - Description Substring: find all GT OPC Searches with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring.
The Criteria attribute sets how you wish to filter the list of GT OPC Searches. The next attribute, 'Value', indicates which of the above Name or OPC NNN will be selected. 'Value' is not needed if you are selecting 'All' records or 'Recently Created' records.
Note: The recently created list does not include those records created with a batch operation or database load.

VALUE - Value
Type: string
Description: The GT OPC Search records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have many thousands of records in the whole list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to search for a subset of GT OPC Search records. This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid, so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Value attribute works with the Criteria attribute to determine which of your records will be presented.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'All' records or 'Recently Created' records then the Value attribute is not required.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'PC List Name' or 'PC List Name Prefix' then the full or prefix name of the PC List that is used by the GT OPC Search records you are seeking should be entered.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Description Substring', then a case insensitive substring of the Description that is used by the GT OPC Search records you are seeking should be used.

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of GT OPC Searches to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Attribute Details

Click to

GT Modification


UNLOCK-GTT-MOD::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];


FORCELOCK-GTT-MOD::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];


VFY-GTT-MOD::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Modification/GT Modification Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<GTModsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];


DLT-GTT-MOD::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Modification/GT Modification Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<GTModsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];


ADD-GTT-MOD::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Modification/GT Modification Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<GTModsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[DB_DEF_NM=<string>],[DESC=<string>];


CHG-GTT-MOD::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Modification/GT Modification Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<GTModsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[DIGITS=<string>],[GTI=<GtiNoChange>],[TT=<NoChange_256>],[NP=<NumberingPlanNoChange>],[NAI=<NoChange_128>],[NI=<NetworkIndicator>],[RTI=<RoutingIndNoChange>],[SSNI=<BooleanNoChange>],[SSN=<NoChange_256>],[PCI=<BooleanNoChange>],[PC=<string>],[CMD_LIST_NAME=<string>],[DESC=<string>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<GT Modification/GT Modification Name>]:<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<GT_MOD_NM=string>,<DIGITS=string>,<GTI=GtiNoChange>,<TT=NoChange_256>,<NP=NumberingPlanNoChange>,<NAI=NoChange_128>,<NI=NetworkIndicator>,<RTI=RoutingIndNoChange>,<SSNI=BooleanNoChange>,<SSN=NoChange_256>,<PCI=BooleanNoChange>,<PC=string>,<CMD_LIST_NAME=string>,<DESC=string>;

AID Description

GT Modification Name - Position 1
Type: string
Description: This attribute provides the GT Modification record a unique name. It is a value that is set at creation time, and cannot be changed thereafter. This name will be entered in the Search records as a pointer to this record. It is suggested that these names used as pointers be descriptive, yet easy to type. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores (maximum size of 16). Cannot start the name with reserved unset (case insensitive).

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of GT Modifications to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Filter Criteria Details

CRITERIA - Criteria
Type: GTModsFilterList={GT Modification Name,Digits,All,Recently Created,GT Modification Name Prefix,Description Substring}
Description: The GT Modification records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have many thousands of records in the whole list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This serves to simplify your searching for specific records and as a performance aid, where unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Criteria attribute indicates how you wish to determine the subset of GT Modification Records. The possible settings of the Criteria attribute are: - GT Modification Name: find a specific GT Modification record based on its name - Digits: filter on digits, '*' for all records - All: list all the records - Recently Created: list only the most recently created record - GT Modification Name Prefix: find all GT Modification records matching the provided name prefix. - Description Substring: find all GT Modifications with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring.
The Criteria attribute sets how you wish to filter the list of GT Modifications. The next attribute, 'Value', indicates which of the above Names, EPR, or Digits will be selected. 'Value' is not needed if you are selecting 'All' records or 'Recently Created' records.
Note: The recently created list does not include those records created with a batch operation or database load.

VALUE - Value
Type: string
Description: The GT Modification records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have many thousands of records in the whole list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This serves to simplify your searching for specific records and as a performance aid, where unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Value attribute works with the Criteria attribute to determine which of your records will be presented.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'All' records or 'Recently Created' records then the Value attribute is not required.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'GT Modification Name' or 'GT Modification Name Prefix' then the full or prefix name of the GT Modification records you are seeking should be entered.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Description Substring', then a case insensitive substring of the Description that is used by the GT Modification records you are seeking should be used.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Digits', then the Value attribute should contain one of: - the digits (GTAI) of the GT Modification you are seeking. (Not the digits of the GT Called or Calling Search record.) - the first few digits of the left side.

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of GT Modifications to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Attribute Details

Click to

PC List


UNLOCK-GTT-PCL::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];


FORCELOCK-GTT-PCL::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];


DLT-GTT-PCL::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<PCListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];


ADD-GTT-PCL::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<PCListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[DB_DEF_NM=<string>],[DESC=<string>];


CHG-GTT-PCL::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<PCListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[APPID=<string>],[NA=<PCListNA>],[DESC=<string>];


VFY-GTT-PCL::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<PCListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]::::[<searchedAttrKey1=Value1>][,<searchedAttrKey2=Value2>]…[,<searchedAttrKeyN=ValueN>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]:<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<PC_LIST_NM=string>,<APPID=string>,<NA=PCListNA>,<PC_LIST_RECORDS=int>,<DESC=string>;

AID Description

PC List Name - Position 1
Type: string
Description: Point Code List Name. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores (maximum size of 16). Cannot start the name with reserved unset (case insensitive).

Filter Criteria Details

CRITERIA - Criteria
Type: PCListsFilterList={PC List Name,Point Code,All,Recently Created,PC List Name Prefix,Description Substring}
Description: The PC List records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have more than a thousand records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to 'search for a subset of PC List records.' This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Criteria attribute indicates how you wish to determine that subset of PC List records. The possible settings of the Criteria attribute are: - PC List Name: find a specific PC List for given name. - Point Code: find all PC Lists that include the given PC. - All: list all the records - Recently Created: list only the most recently created PC List via UI. - PC List Name Prefix: find all PC Lists that match the specified name prefix. - Description Substring: find all PC Lists with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring.
The Criteria attribute sets how you wish to filter the list of PC Lists. The next attribute 'Value', indicates which of the above Names or PC will be selected. 'Value' is not needed if you are selecting 'All' or 'Recently created' records.
Note: The recently created list does not include those records created with a batch operation or database load.

VALUE - Value
Type: string
Description: The PC List records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have more than a thousand records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to 'search for a subset of PC List records.' This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Value attribute works with the Criteria attribute to determine which of your records will be presented.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'All' or 'Recently Created' records, then the Value attribute is not required.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'PC List Name' or 'PC List Name Prefix' then the full or prefix name of the PC List records you are seeking should be entered.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Description Substring', then a case insensitive substring of the Description that is used by the PC List records you are seeking should be used.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Point Code' then the PC value of the associated PC List Records of the PC List records you are seeking should be entered.

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of PC Lists to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Attribute Details

Click to

PC List Record


UNLOCK-GTT-PCLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];




DLT-GTT-PCLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]-[<PC List Record/PointCode>-<PC List Record/Network Appearance>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<PCListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];


ADD-GTT-PCLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]-[<PC List Record/PointCode>-<PC List Record/Network Appearance>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<PCListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[COST=<int>];


CHG-GTT-PCLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]-[<PC List Record/PointCode>-<PC List Record/Network Appearance>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<PCListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[NA=<PCListRecNA>],[COST=<int>],[WEIGHT=<Weight1to100>];


VFY-GTT-PCLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]-[<PC List Record/PointCode>-<PC List Record/Network Appearance>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<PCListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<PC List/PC List Name>]-[<PC List Record/PointCode>-<PC List Record/Network Appearance>]:<NA=PCListRecNA>,<PC=pointcode>,<COST=int>,<WEIGHT=Weight1to100>;

AID Description

PointCode - Position 1
Type: pointcode
Description: This attribute provides one of the possible Destination Point Codes that this message will be forwarded on to. The SCCP will send the message to the lowest cost point code that is known to be available. Please also remember that there should be a routeset at the MTP3 to access this Point Code.

Network Appearance - Position 2
Type: PCListRecNA={PC LIST VALUE, 1 to 255}
Description: This attribute provides the NA associated with the point code. If set to PC LIST VALUE (0), the PC List Network Appearance attribute value is used to determine which network the PC belongs to.  To set to a value different from the parent PC List, the GTT cross NA feature must be licensed and the correlated GTT NA object must exist. The GTT NA and PC List DB Def SS7 Variant attributes must match for network compatibility. There are no network indicator (NI) restrictions. Valid values: PC LIST VALUE (0), 1 to 255. Default value: PC LIST VALUE.

Filter Criteria Details

CRITERIA - Criteria
Type: PCListsFilterList={PC List Name,Point Code,All,Recently Created,PC List Name Prefix,Description Substring}
Description: The PC List records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have more than a thousand records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to 'search for a subset of PC List records.' This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Criteria attribute indicates how you wish to determine that subset of PC List records. The possible settings of the Criteria attribute are: - PC List Name: find a specific PC List for given name. - Point Code: find all PC Lists that include the given PC. - All: list all the records - Recently Created: list only the most recently created PC List via UI. - PC List Name Prefix: find all PC Lists that match the specified name prefix. - Description Substring: find all PC Lists with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring.
The Criteria attribute sets how you wish to filter the list of PC Lists. The next attribute 'Value', indicates which of the above Names or PC will be selected. 'Value' is not needed if you are selecting 'All' or 'Recently created' records.
Note: The recently created list does not include those records created with a batch operation or database load.

VALUE - Value
Type: string
Description: The PC List records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have more than a thousand records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to 'search for a subset of PC List records.' This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Value attribute works with the Criteria attribute to determine which of your records will be presented.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'All' or 'Recently Created' records, then the Value attribute is not required.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'PC List Name' or 'PC List Name Prefix' then the full or prefix name of the PC List records you are seeking should be entered.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Description Substring', then a case insensitive substring of the Description that is used by the PC List records you are seeking should be used.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Point Code' then the PC value of the associated PC List Records of the PC List records you are seeking should be entered.

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of PC Lists to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Attribute Details

NA - Network Appearance
Permissions: Writeable and Createable
Type: PCListRecNA={PC LIST VALUE, 1 to 255}
Description: This attribute provides the NA associated with the point code. If set to PC LIST VALUE (0), the PC List Network Appearance attribute value is used to determine which network the PC belongs to. To set to a value different than the parent PC List, the GTT cross NA feature must be licensed and the correlated GTT NA object must exist. The GTT NA and PC List DB Def SS7 Variant attributes must match for network compatibility. There are no network indicator (NI) restrictions. Valid values: PC LIST VALUE (0), 1 to 255. Default value: PC LIST VALUE

PC - PointCode
Permissions: Createable
Type: pointcode
Description: This attribute provides one of the possible Destination Point Codes that this message will be forwarded on to. The SCCP will send the message to the lowest cost point code that is known to be available. Please also remember that there should be a Routeset at the MTP3 to access this Point Code.

COST - Cost
Permissions: Writeable and Createable
Type: int
Description: This attribute provides Cost associated with the point code. Point code and Cost make a pair for the purposes of this list. The cost is a value from 0 to 255. The SCCP will send the message to the lowest cost point code that is known to be available. A loadsharing mechanism exists: If the costs are all given as the same value, then one will be chosen at random and lowered. This provides a mechanism for load sharing across Destination Point Codes. However, it may not be appropriate for all applications. For example, many TCAP applications will expect each message within the conversation to terminate on the same point code. In this case, it is more appropriate to use a fixed-cost scheme where you provision each cost within the destination list as a different value.

WEIGHT - Weight
Permissions: Writeable
Type: Weight1to100={1 to 100}
Description: This attribute provides Weight associated with the point code. Point codes of equal Cost will then be weighted for the purpose of load balancing. It is recommended to use low Weight values when the GTT DB Def PC List Loadshare attribute is set to SLS for SCCP non-class 0 messages due to the limited range of SLS values especially in ITU based networks. Valid values: 1 to 100. Default value: 1.

Command List


UNLOCK-GTT-CMDL::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];




DLT-GTT-CMDL::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CMDListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];


ADD-GTT-CMDL::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CMDListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[DB_DEF_NM=<string>],[DESC=<string>];


VFY-GTT-CMDL::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CMDListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]::::[<searchedAttrKey1=Value1>][,<searchedAttrKey2=Value2>]…[,<searchedAttrKeyN=ValueN>];


CHG-GTT-CMDL::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CMDListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[DESC=<string>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]:<DB_DEF_NM=string>,<CMD_LIST_NM=string>,<CMD_LIST_RECORDS=int>,<DESC=string>;

AID Description

Command List Name - Position 1
Type: string
Description: Command List Name. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores (maximum size of 16). Cannot start the name with reserved unset (case insensitive).

Filter Criteria Details

CRITERIA - Criteria
Type: CMDListsFilterList={Command List Name,All,Recently Created,Command List Name Prefix,Description Substring}
Description: The Command List records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have more than a thousand records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to 'search for a subset of Command List records.' This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Criteria attribute indicates how you wish to determine that subset of Command List records. The possible settings of the Criteria attribute are: - Command List Name: find a specific Command List for given name. - All: list all the records Recently Created: list only the most recently created Command List via UI. - Command List Name Prefix: find Command List records that contain the given name prefix. - Description Substring: find all Command Lists with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring.
The Criteria attribute sets how you wish to filter the list of Command Lists. The next attribute 'Value', indicates which of the above Names will be selected. 'Value' is not needed if you are selecting 'All' or 'Recently created' records.
Note: The recently created list does not include those records created with a batch operation or database load.

VALUE - Value
Type: string
Description: The Command List records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have more than a thousand records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to 'search for a subset of Command List records.' This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Value attribute works with the Criteria attribute to determine which of your records will be presented.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'All' or 'Recently Created' records, then the Value attribute is not required.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Command List Name', or 'Command List Name Prefix' then the full or prefix name of the Command List records you are seeking should be entered.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Description Substring', then a case insensitive substring of the Description that is used by the Command List records you are seeking should be used.

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of Command Lists to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Attribute Details

Click to

Command List Record


UNLOCK-GTT-CMDLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];


DLT-GTT-CMDLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]-[<Command List Record/Order>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CMDListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];


ADD-GTT-CMDLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]-[<Command List Record/Order>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CMDListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[ACTION=<Action>],[LOCATION=<Location>],[VALUE=<string>];


CHG-GTT-CMDLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]-[<Command List Record/Order>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CMDListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>]:::[ACTION=<Action>],[LOCATION=<Location>],[VALUE=<string>];


VFY-GTT-CMDLR::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]-[<Command List Record/Order>]:[CTAG]::[CRITERIA=<CMDListsFilterList>],[VALUE=<string>],[DB_DEF_NM=<string>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]-[<Command List/Command List Name>]-[<Command List Record/Order>]:<ORDER=int>,<ACTION=Action>,<LOCATION=Location>,<VALUE=string>;

AID Description

Order - Position 1
Type: int
Description: Commands within a list will be executed in numerical order.

Filter Criteria Details

CRITERIA - Criteria
Type: CMDListsFilterList={Command List Name,All,Recently Created,Command List Name Prefix,Description Substring}
Description: The Command List records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have more than a thousand records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to 'search for a subset of Command List records.' This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Criteria attribute indicates how you wish to determine that subset of Command List records. The possible settings of the Criteria attribute are: - Command List Name: find a specific Command List for given name. - All: list all the records Recently Created: list only the most recently created Command List via UI. - Command List Name Prefix: find Command List records that contain the given name prefix. - Description Substring: find all Command Lists with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring.
The Criteria attribute sets how you wish to filter the list of Command Lists. The next attribute 'Value', indicates which of the above Names will be selected. 'Value' is not needed if you are selecting 'All' or 'Recently created' records.
Note: The recently created list does not include those records created with a batch operation or database load.

VALUE - Value
Type: string
Description: The Command List records are usually accessed as a subset of the full list. This is because it is possible to have more than a thousand records in the full list. This filter screen is used to obtain that subset. This screen has been described as being used to 'search for a subset of Command List records.' This serves two purposes: 1 to simplify your searching for specific records; and 2, as a performance aid so that unneeded records are not returned to your web browser. The Value attribute works with the Criteria attribute to determine which of your records will be presented.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'All' or 'Recently Created' records, then the Value attribute is not required.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Command List Name', or 'Command List Name Prefix' then the full or prefix name of the Command List records you are seeking should be entered.
If the Criteria attribute has been set to 'Description Substring', then a case insensitive substring of the Description that is used by the Command List records you are seeking should be used.

DB_DEF_NM - DB Def Name
Type: string
Description: Limits the subset of Command Lists to those of a particular GTT DB Def. If empty, all GTT DB Defs will be filtered.

Attribute Details

Click to

Batch Operations




VFY-GTT-BATCH::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]:<CURRENT_STATUS=string>,<LAST_ACTION=DBAction>,<LAST_MODIFIED=string>;

Attribute Details

Click to

GTT DB Def Manager



Response Format


Attribute Details

NUM_DB_DEFS - GTT DB Defs (GTT DB Def Manager)
Permission: Read-only
Type: int
Description: Number of GTT Database Definitions.





ADD-GTT-DBDEF::[<GTT DB Def/Name>]:[CTAG]:::::[SS7_VARIANT=<GTTSS7Variant>],[PC_DISPLAY=<string>],[PC_ROUTING=<string>],[GT_DIGITS_FILLER=<GtDigitsFiller>],[TRANSL_UDTS=<FeatureBoolean>];


CHG-GTT-DBDEF::[<GTT DB Def/Name>]:[CTAG]:::::[SS7_VARIANT=<GTTSS7Variant>],[PC_DISPLAY=<string>],[PC_ROUTING=<string>],[GT_DIGITS_FILLER=<GtDigitsFiller>],[DFLT_PCLIST_NAME=<string>],[TRANSL_UDTS=<FeatureBoolean>],[PC_LIST_LS=<LoadShareType>],[OPCLOOPDET=<FeatureBoolean>];


VFY-GTT-DBDEF::[<GTT DB Def/Name>]:[CTAG]::::::[<searchedAttrKey1=Value1>][,<searchedAttrKey2=Value2>]…[,<searchedAttrKeyN=ValueN>];

Response Format

::[<GTT DB Def/Name>]:<DB_DEF_NAME=string>,<SS7_VARIANT=GTTSS7Variant>,<PC_DISPLAY=string>,<PC_ROUTING=string>,<GT_DIGITS_FILLER=GtDigitsFiller>,<DFLT_PCLIST_NAME=string>,<TRANSL_UDTS=FeatureBoolean>,<PC_LIST_LS=LoadShareType>,<OPCLOOPDET=FeatureBoolean>;

AID Description

Name - Position 1
Type: string
Description: GTT DB Definition Name attribute is a textual unique identifier. It is used by all database records as a reference to the GTT DB Def object. It is suggested that these names be descriptive, yet easy to type to facilitate UI provisioning of the database. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores (maximum size of 16). Cannot start the name with reserved unset (case insensitive).

Attribute Details

Click to

GT Search Utility


CHG-GTT-SEARCH_UTIL::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG]:::::[DB_DEF=<string>],[CLD_DIGITS=<string>],[CLD_GTI=<GTI>],[CLD_NP=<NumberingPlanNone>],[CLD_TT=<None_256>],[CLD_NOA=<None_128>],[CLD_SSN=<None_256>],[CLG_DIGITS=<string>],[CLG_GTI=<GTI>],[CLG_NP=<NumberingPlanNone>],[CLG_TT=<None_256>],[CLG_NOA=<None_128>],[CLG_SSN=<None_256>],[OPC=<pointcode>];




VFY-GTT-SEARCH_UTIL::[<GTT Database/Type>]:[CTAG]::::::[<searchedAttrKey1=Value1>][,<searchedAttrKey2=Value2>]…[,<searchedAttrKeyN=ValueN>];

Response Format

::[<GTT Database/Type>]:<DB_DEF=string>,<CLD_DIGITS=string>,<CLD_GTI=GTI>,<CLD_NP=NumberingPlanNone>,<CLD_TT=None_256>,<CLD_NOA=None_128>,<CLD_SSN=None_256>,<CLG_DIGITS=string>,<CLG_GTI=GTI>,<CLG_NP=NumberingPlanNone>,<CLG_TT=None_256>,<CLG_NOA=None_128>,<CLG_SSN=None_256>,<OPC=pointcode>,<CLD_REC=string>,<CLG_REC=string>,<OPC_REC=string>,<DIAG_MSG=string>,<APP_CLD_MOD=string>,<APP_CLG_MOD=string>,<PC_RESULT=string>;

Attribute Details

Click to