The disaster recovery includes the following two methods and processes. Make sure to execute the procedures in these processes as they are presented in the documentation.

Method 1

  1. Collect original YAML install file (see Downloading Installation Files).

  2. Collect a system backup for the DSC SWe.

  3. Collect image file [(corresponding to the current version of the software) see Downloading Installation Files)].

  4. Deploy the image using the YAML file (see Creating and Launching a Stack).

  5. Restore the backup (see Complete System Backup and Restore for the DSC SWe)



The last step may require new licensing configuration [(see Configuring and Initializing the DSC SWe) (on OpenStack)].

Method 2

Alternatively, if you are keeping regular backups (snapshots) of the system at the hypervisor, the restore procedure is performed through OpenStack.

Backup features may vary for different OpenStack distributions. Typically, VM backups can be restored regardless of the current state of the target VM. Restoring a backup brings the target VM back to its state at the time the backup was taken - it does not require any additional operations besides validating that the peer connections come back into service.

For detailed information about backup, see Complete System Backup and Restore for the DSC SWe. 


A backup is done per each VM.  These backups should be taken during maintenance windows or lowest traffic times. Storage of the snapshot is dependent on OpenStack configuration.

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