The destination data measurements are related to a routesets (StatisticsRouteset). Each DRE-routeset accumulates these destination data measurements when the routeset is subjected to congestion. The number of routesets vary from time to time because of creation and deletion of X-routesets. The data measurements are kept for each routeset and not for each destination PC.

The measurements are reported on the basis of either the affected DPC or affected destination cluster depending on how the routesets are provisioned for those destinations. Congestion discards are reported on a per-affected-DPC basis, and congestion duration is reported as relevant to the configured routeset and the congestion condition (in other words, per DPC or destination cluster, however, those routesets are provisioned for the destination) in the case of local link congestion, and per-DPC in the case of remote congestion (as conveyed by the STP’s receipt of Transfer Controlled [TFC] messages on a per-affected-DPC basis).

The DSC Platform provides destination data measurements as described in the table DSC Destination Data Measurements (example for 30 minutes).


The following is an example of the destination data measurements.

Destination Data Measurements File (example for 30 min)
date            ,instance            ,Priority 0 MSUs discarded due to route set congestion,Priority 1 MSUs discarded due to route set congestion,Priority 2 MSUs discarded due to route set congestion,Duration of Level 1 Route Set Congestion,Duration of Level 2 Route Set Congestion,Duration of Level 3 Route Set Congestion
2019-09-23-00:30,RTSET_95_0_CRS 2.2.x,0                                                    ,0                                                    ,0                                                    ,0                                       ,0                                       ,0                                                                                 
2019-09-23-00:30,RTSET_3_1_DRS       ,0                                                    ,0                                                    ,0                                                    ,0                                       ,0                                       ,0                                         


The instance represents the application object that generates the data measurements. The destination instance value has multiple formats and are as follows:

  • RTSET_<MTP3 NA>_<RS Table ID>_DRS-<CLLI>

  • RTSET_<MTP3 NA>_<RS Table ID>_NRS <DPC(<nnn>.<ccc>.x)>-<CLLI>

  • RTSET_<MTP3 NA>_<RS Table ID>_CRS <DPC(<nnn>.x.x)>-<CLLI>

  • RTSET_<MTP3 NA>_<RS Table ID>_MRS <DPC>-<CLLI>

 -<CLLI> will only be appended to the instance value if it is defined by the user. By default, the destination CLLI attribute is set to 'N/A'.

DSC Destination Data Measurements (example for 30 minutes)

Name in Stats File Statistic Description
Priority 0 MSUs discarded due to route set congestion Priority 0 MSUs Discarded Due to Route Set Congestion The number of Priority 0 MSUs discarded due to routeset congestion at Levels 1, 2, or 3.
Priority 1 MSUs discarded due to route set congestion Priority 1 MSUs Discarded Due to Route Set Congestion The number of Priority 1 MSUs discarded due to routeset congestion at Levels 2 or 3.
Priority 2 MSUs discarded due to route set congestion Priority 2 MSUs Discarded Due to Route Set Congestion The number of Priority 2 MSUs discarded due to Level 3 routeset congestion.
Duration of Level 1 Route Set Congestion Duration of Level 1 Route Set Congestion The total time (in seconds) that the routeset is in congestion Level 1 during the measurement interval.
Duration of Level 2 Route Set Congestion Duration of Level 2 Route Set Congestion The total time (in seconds) that the routeset is in congestion Level 2 during the measurement interval.
Duration of Level 3 Route Set Congestion Duration of Level 3 Route Set Congestion The total time (in seconds) that the routeset is in congestion Level 3 during the measurement interval.