The DSC SWe - vSP2000 Disaster Recovery procedure performs a backup and restore on a VM if a system failure occurs in either the VHE host or the VM. Only after a new VM is installed, configured, and running data traffic as per operating requirements, an image of the VM is created and saved in a backup file that is used to rebuild the VM in the event of a catastrophic system failure. The VM is restored to the same image and configuration status that proceeded the catastrophic failure event. The Disaster Recovery procedure is closely coupled with the new VM Install procedure.


If required, shutdown, re-install, and restore the VHE system, refer to the Virtual Hosting Environment Administration Guide (630-02720-01). This guide includes procedures to gracefully shut down VMs and restart them on the VHE Host.


Re-use the DSC SWe - vSP2000 config file that was used for the initial install of the DSC SWe - vSP2000.  The config file is stored in the VHE host and can also be found in the VHE host backup.

Refer to the Virtual Hosting Environment Administration Guide (630-02720-01). 


Restore the VM.


Restore the data for the DSC SWe - vSP2000 system using the backup file that contains the image of the new DSC SWe - vSP2000 Platform.  


It is highly recommended that a backup copy is made of the new DSC SWe - vSP2000 installation and saved to another computer (for example, a VHE host or dedicated backup server) for safe storage and later retrieval.

For backup and restore of system configuration files on the DSC SWe - vSP2000, refer to the DSC - SP2000 Platform Manager User Guide.

5Re-Authenticate pcsd Tokens and Verify VM Status.