The following procedure provides a high level overview to create a Load Balancer with the static mapping algorithm.


For all the general Load Balancer procedures, refer to Configuring Load Balancer Objects - General Procedures.

To Configure a Basic Load Balancer with Static Mapping

  1. Commission a Load Balancer (two Application VMs) along with two or more routing slots, refer to the following for the DSC SWe Platforms: 

    DSC SWe - vSP2000 Commissioning an Application VM and DSC SWe - vSP2000 Commissioning a Routing VM and Creating an Additional Routing VM on OpenStack.

  2. Login to the Web UI.
  3. Click IP Network > Load Balancer Network.
  4. Add a new Load Balancer network (refer to Create Load Balancer Network).
  5. Click Load Balancer.
  6. Click Targets.
  7. Create a Target (refer to Create a Target) and select STATIC MAPPING for the Load Balancing attribute.
  8. Select the Target you created.
  9. Add one or more routing slots to Target (refer to Create a Target Slot).


    Weight does not apply to the Static Mapping algorithm.

  10. Click Load Balancer to return to the General Configuration screen.
  11. Click Connections.
  12. Create one or more connections using the target and assign each connection to one of the routing slots defined in the target (refer to Create a Connection).


    If you choose IPSec as the Connection transport type, you cannot create Connection Ports. Skip step 13 and go to step 14

  13. For each connection, create one or more Connection Port objects and fill in the local and remote port numbers (refer to Create Connection Port). 

  14. Configure an ADN Connection in Diameter application with the same connection and slot as configured in the previous step. To see how to configure diameter applications, refer to Configuring the Ribbon DSC.


    For Diameter, create a Transport Server on one of the local ports (refer to Configuring Transport Servers), and use the other local port to configure the ADN Connection (refer to Configuring ADN Connections). Both connections must be configured and assigned to the same slot.

After you finish configuring the Load Balancer and the applications, the following will occur: 

  • A new connection request comes from the remote end into the a Load Balancer on the specific port.
    • The Load Balancer forwards the request to the configured DSC slot.
    • The DSC slot receives the request and sends back the answer/performs the handshake.

  • The DSC slot sends out a connection request for the configured connection.
    • The Load Balancer slot receives the request and forwards it to the remote destination.
    • The remote destination sends the answer to the Load Balancer, which forwards it to the configured DSC slot.

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