In this section:


This application is only supported on the DSC Platforms. To view which applications apply to the SP2000, refer to SP2000 Supported Applications.

The SDA Functionality Gateway (SFG) User Adaptation (UA) is only configurable and visible in the Web UI if at least one of the SDA services, such as Number Portability (NP), is licensed.

The SFG UA interfaces with the MTP3 for incoming SS7 traffic while connecting to the SDA (yj4flx) FLEX4 Transparent Inter-process Communication (TIPC) exchange.

The SFG UA MTP3 App Servers are configured to register with MTP3 using either the Point Code (PC) and Service Indicator (SI) combination or the Application ID attributes on a given NA. The key distinction for the SDA integration is the Service Handler ID attribute that determines which SDA service the traffic is destined to. For more information about available service handler IDs, see To view the SFG UA MTP3 App Server.

The SFG UA has a global Incoming App ID attribute in the main SFG UA object to enable gateway screening or redirection of traffic following the SDA processing.


The SG application has reserved Application IDs. For more information, refer to Reserved Application IDs for SS7 Applications.

To configure the SFG UA

Click to

To create an SFG UA MTP3 App Server

Click to

To view the SFG UA MTP3 App Server

Click to

To create an SFG UA SCCP App Server

Click to

To view the SFG UA SCCP App Server

Click to

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