In this section:


The following section is only applicable to the DSC Platform.


The Port NA Mapping object represents the mapping between the TCP/IP GR-310 server port and a Network Appearance (NA) with Destination Name combination. Up to eight Port NA Mappings are supported.

This section also provides a requirement when configuring the MTP3 NA CLLI (refer to the appropriate section in the SS7 Application Guide 1).

To create a Port NA Mapping

  1. From the Main Menu, click SNAMI.

  2. Click Port NA Mappings.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Configure the required attributes.

  5. Click Create.

    To delete a Port NA Mapping, click the Delete button "X"  in the same line that the Port NA Mapping you want to delete appears.

To configure a Port NA Mapping

  1. From the Main Menu, click SNAMI.

  2. Click Port NA Mappings.

  3. Click the required Port NA Mapping.

  4. Configure the required attributes.

  5. Click Continue.

Configuring the MTP3 NA CLLI

As shown in the following figure, when configuring the MTP3 NA CLLI, this attribute must be 11 uppercase characters to allow the SNAM to connect to a particular network appearance (NA).

Configuring the MTP3 NA CLLI


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