In this section:

The GT Modifications table provides rules to translate the incoming message’s SCCP Called or Calling Party Address parameters. The GT Modification optionally references a Command List for additional translations (refer to Translation Tables Provisioning Order).

The Export GT Modifications action creates GT Modifications Output CSV file based on the filtered objects for a record subset. For more information about the GT Modifications Output CSV file, refer to Performing Batch Operations. The CSV file format is defined in Batch Operations File Format. The GT Modifications Output CSV file appears in the Batch Operations screen (see the following screen capture).

Batch Operations - GT Modifications Output CSV File


You can search through the GT Modification table by selecting the following criteria on the GT Modifications Filter screen (see the following figure).

  • GT Modification Name - displays the GT Modification that has the specified Name

  • GT Modification Name Prefix - displays the GT Modifications that start with the specified Name prefix

  • Digits - displays the GT Modifications that start with the specified digits

  • Recently Created - displays the last GT Modification that you created
  • Description Substring - find all GT Modifications with a Description containing the provided case insensitive substring
  • All - displays all GT Modifications

The DB Def Name attribute displays a subset of GT Modifications that are relevant to a particular GTT DB Def. If you leave this text box empty, all GTT DB Defs are filtered.

The Exportable GT Modifications attribute is based on the resulting row counts, and tracks the resulting exportable output.

For more information about filtering, refer to Filtering.

GT Modifications Filter Screen

To create a GT Modification

Click to

To configure a GT Modification

Click to

To export the GT Modifications

Click to

  • No labels