
No system configuration changes should be made during an upgrade. If such a change is made, this change is not included in the new software release, and, therefore, the system may not behave as expected.


Upgrading from more than 2 previous major releases is not supported. For example, the minimum requirement to upgrade to DSC 21.0 is DSC 18.0. 

Before you start the software upgrade, complete the following tasks:
TaskMore Information

Familiar with using the Ribbon DSC Platform Menu-based user interface (Menu UI).

Logged onto the system as root user.

Retrieved the new software load from the Global Support Portal and uploaded this load onto your DSC 8000.

The information to obtain the software upgrade package is provided with the software upgrade notification.

Upload New Software from your PC to a DSC 8000

Before you upgrade the software on your system, it is recommended that you execute the pre-upgrade check procedure provided in this section. This procedure requires about fifteen minutes to complete depending on your system configuration.Execute the Pre-upgrade Checks

Planned the maintenance window.

Plan the Maintenance Window for Software Upgrade

Ensured that the network is provisioned as required.

Network Provisioning

Collected common system status information.

Collecting Common System Status Information

Executed a complete system backup and stored the backed up files on another server or a USB key that is accessible.

Backup Systems

Have sufficient time to complete the upgrade. The upgrade depends on the number of CPU cards in the system. Each CPU card upgrade requires about 10 minutes.

Verified that all system cards are functioning as expected.

Verified that the PCE configuration is ready for a software upgrade.

Note: This step is only applicable if you have PCE licensed on your system.

Verify the PCE Configuration