Adjacent Diameter Node (ADN) data measurements are reported to the DSC ADN file. All ADN Connections report to this file, including INTERNAL, DSC DB, UA, and XML ADNs.

The Ribbon Signaling System provides ADN data measurements, as shown in the example provided in the following figures.


To view the comma-delimited data measurements file retrieved from the DSC, save the file using a .csv file extension (comma-separated variables file type) and import into a spreadsheet. 

date             instance                                      Requests Received  Requests Sent  Answers Received  Answers Sent  Errors Received  Redirects Received  Messages Received   Messages Sent   Bytes Received  Bytes Sent   Average Transmit Queue Time  Transmit Queue Time Sampled Messages   Average Transaction Time  Transaction Time Sampled Messages  Average Transmit Queue Depth   Transmit Queue Depth Sample Size   Sctp Retransmission Data Chunks  Realm Redirects Received
2019-03-07-00:05 <Company>-Vegas ADN NOtt         1                  0              0                 0             0                0                   0                   0               0               0            0                            0                                      0                         0                                  0                              0                                  0                                0
2019-03-07-00:05,<Company>-Denver ADN  1                  0              0                 0             0                0                   0                   0               0               0            0                            0                                      0                         0                                  0                              0                                  0                                 0


The Instance represents the object in the application that is generating the statistics and is a string with the format <a> <b> ADN <c> <d>, as follows:

<DSC Instance Name> <DSC Node Name> ADN <ADN Name> <Slot>

ADN names are based on configuration data. When an ADN name is modified, a new record (row) is created in the data measurements file.

In the preceding data measurements example, the Instance is defined as:

a : DSC Instance Name = DSC-Macketh

b : DSC Node Name =

c : ADN Name =

d : Slot = 12


Data measurements for an active or inactive ADN connection may appear in the DSC ADN file as zero entries in all fields. An ADN connection which does not generate any ADN data measurement appears in the DSC ADN file with zero entries.

The DSC ADN data measurement fields are listed and described in the following table.

ADN Counters data measurement field listing and description




Request Received


Request messages received on this ADN.

Requests Sent


Request messages sent to this ADN (Request flag set in the diameter header).

Note that messages received and messages sent should be the same in almost all cases, since message discards are quite rare (an error message is still a message).

Answers Received


Answer messages with the error bit cleared (successful answers), or redirect answers (error bit set and result code set to redirect) received on this ADN. A difference between requests sent and answers received indicates either requests in transit or transactions that do not complete successfully.

Answers Sent


Answers sent to this ADN.

Errors Received


Error answers other than redirects.

Redirects Received


Redirects received on this ADN.

Messages Received


Messages received on this ADN.

Messages Sent


Messages sent to this ADN.

Bytes Received


Bytes received on this ADN

Bytes Sent


Bytes sent to this ADN.

Average Transmit Queue Time


The average amount of time the message spends in the application level transmit queue, until it is sent to the transport layer.

At most one message is sampled on a timer expiry.

Transmit Queue Time Sampled Messages


Number of messages sampled for the Average Transmit Queue Time.

Average Transaction Time


The time in milliseconds between when a request is received and the corresponding answer is received. This event is not counted for DSC INTERNAL ADNs.

  • Sampled at most once per timer expiry.
  • Reported by the DSC Node Instance that first received the message from a DIAMETER, UA, DSC DB, or UA XML ADN.

Transaction Time Sampled Messages


Number of messages sampled for Average Transaction Time.

Average Transmit Queue Depth


Average number of messages in the transmit queue (sampled on a timer). Recall that the transmit queue contains request and answer messages that are waiting to be sent on the network.

Transmit Queue Depth Sample Size


Number of messages sampled for Average Transmit Queue Depth.

SCTP Retransmission Data ChunksCountNumber of SCTP data chunks retransmitted on this ADN with SCTP association.
Realm Redirects ReceivedCount

Number of Diameter answers with the error bit set and the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_REALM_REDIRECT_INDICATION (3011) received on this ADN.