SNMP NameptLinksetSs7LinksetHalfOfLinksUnavailable

This event indicates that at least half of the links of an SS7 linkset are unavailable for user traffic. The possible causes for this event include the following:

  • the linkset has just started alignment procedures
  • the links within the linkset are no longer aligned
ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

If this alarm is raised, follow these steps to verify the status of each link within the linkset and resolve any service affecting alarms.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.

  2. Locate the Alarm.   
    1. Click on the major alarm count in the Alarm Dashboard.

    2. Click on this alarm number.

    3. Click on the date of the occurrence.

    4. Click Associated UI Object.

  3. Click the links.

  • No labels