POST - SUAConfiguredASP

REST API Method: POST /api/defSG/SUA/SUAConfiguredASPs/SUAConfiguredASP

Adds an SUAConfiguredASP managed object.



HTTP Method:


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Description
Payload(Not necessarily in order) {"ID":"value", "ASPType":"value", "IPAddress1":"value", "IPAddress2":"value", "Port":"value"}


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
ID Yes Yes Yes int32 TL1Name: ID
ASPType No Yes Yes SuaASPType Type of ASP. STANDARD: Standard ASP configuration. PSX: Specialized type of ASP, only to be used for interoperation with the PSX product. Default value: STANDARD TL1Name: ASP_TYPE
IPAddress1 No Yes Yes string Type of ASP. STANDARD: Standard ASP configuration. PSX: Specialized type of ASP, only to be used for interoperation with the PSX product. Default value: STANDARD TL1Name: IP1
IPAddress2 No Yes Yes string Type of ASP. STANDARD: Standard ASP configuration. PSX: Specialized type of ASP, only to be used for interoperation with the PSX product. Default value: STANDARD TL1Name: IP2
Port No Yes Yes int32 Type of ASP. STANDARD: Standard ASP configuration. PSX: Specialized type of ASP, only to be used for interoperation with the PSX product. Default value: STANDARD TL1Name: PORT
Name No No No string SUA configured ASP name. Alphanumeric with dash and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters. Automatically moved to upper-case. Must be unique in SUA. Reserved value DYNAMIC for non-configured ASPs. TL1Name: NAME
ASPIDValidation No No No FeatureBoolean It is highly recommended that for increased security that this attribute remain enabled. When enabled the ASP using the configured endpoint MUST either NOT send the ASP ID parameter OR send the preconfigured ID. If an ASP ID parameter contains an identifier other than what is preconfigured, an ERROR (Invalid ASP Identifier) will be sent. When disabled, the ASP Identifier contained in the ASPUP is not validated. This is typically useful when changing the ID used by the ASP is especially troublesome TL1Name: IDVAL
ExtendedMessageSupport No No No FeatureBoolean SUA support of extended message outgoing from this ASP. Enabled by default, the SUA data message Hop Counter parameter is forwarded as received into the SCCP UAP QoS parameter hop counter field. SCCP automatically converts the message to a XUDT(S) to include non-zero Hop Counter values. Disabling this feature ignores the SUA hop counter value and always send to SCCP the UAP QoS with a hop counter 0. SCCP will only generate and XUDT(S) message in this scenario if segmentation is required (too large MSU). TL1Name: XMSG
IncomingAppID No No No string SUA Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to SUA_DEFAULT. TL1Name: INCOMING_APPID
UserActivated No No Yes FeatureBoolean SUA Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to SUA_DEFAULT. TL1Name: ACTIVATED
DefaultNetworkAppearance No No No DefaultNA Upon receipt of an SUA message which does not contain a Routing Context or Network Appearance parameter, the SG uses this value to determine the destination SS7 network. If this value is UNSET (-1), the Default Network Appearance specified in the SUA SCTP Servers is used to determine the destination SS7 network. The Network Appearance must also be configured as an SCCP NA. The default value is UNSET. Changing this attribute value can impact traffic. When the Include OPC attribute is configured populating the Default Network Appearance attribute is mandatory. TL1Name: NA
IMFSupport No No No FeatureBoolean Integrated Monitoring Feed feature support for this ASP. IMF must be licensed to enable this attribute. IMF Support attributes can be cleared for all configured SUA ASPs simultaneously by using the Reset IMF action in the SUA Configured ASPs screen. TL1Name: IMF
IncludeOPC No No No string Upon receipt of an SUA Data message which does not contain a point code in the Source Address, the SG will populate the OPC in the MTP3 routing label with the value of this parameter in outgoing SS7 messages. Include OPC will use the PC Display format of Default Network Appearance (SUA Configured ASP) to convert the point code and write to the config file. When the Include OPC is configured populating the Default Network Appearance is mandatory. If the value is UNSET, no modification is applied. Default value: UNSET TL1Name: INC_OPC
RemoveDPC No No No FeatureBoolean When sending Data messages to the PSX, if the Destination Address contains Global Title digits, the Routing Indicator will be changed to route on GT and the destination point code will be removed. Default value: DISABLED TL1Name: REMOVE_DPC

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