PUT - SUAAppServer

REST API Method: PUT /api/defSG/SUA/SUAAppServers/SUAAppServer/[string:aid_1]

Modifies an SUAAppServer managed object.



HTTP Method:


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Description
[string:aid_1] [SUAAppServer/RoutingContext]
Payload(Not necessarily in order) {}


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
RoutingContext Yes Yes Yes int32 TL1Name: RC
NetworkAppearance No Yes Yes int32 TL1Name: NA
DPC No Yes Yes string Point Codes are set to UNSET when routing on Application ID is configured TL1Name: DPC
SSN No Yes Yes int32 SSNs are set to 0 when routing on Application ID is configured TL1Name: SSN
TrafficMode No Yes Yes TrafficMode SSNs are set to 0 when routing on Application ID is configured TL1Name: TRAFFIC_MODE
ApplicationID No Yes Yes string SSNs are set to 0 when routing on Application ID is configured TL1Name: AI
Status No No Yes StatusAS SSNs are set to 0 when routing on Application ID is configured TL1Name: STATUS

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