Resource - M3UASCTPServer

About this Resource

Defines an M3UASCTPServer managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Slot Yes Yes Yes int32 TL1Name: SLOT
ServerID Yes No Yes int32 TL1Name: ServerID
IPAddress1 No Yes No string TL1Name: IP1
IPAddress2 No Yes No string TL1Name: IP2
Port No Yes No int32 TL1Name: PORT
Status No No Yes FeatureBoolean TL1Name: STATUS
ListenStatus No No Yes NetworkStatusInt M3UA SCTP Server Listen Status. If Status is DISABLED, Listen Status must be set to 'DOWN'. If Status is ENABLED, Listen Status must be set to one of the following states: - 'DOWN': The server is not listening on any of the provided IP addresses due to a technical issue, e.g., the provided port is already in use, the provided IP addresses are not available or the provided hostnames are not resolvable. The alarm M3UASCTPServerDown indicating that the server is down must be raised. - 'STOPPED': The server is not listening on any of the provided IP addresses because it has been purposefully stopped by the application. This status means that the server has been 'UP' or 'PARTIALLY UP' and it has been purposefully brought down either because the ASP license max count has been reached or because SCTP system max capacity per routing slot has been reached. The alarm M3UASCTPServerDown indicating that the server is down must be raised. - 'UP': The server is listening on all the provided IP addresses - 'PARTIALLY UP': The server is listening on at least one, but not all, of the provided IP addresses. The alarm M3UASCTPServerAddrListMismatch, indicating a mismatch between the list of the provided IP addresses and the list of the listening IP addresses, must be raised. PARTIALLY UP is also an indication that the server was up but the hostname has been removed from the hosts file. In this case the Server Status will be PARTIALLY UP but will continue to listen until deactivated. TL1Name: ListenStatus
DefaultSCTPValues No No No default_sctp_values M3UA SCTP Server Listen Status. If Status is DISABLED, Listen Status must be set to 'DOWN'. If Status is ENABLED, Listen Status must be set to one of the following states: - 'DOWN': The server is not listening on any of the provided IP addresses due to a technical issue, e.g., the provided port is already in use, the provided IP addresses are not available or the provided hostnames are not resolvable. The alarm M3UASCTPServerDown indicating that the server is down must be raised. - 'STOPPED': The server is not listening on any of the provided IP addresses because it has been purposefully stopped by the application. This status means that the server has been 'UP' or 'PARTIALLY UP' and it has been purposefully brought down either because the ASP license max count has been reached or because SCTP system max capacity per routing slot has been reached. The alarm M3UASCTPServerDown indicating that the server is down must be raised. - 'UP': The server is listening on all the provided IP addresses - 'PARTIALLY UP': The server is listening on at least one, but not all, of the provided IP addresses. The alarm M3UASCTPServerAddrListMismatch, indicating a mismatch between the list of the provided IP addresses and the list of the listening IP addresses, must be raised. PARTIALLY UP is also an indication that the server was up but the hostname has been removed from the hosts file. In this case the Server Status will be PARTIALLY UP but will continue to listen until deactivated. TL1Name: USE DEFAULT
Heartbeat No No No FeatureBoolean Enable or disable the Heartbeat feature. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: HB
HeartbeatInterval No No No int32 Heartbeat interval (ms). SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: HB_INTV
RTOInitial No No No int32 Initial Retransmission Timeout (ms). SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: RTO_INIT
RTOMinimum No No No int32 Minimum Retransmission Timeout (ms). SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: RTO_MIN
RTOMaximum No No No int32 Maximum Retransmission Timeout (ms). SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: RTO_MAX
MaximumInitRetrans No No No int32 Maximum initial retransmissions. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: MAX_INIT_RETRANS
MaximumAssocRetrans No No No int32 Maximum association retransmissions. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: MAX_ASSOC_RETRANS
MaximumPathRetrans No No No int32 Maximum path retransmissions. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: MAX_PATH_RETRANS
Bundling No No No FeatureBoolean Enable or disable the Bundling feature. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: BUNDLING
BundlingTimeout No No No int32 Bundling timeout (msecs). SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: BUNDLING_TO
DelayedAckTimeout No No No int32 Delayed acknowledgement timeout. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: DELAYACK_TO
Checksum No No Yes SCTPCheckSum Checksum algorithm. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: CHECKSUM
InStreams No No No int32 Number of in streams. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: INSTREAMS
OutStreams No No No int32 Number of out streams. SCTP Server must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: OUTSTREAMS

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