Resource - M3UAMultiAssociationASP

About this Resource

Defines an M3UAMultiAssociationASP managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
ID Yes Yes Yes int32 TL1Name: ID
Name No No No string M3UA configured ASP name. Alphanumeric with dash and underscore for a maximum of 16 characters. Automatically moved to upper-case. Must be unique in M3UA. Reserved value DYNAMIC for non-configured ASPs. TL1Name: NAME
ASPIDValidation No No No FeatureBoolean It is highly recommended that for increased security that this attribute remain enabled. When enabled the ASP using the configured endpoint MUST either NOT send the ASP ID parameter OR send the preconfigured ID. If an ASP ID parameter contains an identifier other than what is preconfigured, an ERROR (Invalid ASP Identifier) will be sent. When disabled, the ASP Identifier contained in the ASPUP is not validated. This is typically useful when changing the ID used by the ASP is especially troublesome TL1Name: IDVAL
IncomingAppID No No No string M3UA Incoming AppID for Gateway Screening. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to M3UA_DEFAULT. TL1Name: INCOMING_APPID
RCInDATAMessage No No No FeatureBoolean When ENABLED the Routing Context parameter is included in DATA messages destined for the ASP. Per RFC4666, the inclusion of the Routing Context parameter in DATA messages is conditional. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to ENABLED. This setting has no affect when using M3UA Version M3UAv2. TL1Name: INCRC
NAInDATAMessage No No No FeatureBoolean When ENABLED the Network Appearance parameter is included in DATA messages destined for the ASP. Per RFC4666, the inclusion of the Network Appearance parameter in DATA messages is optional. On creation, the attribute is defaulted to ENABLED. This setting has no affect when using M3UA Version M3UAv2. TL1Name: INCNA
ASPType No Yes Yes MultiASPType Type of ASP. TL1Name: ASP_TYPE
SCTPRole No Yes Yes SCTPRole M3UA Multi Association ASP SCTP Role (CLIENT/SERVER). In a client configuration, each association (once activated) opens its SCTP pipe and tries to connect to the remote end point. In a server configuration, each association (once activated) starts listening for incoming connections on the local end point. TL1Name: ROLE
M3UAVersion No Yes Yes M3UAVersion M3UA Multi Association ASP M3UA Version (M3UAvRFC/M3UAv2). On Creation, this attribute is defaulted to M3UAvRFC TL1Name: M3UA VERSION
NATranslation No No No NARange NA Translation for M3UA Multi Association ASPs. If enabled, all M3UA messages from the ASP containing a Network Appearance parameter of 0 will be interpreted to mean the configured value chosen. This value will be used for pertinent statistics. A default value of 0 disables the feature. This feature is not to be used with the NA Override feature. TL1Name: NATRANS
DefaultNetworkAppearance No No No DefaultNA Upon receipt of an M3UA message which does not contain a Routing Context or Network Appearance parameter, the SG uses this value to determine the destination SS7 network. If this value is UNSET (-1), the Default Network Appearance specified in the M3UA SCTP Servers is used to determine the destination SS7 network. The Network Appearance must also be configured as an MTP3 NA. The default value is UNSET. Changing this attribute value can impact traffic. TL1Name: NA
IMFSupport No No No FeatureBoolean Integrated Monitoring Feed feature support for this ASP. IMF must be licensed to enable this attribute. IMF Support attributes can be cleared for all configured M3UA ASPs simultaneously by using the Reset IMF action in the M3UA Configured ASPs screen. TL1Name: IMF
NAOVERRIDE No No No NaOverride The NA Override attribute is used to populate the Network Appearance parameter in M3UA messages sent to the ASP. The NA Override value replaces the actual network appearance of the M3UA Application Server (routing key) for which the message is being directed. It also overrides any configured NA Translation value. NA Translation and NA Override should not be used together. The parameter takes values ranging from 0 to 999999999. When set to UNDEFINED (default) the actual network appearance of the M3UA Application Server is populated in messages sent to the ASP. The feature supports M3UA RFC. The features does not support SP2K ASPs. TL1Name: NA_OVERRIDE
SS7NAOVERRIDE No No No ss7NaOverride The SS7 NA Override attribute is used to override the Network Appearance parameter in M3UA DATA and DAUD messages which are received from this configured ASP. The NA Override value replaces the network appearance in the M3UA Data message. This NA value will determine to which SS7 Network the message will be forwarded. M3UA Data arriving from an ASP which does not contain a Network Appearance parameter will use this value. The parameter takes values ranging from 1 to 99. When set to UNDEFINED (default) the actual network appearance the M3UA message will be used to determine which SS7 network to forward the message. If set to UNDEFINED and the M3UA message does not contain a Network Appearance parameter then routing falls back to normal procedures to determine the SS7 Netork. The feature supports M3UA RFC ASPs both multi and standard. The feature does not support SP2K ASPs. TL1Name: SS7_NA_OVERRIDE
Heartbeat No No No FeatureBoolean Enable or disable the Heartbeat feature. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: HB
HeartbeatInterval No No No int32 Heartbeat interval (ms). SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: HB_INTV
RTOInitial No No No int32 Initial Retransmission Timeout (ms). SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: RTO_INIT
RTOMinimum No No No int32 Minimum Retransmission Timeout (ms). SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: RTO_MIN
RTOMaximum No No No int32 Maximum Retransmission Timeout (ms). SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: RTO_MAX
MaximumInitRetrans No No No int32 Maximum initial retransmissions. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: MAX_INIT_RETRANS
MaximumAssocRetrans No No No int32 Maximum association retransmissions. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: MAX_ASSOC_RETRANS
MaximumPathRetrans No No No int32 Maximum path retransmissions. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: MAX_PATH_RETRANS
Bundling No No No FeatureBoolean Enable or disable the Bundling feature. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: BUNDLING
BundlingTimeout No No No int32 Bundling timeout (msecs). SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: BUNDLING_TO
DelayedAckTimeout No No No int32 Delayed acknowledgement timeout. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: DELAYACK_TO
Checksum No No Yes SCTPCheckSum Checksum algorithm. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: CHECKSUM
InStreams No No No int32 Number of in streams. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: INSTREAMS
OutStreams No No No int32 Number of out streams. SCTP Association must be de-activated and re-activated to take effect. TL1Name: OUTSTREAMS
DSCP No No No Dscp Differentiated Services Code Point is used to classify traffic within a network in order to determine the priority of the various classes of traffic (0 to 63). Default value: 0. TL1Name: DSCP
TXAbatementL1 No No No TxQueuePercent Transmit Congestion Abatement Level 1 (% of Tx Queue Size) TL1Name: TXABTL1
TXOnsetL1 No No No TxQueuePercent Transmit Congestion Onset Level 1 (% of Tx Queue Size) TL1Name: TXONSTL1
TXAbatementL2 No No No TxQueuePercent Transmit Congestion Abatement Level 2 (% of Tx Queue Size) TL1Name: TXABTL2
TXOnsetL2 No No No TxQueuePercent Transmit Congestion Onset Level 2 (% of Tx Queue Size) TL1Name: TXONSTL2
TXAbatementL3 No No No TxQueuePercent Transmit Congestion Abatement Level 3 (% of Tx Queue Size) TL1Name: TXABTL3
TXOnsetL3 No No No TxQueuePercent Transmit Congestion Onset Level 3 (% of Tx Queue Size) TL1Name: TXONSTL3
CongestionLevel No No Yes CongestionLevel Congestion level of this M3UA ASP. From 1 to 3, or FASLE if not congested. Congestion reporting is not supported on M3UA V2 ASPs TL1Name: CONGESTION_LVL
M3UAMessageDiscard No No No MessageDiscard M3UA Message Discard Congestion level of this M3UA ASP. ANSI variant has 3 congestion levels, while ITU uses only 1. Valid values range from 1 to 3, or DISABLED to never discard. A data message will be discarded if the message priority is less than or equal to both the configured discard level and the current congestion level of the association. TL1Name: DISCARD_LVL
ReportCongestion No No No FeatureBoolean used to determine if congestion alarms are raised TL1Name: REPORT_CONGESTION

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