Resource - PCEISUPStatistics

About this Resource

Defines an PCEISUPStatistics managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
PublicReceived No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PUB_RECEIVED
PublicDiscarded No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PUB_DISCARDED
PublicSent No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PUB_SENT
PublicGenerated No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PUB_GENERATED
PublicPeerRecv No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PUB_PEER_RECV
PublicPeerSent No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PUB_PEER_SENT
PrivateReceived No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PRIV_RECEIVED
PrivateDiscarded No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PRIV_DISCARDED
PrivateSent No No Yes int32 TL1Name: PRIV_SENT
RefreshDate No No Yes string Date/Time from which the above counts were last updated. Use the Refresh All Stats action to update to the latest counts. TL1Name: REFRESH_DATE
ResetDate No No Yes string Date/Time from which the above counts were last started or reset. Use the Reset All Stats action to reset the counts to zero. TL1Name: RESET_DATE

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