Resource - PSXNPService

About this Resource

Defines an PSXNPService managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
ApplicationID Yes Yes Yes string Application ID representing the PSX NP. Associated with the GWST redirection feature. Valid values: alphanumeric string with - and _ with a maximum of 16 characters. TL1Name: APPID
ServiceType No Yes Yes PSXNPType TL1Name: TYPE
PrimaryPSXName No Yes No string Primary PSX Name used for PSX connections. The PSX Host Connections will be used in a round-robin implementation for query handling. If the primary PSX is unavailable, congested, or licensed full, the secondary PSX is used if defined, else error handling is applied. Valid values: existing PSX Name attribute value. TL1Name: PSX1
SecondaryPSXName No Yes No string Secondary PSX Name used for PSX connections. Optional PSX to handle traffic if primary PSX is unavailable, congested, or licensed full. Set to an empty string to disable the backup PSX. Valid values: empty string or existing PSX Name attribute value. TL1Name: PSX2

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