Resource - PSXHost

About this Resource

Defines an PSXHost managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Host Yes Yes Yes string Host name for the PSX Host. Valid values: Hostname or IP address. TL1Name: HOST
Port Yes Yes Yes int32 Port for the PSX Host. Valid values: 1 to 65535. TL1Name: PORT
GatewayName No Yes Yes string Gateway name for the PSX Host. Used by the PSX Host Connection with slot distinction to register with the PSX. Valid values: alphanumeric string with - and _ with a maximum of 22 characters. TL1Name: NAME
KeepAliveTimer No No No int32 Keep alive timer for the PSX Host connections (500-5000ms). Default value: 1000 ms. TL1Name: KA
Congestion No No Yes PSXCong Congestion status of the PSX Host. Valid values: NOT CONGESTED, CONGESTED. TL1Name: CONG
Status No No Yes NPGWConnStatus Connectivity status of the PSX Host. Set based on the PSX Host Connections status. Valid values: INACTIVE, NOT CONNECTED, CONNECTED, and PARTIALLY CONNECTED TL1Name: STATUS
UserActivated No No Yes FeatureBoolean Activation state configured by the Activate and Deactivate actions. Valid values: ENABLED and DISABLED. TL1Name: USR_ACTIVATED

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