Resource - NPGWConfiguration

About this Resource

Defines an NPGWConfiguration managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
INAPGateway No No Yes NPGWLicense INAP Gateway feature license (UNLICENSED/LICENSED). If all gateways are unlicensed, the SS7 traffic cannot be activated. TL1Name: LIC_INAP
PSXNPGateway No No Yes NPGWLicense PSX NP Gateway feature license (UNLICENSED/LICENSED). If the gateway is unlicensed, the SS7 traffic cannot be activated. TL1Name: LIC_PSX_TISUP
TransactionTimeout No No No int32 PSX NP Gateway Transaction Timeout (100 to 5000). Pending transaction timeout for the PSX NP service queries in milliseconds (ms). Note: A fallback lifetime timeout will also be initialized based on the Transaction Timeout plus 500 ms. Default: 1000 ms. TL1Name: PSXGW_TIMEOUT
MTP3TrafficStatus No No Yes NPGWConnStatus MTP3 connectivity status (INACTIVE, NOT CONNECTED, CONNECTED). Based on the per NA connectivity status. CONNECTED will be displayed as soon as an MTP3 NA on any slot is connected. Associated to alarm 1617 (NPGW MTP3 Down). TL1Name: MTP3_STATUS
SCCPTrafficStatus No No Yes NPGWConnStatus SCCP connectivity status (INACTIVE, NOT CONNECTED, CONNECTED). Based on the per NA connectivity status. CONNECTED will be displayed as soon as an SCCP NA on any slot is connected. Associated to alarm 1601 (NPGW SCCP Down). TL1Name: SCCP_STATUS
INAPGatewayE164 No No No string INAP Gateway E.164 number. Must be unique on each mate-STP. The generated INAP Initial-DP query will include these digits in the SCCP Calling Party Address parameter. Must be defined to activate traffic. TL1Name: E164_INAPGW
INAPGatewayTimeout No No No int32 INAP Gateway Transaction Timeout (1000 to 10000). Pending transaction timeout for the INAP queries in milliseconds (ms). Default: 2000 ms. TL1Name: INAPGW_TIMEOUT
Errors No No No LogBoolean If set to LOGGED, the system logs to debug all NPGW errors. Should be set to LOGGED for live systems. TL1Name: ERRORS
SetupManagement No No No LogBoolean If set to LOGGED, the system logs to debug the NPGW setup information. Should be set to LOGGED for live systems. TL1Name: SETUPMGMT
ExecutionTrace No No No LogBoolean If set to LOGGED, the system logs to debug the execution trace during the processing of incoming NPGW traffic. Must be set to NOT LOGGED for live systems. TL1Name: EXECTRACE
DistributionManagement No No No LogBoolean If set to LOGGED, the system logs to debug the NPGW distribution information. Must be set to NOT LOGGED for live systems. TL1Name: DISTMGMT

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