Resource - INAPExternalNP

About this Resource

Defines an INAPExternalNP managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
ApplicationID Yes Yes Yes string Application ID representing the INAP External NP. Associated with the GWST redirection feature. Valid values: alphanumeric string with - and _ with a maximum of 16 characters. TL1Name: APPID
NA No Yes No int32 INAP External NP associated network appearance. Corresponding SCCP NA must be defined. TL1Name: NA
ExternalNPE164 No Yes No string INAP External NP E.164 number. GT routed INAP queries are sent to this address. TL1Name: EXTNP_E164
InitialDPSSN No Yes No SCCPSSN INAP Initial-DP SCCP Called & Calling Subsystem Number. Default of 12 (INAP). TL1Name: SSN
InitialDPApplicationContext No No No string INAP Initial-DP Dialogue Portion Application Context. OID formatted string. Default of TL1Name: APPCTXT
InitialDPServiceKey No No No ServiceKey INAP Initial-DP mandatory Service Key parameter. Default of 15. TL1Name: SERVICE_KEY
InitialDPE164Calling No Yes No string INAP Initial-DP Calling Party Number E.164 signals. The generated INAP Initial-DP query will include these E.164 digits with the International nature of address in the Calling Party Number parameter. TL1Name: E164_CLG
InitialDPEDPSupport No No No FeatureBoolean INAP Initial-DP optional EDP parameter support. If ENABLED, the EventTypeBCSM parameter (tag 0x9c) is added with LI of 1 and value of analyzedInformation (0x03). Default of DISABLED. TL1Name: EDP
INAPContinuePrefix No Yes No string Prefix added to the MTP3 Called Party Address signals for GT routing of the intercepted message based on an INAP Continue response. Maximum size is 6 digits. Hexadecimal values supported. TL1Name: INAP_CTN_PREFIX

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