Resource - MigrationRecord

About this Resource

Defines an MigrationRecord managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
OPC Yes Yes No string Originating Point Code. A string that represents a point code, in the PC Display Format used by the NA. TL1Name: OPC
DPC Yes Yes No string Destination Point Code. A string that represents a point code, in the PC Display Format used by the NA. TL1Name: DPC
MessageCategory Yes Yes No migrationRecMsgCat Message Category. An identifier for the class of messages that are affected by this record. Currently there is only one allowed value: AM Messages (MTP3 Adjacent Management Messages). TL1Name: MSGCAT
NewDPC No Yes No string New Destination Point Code. A string that represents a point code, in the PC Display Format used by the NA. The special value ''Discard'' may also be used, indicating that a matching MSU should be discarded without sending a TFP. TL1Name: NEWDPC
InternalID No No Yes int32 Internal ID. TL1Name: INTERNAL_ID

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