Resource - MTP3NA

About this Resource

A sequence of signaling node attributes

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
NetworkAppearance Yes Yes Yes int32 Signaling Node Network Appearance (NA) Identifier is a number that uniquely identifies the Network Appearance (or MTP Stack with its own LPC) within the system. TL1Name: NA
Context No No Yes string TL1Name: CONTEXT
LocalPointCode No No No string The SS7 local point code of this signaling node in the format Network.Cluster.Member. Maximum value is 255.255.255. If the personality is ITU, the format is Zone.Area.Member and the range for Zone and Member is 0 to 7, Area is 0 to 255. PC Numbering Validation may block non-standard values. The validation can be disabled in the Detailed Configuration tab. TL1Name: LOCAL_PC
SS7NodeType No No No NodeType Obsolete as of 12.0.0. The node type of this Network Appearance, should be set to either STP or END_NODE depending upon MTP3 Routing needs. The ability to route messages at the MTP3 level is a licensed feature. TL1Name: SS7_NODETYPE
SS7Variant No No No PersCode The SS7 Variant supported at the MTP3 level. This value should also be set at the SCCP, GTT and SG layers, if they are in use. Valid options are: ITU, ANSI, CHINA, JAPAN (NTT and TTC), NEW_ZEALAND.Not every MTP3 SS7 variants are supported on all DSC product lines, please confirm your licensed custom applications documentation for their current variant support. TL1Name: SS7_VARIANT
PCDisplayFormat No No No string Point Code Display Format based on SS7 Variant. The PC Routing format is defined to delimiter the point code for SS7 routing purposes to determine the breakdown of the network.cluster.member in ANSI based networks (zone.area.member in ITU). The most common usage is for network or cluster based routeset definitions in MTP3. The PC Display format is used only to display the point code value in the UI and logs. Some PC Display format cannot be defined as PC Routing formats as they do not identify the PC delimiter breakdown such as ITU Decimal and Japan ff-ff. For example, in ITU, the PC Routing Format may be set to '3.8.3' while the PC Display Format may be '3.8.3' or Decimal. A PC Display format of '3.8.3' displays a point code like '1.002.3' while in Decimal displays the same point code as '2067'. In ANSI, the PC Routing and Display formats must both be set to '8.8.8'. Note: the PC Display and Routing formats are typically identical unless the PC Display is set to ITU Decimal or Japan ff-ff which do not have delimiter information for routing procedures. Note: Member and cluster routing are part of the ANSI specifications. Default and Network routing are an enhancement in the DSC MTP3 implementation. While ITU specifications only mention member routesets, where a PC can be treated as a simple number, the DSC routeset implementation supports all 4 types (MEMBER, CLUSTER, NETWORK, and DEFAULT) in all SS7 variants for a possibly more flexible configuration. As the Cluster and Network routesets are available as an option in all SS7 Variants, the PC Routing Format must be specified when creating an MTP3 NA, to indicate which part of the point code is the network, cluster and member. If the CLUSTER and NETWORK routeset types are not required for a given ITU deployment, the MTP3 NA PC Routing Format is recommended to be set to 3.8.3 to agree with the ITU Q.708 administrative boundaries. Alternatively, in a national deployment, the PC Routing Format may be set to correspond to the administrative boundaries of the national organization. For ITU based, must be 14-bit compatible, for Japan 16-bit, while ANSI and China 24-bit. Valid options are: 8.8.8, 3.8.3, ff-ff, 4.4.6, 5.4.7, 3.4.7, 4.3.7, 4.6.4, 6.4.4, 4.7.3, 5.4.5, and Decimal. Note that the dash delimiter is also accepted (i.e. 8-8-8). For ANSI platforms using SNAMI, the format must be 8.8.8 TL1Name: PC_DISPLAY
PCRoutingFormat No No No string Point Code Routing Format based on SS7 Variant. The PC Routing format is defined to delimiter the point code for SS7 routing purposes to determine the breakdown of the network.cluster.member in ANSI based networks (zone.area.member in ITU). The most common usage is for network or cluster based routeset definitions in MTP3. The PC Display format is used only to display the point code value in the UI and logs. Some PC Display format cannot be defined as PC Routing formats as they do not identify the PC delimiter breakdown such as ITU Decimal and Japan ff-ff. For example, in ITU, the PC Routing Format may be set to '3.8.3' while the PC Display Format may be '3.8.3' or Decimal. A PC Display format of '3.8.3' displays a point code like '1.002.3' while in Decimal displays the same point code as '2067'. In ANSI, the PC Routing and Display formats must both be set to '8.8.8'. Note: the PC Display and Routing formats are typically identical unless the PC Display is set to ITU Decimal or Japan ff-ff which do not have delimiter information for routing procedures. Note: Member and cluster routing are part of the ANSI specifications. Default and Network routing are an enhancement in the DSC MTP3 implementation. While ITU specifications only mention member routesets, where a PC can be treated as a simple number, the DSC routeset implementation supports all 4 types (MEMBER, CLUSTER, NETWORK, and DEFAULT) in all SS7 variants for a possibly more flexible configuration. As the Cluster and Network routesets are available as an option in all SS7 Variants, the PC Routing Format must be specified when creating an MTP3 NA, to indicate which part of the point code is the network, cluster and member. If the CLUSTER and NETWORK routeset types are not required for a given ITU deployment, the MTP3 NA PC Routing Format is recommended to be set to 3.8.3 to agree with the ITU Q.708 administrative boundaries. Alternatively, in a national deployment, the PC Routing Format may be set to correspond to the administrative boundaries of the national organization. For ITU based, must be 14-bit compatible, for Japan 16-bit, while ANSI and China 24-bit. The x-y or x-y-z fields must be 8-bit or less. Valid options are: 8.8.8, 3.8.3, 4.4.6, 5.4.7, 3.4.7, 4.3.7, 4.6.4, 6.4.4, 4.7.3, and 5.4.5. TL1Name: PC_ROUTING
NetworkIndicator No No No NetId The Network Indicator is a 2 bit value that identifies the network in the MTP3 service indicator octet. Valid options are: NI_00 for International, NI_01 for Spare International, NI_10 for National (default), NI_11 for National Spare. When PT_C20 Application ID Management is used, the NI may not be modified after the NA is activated. Modification requires the NA to be deleted TL1Name: NET_IND
Status No No Yes epx_node_status Node Status is a read-only attribute that shows your system status of this Network Appearance. Valid options are: ACTIVE, INACTIVE. Traffic will not flow, and links will not align on an Inactive node. TL1Name: STATUS
CLLI No No No string Set this attribute to the Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of the NA. The CLLI is used in the system log file for debugging purposes. Our system allows for alphanumeric characters, punctuation marks, and keyboard symbols. However, some other systems will only allow for alphanumeric characters. The CLLI code is usually unique to a network and is often provided by the network design team. Note: Only the first 16 characters in this attribute are used in the logs. We recommend a unique and meaningful entry for this attribute to make the syslog events easier to interpret, especially when running multiple Network Appearances. When PT_C20 Application ID Management is used: * the CLLI may not contain spaces, dots, or other special characters. * the CLLI may not be modified after the NA is activated. Modification requires the NA to be deleted. When NA is used for SNAMI application: * the CLLI may not contain spaces. * the CLLI must be UPPERCASE. * the CLLI is exactly 11 characters in length. TL1Name: CLLI
RxMSUCount No No Yes int32 Number of MSUs received per second for the NA TL1Name: RXMSU
TxMSUCount No No Yes int32 Number of MSUs transmitted per second for the NA TL1Name: TXMSU
ActiveSNMSlot No No Yes int32 Peer Identifier of the Active SNM. The SNM is one of two processes running our MTP3 layer. A process is either 'active' or 'standby'. On a two slot system there will be one of each. Both are processing traffic, but the 'active' is the SNM that controls the User Interface and the SLC tables. During some upgrade procedures you may be asked (in the upgrade instructions) to consult this attribute so that you may bring to down the Standby SNM first. TL1Name: ACTV_SNMSLOT
SLSSize No No No SLSSize Signaling Link Selector Size ( 4, 5, 8 bits ). This sets the number of bits used in the SLS field of the MTP routing label. ANSI network typically use 8 or 5 bits, and the ITU network typically use 4 bits. TL1Name: SLSSIZE
RotateSLS No No No Feature SLS rotation is used to load share traffic across links in an ANSI network. This flag enables or disables the SLS rotation on a Network appearance basis. An ANSI STP will typically rotate the SLS after selecting a link. An ITU STP will typically not rotate the SLS. In either case the SLS value is not rotated when a message is sent across the C-Link (see the Linkset 'Rotate SLS' attribute).If SLS rotation is disabled here, the corresponding Linkset attributes become meaningless. TL1Name: ROTATESLS
SLSIgnoreBit No No No SLSIgnoreBit Setting SLS ignore bit allows better loadsharing distribution between links. Ability to change SLS Ignore bit depends on the standard. For ANSI SLS Ignore Bit is always set to bit 5 as per clause T1.111.5. TL1Name: SLS_IGNBIT
SLSLinksetSelectBit No No No SLSLinksetSelectBit Select SLS Linkset Selection bit is applicable for ITU only. It allows better loadsharing distribution between links TL1Name: SLS_LSSELECTBIT
MaxEqualCostRoutes No No No int32 Set the maximum number of equal cost routes per routeset. TL1Name: MAX_ECR
GenerateUPU No No No Feature Enable or disable User Part Unavailable (UPU) message generation for the signaling node. It is recommended to enable the generation of UPUs. TL1Name: GENUPU
LocalMTPRestartSupport No No No Feature Indicates whether this node supports Local MTP Restart procedures. MTP Restart procedures invoke a set of timers (t25, t27 and t28) that are used when an isolated node is returning to service. These timers allow the node to get routing information from the adjacent nodes before attempting to run traffic. We recommend Restart be set to ENABLED, unless you have a specific network condition that does not allow Restart. For example older adjacent nodes may not support this feature at this node and might be confused by the Traffic-Restart-Allowed (TRA) message sent out at the start of this process. Restart Support may also be set on a per link basis if you have one particular adjacent node that does not handle MTP Restart procedures. For more information about Restart feature, see the appropriate sections in the T1.111.4 Signaling Network Functions and Messages (ANSI) and Q.704 Signaling Network Functions and Messages (ITU-T). TL1Name: LCLMTPRSTSUP
PCNumberingValidation No No No Feature When Point Code Numbering Validation is turned on, the system will require that all Point Codes used are allowed under the appropriate ITU or ANSI standards. For example 0.1.3 is not a valid point code in ANSI. Turning off PC Numbering Validation would allow the point code on this node, however it does not indicate that other external nodes and systems who received this PC will be able to process it. TL1Name: PCNUMVALID
SpareSSFBits No No No SpareSSFBits Spare Bits in the SSF are normally used as either spare or as priority bits (default behaviour). In some National variants the spare bits may be configured and act like an extension of the Network Indicator: messages are only accepted if the spare bits match the configured value. TL1Name: SPARESSFBITS
NIUserOverride No No No Feature NI User Override for incoming MSUs. If enabled, the Network Indicator from the MTP3 NA will override the NI value in the MSUs coming from the L4 Connection users. NI override only applies to MSUs with SI greater or equal to 3. TL1Name: NI_USER_OVERRIDE
M2PADefaultVersion No No No M2paDefaultVersion M2PA Default Version sets the standard SIGTRAN version to which the M2PA messages will conform. This need only be set if this node is using M2PA links. The current M2PA standard, and the recommended value is RFC 4165. Connections to older systems may require use of the earlier Draft 6. TL1Name: M2PADFTVER
LoadshareMode No No No LoadsharingMode Loadshare mode affects the algorithm that determines which MSUs are routed on which links (the loadsharing algorithm). When set to 'SLS', the usual loadsharing algorithm is used, based on the SLS in the incoming MSU. This algorithm is usually satisfactory, but may have drawbacks in some SS7 variants and network configurations in which the range of meaningful SLS values may be limited. Also, MSUs such as SCCP messages with Protocol Class 0 do not have sequencing requirements. When set to 'SCCP0', SCCP messages that do not require sequencing are loadshared evenly between links without regard to the incoming SLS and the outgoing SLS is modified. Other MSUs are loadshared in the usual way using the MSU SLS. When set to 'ENHANCED SLS', a new SLS value is generated based on incoming information such as OPC, DPC and link SLC. When set to ENHANCED SLS AND SCCP0, the option will process Protocol class 0 messages first and use the same functionality at SCCP0, plus remaining messages are processed using the same functionality as the ENHANCED SLS option. Applies to SI > 2 messages only. When set to 'TTC AB PLANE' the A/B Plane Bit is used to select the outgoing linkset. This attribute only takes effect if a routeset is using a combined linkset (two routes with equal cost), and if one linkset is configured as a A-plane linkset (using the Linkset 'AB Plane Bit' attribute) and the other linkset is configured as a B-plane linkset. In this case, the A/B Plane Bit in the MSU SLS is used to select the outgoing linkset when sufficient links are available. In some cases there is a trade-off between evenly distributing traffic across available links and respecting the A/B bit for linkset selection. These cases are handled as follows. * If each linkset has half or more its links available, the AB Plane Bit is used to select the outgoing linkset and the other SLS bits are used to select the link within the linkset. * If one of the linksets has less than half its links available (''abnormal'' or ''quasi-normal'') but the other linkset has half or more its links available (''normal'' or ''fully normal''), then only one linkset is used for traffic: the linkset with half or more of its links available. * If each linkset has less than half its links available, priority is given to making the traffic on each link as even as possible, while respecting the AB Plane Bit when this doesn't further unbalance traffic. TL1Name: LOADSHARE_MODE
SLTSI No No No SIForSlt The Service Indicator (SI) used for Signaling Link Test (SLT) messages. AUTO sets the value based on SS7 Variant NTM_REGULAR uses the SI value 1 NTM_SPECIAL uses the SI value 2 The default value is AUTO. This value is used to customize the Signaling Link Test Messages (SLTM) and Signaling Link Test Message Acknowledgements (SLTA). This is not a value that should be changed on a running system. As such you must deactivate all linksets on the NA before you will be allowed to change the SLT parameters for this NA. Reactivate the links after the change has been made. TL1Name: SISLT
SLTMPattern No No No string The Test Pattern Used for Signaling Link Test Messages (SLTM) messages written in hexadecimal format. Enter this value as a string representing the hex value (for example, AABBCCDD) This value is used to customize the Signaling Link Test Messages (SLTM) and Signaling Link Test Message Acknowledgements (SLTA). This is not a value that should be changed on a running system. As such you must deactivate all linksets on the NA before you will be allowed to change the SLT parameters for this NA. Reactivate the links after the change has been made. TL1Name: SLTMPATTERN
MaximumMSULength No No No MsuSize The maximum number of bytes allowed, including routing label and SIO, for an MSU in this NA. Range is 273 to 4092 bytes. The value should remain at the default of 273 unless the NA is meant to support MTP3B with long MSUs. TL1Name: MSUSIZE
LongMSUDiscardInterval No No No IntervalMinutes The interval in which the maximum number of traps can be raised to report a Long MSU discard for an unsupported destination. Unsupported destination could be a linkset, user part or application. This timer also indicates how long the dashboard alarm will remain visible after the last Long MSU discard by the unsupported destination. TL1Name: LONGMSUINTERVAL
LongMSUDiscardMaximum No No No MaxTrapGen The maximum number of SNMP traps that can be raised in the Long MSU Discard Interval for a particular destination. TL1Name: LONGMSUTRAPS
ApplicationIDMgmt No No No ApplicationIDMgmt Application ID Management feature for registered AppID special handling. This feature is designed for application related deployments where the registration of the associated Application ID (aka same name as this attribute) triggers predetermined MTP3 events such as link outage, special user messaging, and so forth. Supported values: NONE and PT_C20. By default, the attribute is set to NONE. The attribute can only modified when the node is cleared and inactive. Must be set to PT_C20 for SP2K deployments interfacing with a C20 call agents. TL1Name: APPIDMGMT
GenerateTFM No No No Feature TFM generation for PT_C20 End Nodes. Enabled by default. Can only be disabled if the Application ID Mgmt is set to PT_C20 and the VNode and Routing features are disabled. When disabled, all TFM messages (TFP, TFA, TCP, etc) are not generated by the MTP3 NA. TL1Name: GENERATETFM
DiscardMSUDPCEqualsOPC No No No Feature Discard MSUs incoming from L4 Connections with DPC equal to OPC. If set to ENABLED, MSUs from MTP3 users (such as SCCP/GTT and Signaling Gateway) are discarded if the MSU's OPC and DPC are identical. In cases with complicated internal routing, an MSU might have its OPC equal to its DPC as a transient state, in which case this attribute might need to be set to DISABLED. By default, the attribute is set to ENABLED. TL1Name: DISCMSUDPCOPC
EnableAlarmsOnActivate No No No Feature Enable Alarms on Activate. When ENABLED, Alarms are forced to the enabled state when the object is Activated. When DISABLED, Alarms retain their current state when the object is Activated. Default Value: ENABLED. Valid values: ENABLED, DISABLED. TL1Name: ALARMSACTIVATE
ScreenManagementMSUs No No No Feature Screen Management MSUs feature provides the ability to screen out MTP3 Management MSUs (SIOs 0, 1 or 2) before sending them to GWS. If ENABLED, Management MSUs (SIOs 0, 1 or 2) on all Linksets of MTP3 NA will not be sent to GWS for screening. If DISABLED, Management MSUs (SIOs 0, 1 or 2) on all Linksets of MTP3 NA will be sent to GWS for screening. If Screen Management MSUs is disabled/enabled here, Screen Management MSUs at all Linksets will be overridden with the corresponding value. Valid value: ENABLED/DISABLED Default value: DISABLED TL1Name: SCREENMGMTMSU
L4ConnectionPort No No Yes int32 L4 Connection Port is the internal TCP/IP port on which the internal processes (SCCP and Signalling Gateway) connect. This is a read-only informational attribute. TL1Name: MTP4CXPORT
MateSTP No No Yes string The Mate STP point code is the local point code of the other signaling node in a mated-pair configuration. On STP products, there should be a Routeset and a Linkset to the Mate-STP, and typically all Routesets to other nodes will contain a route through the mate STP at a higher cost. The signaling gateway may have at most one mate. TL1Name: MATESTP
VNodeFeature No No No Feature The Virtual Nodes feature is enabled by license on our SS7 Gateway and STP products. Virtual nodes are used by gateway applications. The Local Point Code (LPC) identifies the node to which links terminate. However if we are using a point code to be shared across a pair of nodes and to which an application will register, then a Virtual Node (VPC) is required. The VNode feature must be turned on before VNodes may be created on this system. TL1Name: VNDFEAT
RoutingFeature No No No Feature The STP function of routing SS7 messages at MTP level 3 is enabled by license. With this enabled the node will be able to receive messages and forward messages destined for one of its available routesets. Without MTP routing the system will act only as a gateway for IP applications. The feature is Available on our SS7 Gateway and STP products and is not available on Edge products. TL1Name: ROUTINGFEAT
R48Compliance No No No Feature This flag is used to turn on or off R4-8 compliance for SS7 messages during STP routing. Typically all traffic that has be GTT routed or from a user application will have the OPC set to LPC. However for some of our custom routing products (converters and PCE) this may not be desirable. The feature is Available on our SS7 Gateway and STP products and is not available on Edge products. R4_8 Compliance is typically set to ENABLED. TL1Name: R4_8COMPL
ConfirmationRequired No No No Feature This flag is used to turn on the confirmation request dialogue when the last link in a linkset is deactivated. The dialogue notifies the user of the possible consequences of deactivation the last link in a linkset. TL1Name: CONF_REQUEST
Debug No No No Feature If set to ENABLED, the debug flags that follow in this screen are applied. This is a setting for the debug system as a whole. The remaining flags are individual settings for specific debug features. It is strongly recommended that this flag be set to ENABLED on all systems. TL1Name: DBGFEAT
Errors No No No LoggingFeature If set to LOGGED the Debug Error flag will enable all logs sent to Syslog to also be sent to the Debug log. With Error messages and other Debug information in the one Debug log file, it is easier to interpret the log events. It is strongly recommended that this flag be set to LOGGED on all systems. TL1Name: DBGERR
SNMManagement No No No LoggingFeature If the Debug SNM Management flag is set to LOGGED, then information concerning the state of management of the MTP Level 3 will be sent to the Debug log file. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGSNMMGMT
PeerAdministration No No No LoggingFeature If the Peer Administration flag is set to LOGGED, then activities with the distributed peer of the MTP will be logged to the Debug log file. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGPEERADM
L2Connection No No No LoggingFeature If the L2 Connection flag is set to LOGGED, then the then activities concerning the internal connections to the L2 process will be logged to the Debug log file. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGL2CON
DREConnection No No No LoggingFeature If the DRE Connection flag is set to LOGGED, then activities concerning the internal connections to the DRE process will be logged to the Debug log file. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGDRECON
DREAdministration No No No LoggingFeature If the DRE Administration flag is set to LOGGED, then activities concerning the management of the DRE process will be logged to the Debug log file. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGDREADM
DRESwitchover No No No LoggingFeature If the DRE Switchover flag is set to LOGGED, then these activities will be logged to the Debug log file. The DRE Switchover activities take place when one DRE process takes over for a DRE process that has become unavailable for some reason. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGDRESWTCH
Setup No No No LoggingFeature If the Setup flag is set to LOGGED, then activities associated with the startup of the process and its initial configuration will be logged in the Debug log file. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGSETUP
OtherTimers No No No LoggingFeature If the Other Timers flag is set to LOGGED , then an information message will be placed in the Debug Log file when various timers ( other than the IO Timers) are used. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGOTIMERS
ReroutingProcedure No No No LoggingFeature If Rerouting Procedure flag is set to LOGGED, then informational messages are placed in the Debug Log File when the MTP level 3 invokes Rerouting procedures. Controlled Rerouting is the SS7 concept whereby the networked adjusts routing to state changes in nodes. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGREROUTPROC
COCBProcedure No No No LoggingFeature If Change Over / Change Back (CO/CB) Procedure flag, is set to LOGGED, then informational messages concerning how links go through Change Over and Change Back procedures are placed in the Debug Log. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGCO_CBPROC
LinkStatus No No No LoggingFeature If Link Status flag is set to LOGGED, then informational messages concerning the state changes of the SS7 links are placed in the Debug Log. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGLINKSTATUS
L2Messages No No No LoggingFeature If Level 2 messages flag is set to LOGGED, then informational messages detailing the communications between the DRE and its Level 2 module are placed in the Debug Log. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGL2MSG
UserManagement No No No LoggingFeature If MTP User management flag is set to LOGGED, then information concerning the state of communications between the DRE and its connected users (SCCP or Signalling Gateway) are placed in the Debug Log. This feature is applicable on the SS7 Gateway and STP products, and not on Edge devices. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGUSRMGMT
UserPrimitives No No No LoggingFeature If MTP User Primitive message flag is set to LOGGED, then the messages used for of communications between the DRE and its connected users (SCCP or Signalling Gateway) are placed in the Debug Log. The API used is internal and not meant to be readable by customers, thus this flag is o typically only used at the request of customer support. This feature is applicable on the SS7 Gateway and STP products, and not on Edge devices. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGUSRPRIM
MSUTraffic No No No LoggingFeature If the MSU Traffic flag is set to LOGGED, then a summary of each MSU will be presented as the MSU enters or leaves MTP Level 3. CAUTION: this flag can produce a huge volume of data, and can easily swamp a busy system with logging requests. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGMSU
MSUTrafficRaw No No No LoggingFeature If the MSU Traffic Raw flag is set to LOGGED, then all messages and contents received or sent at the MTP Level 3 will be placed in the Debug Log in a hexadecimal representation. The format used is internal and not meant to be readable by customers, thus this flag is o typically only used at the request of customer support. CAUTION: this flag can produce a huge volume of data, and can easily swamp a busy system with logging requests. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGMSURAW
SLT No No No LoggingFeature If the Debug SLT flag is set to LOGGED, then the messages and procedures concerning SLTM/SLTA/SRT/SRA functionality at MTP level 3 will be traced and logged to the Debug Log. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGSLT
SLSTables No No No LoggingFeature If the Debug SLS Tables flag is set to LOGGED, then information concerning changes to the state of the SLS Tables is presented in the logs. Changes to the SLS tables take place when links change state. This information is internal and not typically needed by customers. This flag is typically only used at the request of customer support. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: DBGSLSTABLES
L3T1 No No No Timer Changeover delay ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the NA will encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. The L3 T1 timer can be overridden from a Linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T1
L3T2 No No No Timer Waiting for COA ( 700 - 2000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the NA will encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. The L3 T2 timer can be overridden from a Linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T2
L3T3 No No No Timer Changeback delay ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the NA will encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. The L3 T3 timer can be overridden from a Linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T3
L3T4 No No No Timer Waiting for CBA: first attempt ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the NA will encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. The L3 T4 timer can be overridden from a Linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T4
L3T5 No No No Timer Waiting for CBA: second attempt ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T5
L3T6 No No No Timer Controlled rerouting delay ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the NA will encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. The L3 T6 timer can be overridden from a Linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T6
L3T7 No No No Timer Waiting for CSS/CNS/CNP ( 1000 - 2000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] The default value is 1500 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T7
L3T8 No No No Timer TFP inhibition timer ( 800 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T8
L3T10 No No No Timer Waiting to repeat RSM ( 30,000 - 60,000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 30,000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T10
L3T11 No No No Timer TFR timer ( 30,000 - 90,000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] The default value is 60,000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T11
L3T12 No No No Timer Waiting for LUA ( 800 - 1500 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T12
L3T13 No No No Timer Waiting for LFU ( 800 - 1500 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] The default value is 1000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T13
L3T14 No No No Timer Waiting for LIA ( 2000 - 3000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] The default value is 3000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T14
L3T15 No No No Timer Waiting to repeat RCT ( 2000 - 3000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 2000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T15
L3T16 No No No Timer Waiting for congestion status update ( 1400 - 2000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is 2000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T16
L3T17 No No No Timer Alignment failure and restart delay ( 800 - 1500 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] The value is set to 1 ms in SS7 variants where the L3 T17 is not applicable. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T17
L3T18 No No No Timer ANSI: Repeat TFR once by response method ( 2000 - 20000 ms ) The default value in ANSI is 2000 ms. ITU: Internal MTP restart timer. The Q704 standard lists this value as being network dependent. We have set the ITU default value as 5000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T18
L3T19 No No No Timer ANSI: Failed link craft referral ( 480,000 - 600,000 ms ) The default ANSI value is 480,000 ms. ITU: MTP restart timer to control ping-pong TFP/TFR/TFA ( 67,000 - 69,000 ms ) The default ITU value is 68,000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T19
L3T20 No No No Timer ANSI: Waiting to repeat local inhibit test ( 90,000 - 120,000 ms ) ITU: MTP restart timer at Signaling Point whose MTP restarts ( 59,000 - 61,000 ms ) The default ITU value is 60,000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T20
L3T21 No No No Timer ANSI: Waiting to repeat remote inhibit test ( 90,000 - 120,000 ms ) The default ANSI value is 90,000 ms. ITU: MTP restart timer used at Signaling Point adjacent to the restarting Signaling Point ( 63,000 - 65,000 ms ) The default value is 64,000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T21
L3T22 No No No Timer ANSI: Wait to receive TRA during a Signaling Point Restart The default ANSI value is 10,000 ms. ITU: Local inhibit test timer ( 180,000 - 360,000 ms ) The default ITU value is 180,000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T22
L3T23 No No No Timer ANSI: Wait to broadcast all traffic restart allowed messages The default ANSI value is 10,000 ms. ITU: Remote inhibit test timer ( 180,000 - 360,000 ms ) The default ITU value is 180,000 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T23
L3T24 No No No Timer ANSI: Waiting to broadcast TRA on SP Restart The default ANSI value is 10,000 ms. ITU: Stabilizing timer for latching LPO to RPO The default ITU value is 500 ms. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T24
L3T25 No No No Timer ANSI: Wait for TRA from adjacent restarting SP ( 30,000 - 35,000 ms ) The default ANSI value is 30,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T25
L3T26 No No No Timer ANSI: Wait to repeat TRW at restarting Signaling Point ( 12,000 - 15,000 ms ) The default ANSI value is 12,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T26
L3T27 No No No Timer ANSI: Minimum duration of unavailability for full restart ( 2000 - 5000 ms ) The default ANSI value is 5000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T27
L3T28 No No No Timer Waiting for TRW at the Signaling Point adjacent to the restarting Signaling Point ( 3,000 - 35,000 ms ) The default ANSI value is 30,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T28
L3T29 No No No Timer ANSI: TRA sent in response to unexpected TRA or TRW ( 60,000 - 65,000 ) The default ANSI value is 60,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T29
L3T30 No No No Timer ANSI: Limit transmission of TFP/TFR's after receiving unexpected TRA/TRW's (30,000-35,000) The default ANSI value is 30,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T30
L3T31 No No No Timer ANSI: False link congestion detection (10,000-120,000) The default ANSI value is 30,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T31
L3T32 No No No Timer ANSI: Link oscillation - Procedure A The default ANSI value is 90,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T32
L3T33 No No No Timer ANSI: Probation for link oscillation - Procedure B GR-246_CORE (60,000-600,000) The default ANSI value is 90,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T33
L3T34 No No No Timer Suspension for link oscillation - Procedure B GR-246_CORE (5,000-120,000) The default ANSI value is 90,000 ms. ITU: This timer is not used in ITU networks. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T34
XListLifespan No No No XLifeTimer The X-List Life Timer sets the lifespan of the dynamically created X-Routesets. If an X-Routeset has not received traffic for the given period of time, the X-Routeset will be deleted from the system. The available options for this attribute are: DISABLED (implies X-routesets are never to be deleted.) TEN_MINUTES THRITY_MINUTES ONE_HOUR TWO_HOURS THREE_HOURS FOUR_HOURS SIX_HOURS TWELVE_HOURS ONE_DAY TWO_DAYS The default value is DISABLED. Setting MTP Level 3 timers is only done one time for the entire NA as they encompass all linkset, routeset and NA functionality. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change this timer value without prior forethought and planning. Removal of X-List entries enables one to 'clean-up' seldom used entries, but could impact system and network performance. Timer values generally should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: TXLIST
L3T19Notification No No No Feature This parameter affects the behaviour of the ANSI Link Craft Referral Timer (ANSI T19). See GR-246-CORE issue 10 T1.111.4 section 12.2 and 12.3 and GR-82-CORE section for more details. If the Notification is set to enabled, then the system logs each T19 expiry event after unsuccessful activation of a link. If this attribute is set to disabled, then no system logs are generated when a link fails to come into service within T19. TL1Name: T19NOTIF
L3T19LinkReset No No No Feature This parameter affects the behaviour of the ANSI Link Craft Referral Timer (ANSI T19). See GR-246-CORE issue 10 T1.111.4 section 12.2 and 12.3 and GR-82-CORE section for more details. If this attribute is set to enabled, then the link will be reset after each expiry of T19 timer. If this attribute is disabled, then the link will not be reset after the expiry of T19 timer. TL1Name: T19LRESET
L3T19Attempts No No No L3FailedLinkCraftRefTimer This parameter affects the behaviour of the ANSI Link Craft Referral Timer (ANSI T19). See GR-246-CORE issue 10 T1.111.4 section 12.2 and 12.3 and GR-82-CORE section for more details. If this attribute is set to FOREVER, then the timer runs forever until the link gets activated. After each expiry of the timer, the link is either reset or continued for activation depending on the L3 T19 Link Reset setting. If this attribute is set to ZERO, then the timer is totally disabled and will not run at all. If this attribute is set to ONE, then the link will stop activating and is deactivated after the first T19 expiry. If this attribute is set to TWO or THREE and if the L3 T19 Link Reset setting is enabled then the link-reset continue forever. If this attribute is set to TWO or THREE and if L3 T19 Link Reset attribute is disabled then the link will continue to get activated for 1 or 2 periods of T19 duration depending on the selection, and finally timer will stop the link activation, and it deactivates the link after the last T19 expiry. TL1Name: T19ATTMPTS
L3T31FalseLinkCongestion No No No L3FalseLinkCongestionTimer This parameter affects the behaviour of L3 False Link Congestion timer (ANSI T31). See GR-246-CORE issue 10 T1.111.4 section and GR-82-CORE section R4-42 to R4-44 for more details. If L3 T31 False Link Congestion attribute is set to DISABLED_ALL_CONGESTION_LEVELS, then the timer will not run at all. If the attribute is set to ENABLED_ALL_CONGESTION_LEVELS, then the timer is started whenever the link congestion level changes to a value greater than level 0. The timer is restarted on every change of congestion level between level 1, level 2 and level 3. When the congestion level drops to level 0 then the timer is cancelled or if the timer expires then the link is restarted. If the attribute is set to ENABLED_ALL_EXCEPT_LEVEL1, then the congestion level 1 is not considered for starting and restarting the timer. If the congestion level changes to level 2 or level 3 then the timer is started. The timer is restarted whenever the congestion level changes between level 2 and level 3. When the congestion level drops to level 1 or level 0, then the timer is cancelled or if the timer expires then the link is restarted. The timer value is taken from the timer T31 and it should be in the range of 10000 msec to 120000 msec and the default value is 30000 msec. Whenever the link is restarted due to expiry of the timer, then the management is notified by the system log. TL1Name: T31FLINKCONG
CRDTSupport No No No Feature The ANSI CRDT procedure is supported on ANSI STPs, as per GR-246-CORE Issue 10 T1.111.7 (Method A) and GR-82-CORE Issue 10. It describes an MTP3 procedure with three configurable parameters: 'M', 'N' and 'TLoop'. The CRDT procedure may be explicitly enabled or disabled for ANSI STPs via this attribute. If the 'SS7 Variant' is not set to ANSI, or if the 'STP Routing' feature is not enabled then this attribute has no effect. Setting this attribute to DISABLED resets the state of all routes that were marked as prohibited for failing a CRDT test. TL1Name: CRDTSUPPORT
CRDTN No No No int32 The ANSI CRDT procedure is supported on ANSI STPs, as per GR-246-CORE Issue 10 T1.111.7 (Method A) and GR-82-CORE Issue 10. It describes an MTP3 procedure with three configurable parameters: 'M', 'N' and 'TLoop'. This attribute is the 'N'. The rest of this description is a summary of the CRDT procedure. ANSI CRDT Method A is performed by MTP3 as follows (overview): - when congestion status increases on a link, sample N MSUs (range 50-200) sent on that link. - From the N MSUs, compute the M most common DPCs (range 3-10). - Send test messages to those destinations. - If a test message comes back within TLoop (10 - 20s) then there is a loop in the MTP3 routing tables in the network. Disable the tested routes and those of lower priority. TL1Name: CRDTN
CRDTM No No No int32 The ANSI CRDT procedure is supported on ANSI STPs, as per GR-246-CORE Issue 10 T1.111.7 (Method A) and GR-82-CORE Issue 10. It describes an MTP3 procedure with three configurable parameters: 'M', 'N' and 'TLoop'. This attribute is the 'M'. The rest of this description is a summary of the CRDT procedure. ANSI CRDT Method A is performed by MTP3 as follows (overview): - when congestion status increases on a link, sample N MSUs (range 50-200) sent on that link. - From the N MSUs, compute the M most common DPCs (range 3-10). - Send test messages to those destinations. - If a test message comes back within TLoop (10 - 20s) then there is a loop in the MTP3 routing tables in the network. Disable the tested routes and those of lower priority. TL1Name: CRDTM
CRDTTimerLoop No No No Seconds The ANSI CRDT procedure is supported on ANSI STPs, as per GR-246-CORE Issue 10 T1.111.7 (Method A) and GR-82-CORE Issue 10. It describes an MTP3 procedure with three configurable parameters: 'M', 'N' and 'TLoop'. This attribute is the 'TLoop'. The rest of this description is a summary of the CRDT procedure. ANSI CRDT Method A is performed by MTP3 as follows (overview): - when congestion status increases on a link, sample N MSUs (range 50-200) sent on that link. - From the N MSUs, compute the M most common DPCs (range 3-10). - Send test messages to those destinations. - If a test message comes back within TLoop (10 - 20s) then there is a loop in the MTP3 routing tables in the network. Disable the tested routes and those of lower priority. TL1Name: CRDTTLOOP
NTTUSNSupport No No No Feature The NTT USN message is part of the NTT standard. This attribute also allows USN support to be enabled in TTC. When this feature is enabled, a received SRT with an unknown Destination Point Code is answered with a USN sent to the SRT OPC and not with the usual TFP. This attribute is ENABLED for NTT, configurable in TTC with default DISABLED, and is DISABLED and not configurable in other SS7 variants. TL1Name: NTTUSNSUPPORT

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