A sequence of Link attributes

Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
SLC Yes Yes Yes int32 Signaling Link Code for this link. Value of 0-15 TL1Name: SLC
Context No No Yes string TL1Name: CONTEXT
APC No No Yes string Adjacent SS7 point code of this link TL1Name: PC
LinkName No No Yes string Link Name based on the Linkset Name. TL1Name: LINKNAME
DREID No No Yes int32 The DRE which owns this link. TL1Name: DRE_ID
Cage No No No int32 Cage is the value defined in the L2 connection to the M2UA device. The L2 connection must be created prior to populating this field. TL1Name: CAGE
IID No No No int32 Channel used by this link TL1Name: IID
L2State No No Yes L2LinkState Status of MTP Level 2 for this link. Deactivated, Proving, In-Service, Out of Service, Failed, Local Processor Outage, Remote Processor Outage, Both Processor Outage, Local Loopback mode, Not Enabled, Not Initialized TL1Name: L2_STATE
L3State No No Yes L3LinkState Status of MTP Level 3 for this link. Deactivated, Proving, In-Service, Out of Service, Locally Inhibited, Remotely Inhibited, Both Inhibited, Blocked, Blocked and Uninhibited, Local Processor Outage TL1Name: L3_STATE
CongestionLevel No No Yes CongestionLevel Congestion level of this link. For ANSI, from 1 to 3, or FALSE if not congested. For ITU, TRUE or FALSE. TL1Name: CONGESTION_LVL
RxMSUCount No No Yes int32 Received MSU count, per second. TL1Name: RXMSU
TxMSUCount No No Yes int32 Transmitted MSU count, per second. TL1Name: TXMSU
DiagnosticMessage No No Yes string Link management diagnostic message TL1Name: DIAG_MSG
LinkOscillationFilter No No No Feature Link Oscillation Filter. The timer can be enabled by setting this attribute to ENABLED. It can be disabled by setting this filed to DISABLED. The timer if enabled, prevents this M2UAlink from oscillating between aligned and non-aligned states repeatedly. It works in ANSI only using timer value from T32 TL1Name: OSC_FILTER
DataLinkBandwidth No No No LinkBandwidth Link Baud Rate used to calculate Erlang TL1Name: DLINK_BANDWITH
Alarms No No No Feature Alarms affect the alarms associated with the Link. DISABLED mode: Alarms will not be raised. ENABLED mode: Alarms will be raised. Valid values: ENABLED and DISABLED. Default value: ENABLED. TL1Name: ALARMS
UserActivated No No Yes Feature Link activation flag. Used on stack restart for alignment attempt. Only affected by link activation/deactivation. TL1Name: USR_ACTIVATED
L2DebugLevel No No No int32 MTP Level 2 Debug Level. The recommended value for this attribute is 0. TL1Name: L2_DBG_LVL

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