Resource - LocalRedirectRecord

About this Resource

Defines an LocalRedirectRecord managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
DPC Yes Yes No string Destination Point Code. A string that represents a point code, in the PC Display Format used by the NA. TL1Name: DPC
MessageCategory Yes Yes No localRedirectRecMsgCat Message Category. The class of message affected by the local redirect. The valid values are TFC, RCT, SSP, SSA, SST, SCCP Data, FCM, and SCMG. SCCP Data means SCCP messages other than SCMG messages (Called Party SSN is not 1). SCMG means any type of SCCP management message (e.g. SSA, SSP or SST). SST, SCMG and SCCP Data values may not be used with the Duplicate modifier. FCM means the flow control MTP management messages (TFC and RCT). Default value: FCM. TL1Name: MSGCAT
NewDPC No Yes No string New Destination Point Code. A string that represents a point code, in the PC Display Format used by the NA. TL1Name: NEWDPC
Modifier No Yes No string Modifier. This is a string that describes any modification to the behaviour of this record. This may be the empty string or the string ''Duplicate'' or a string of the form ''Duplicate <max>'' or of the form ''Duplicate <max> <overload behaviour>''. If the max is specified, it must be a positive integer between 1 and 1000 that indicates the number of MSUs per second that may be duplicated. If the overload behaviour is specified, it must be one of the following strings: modify, original or alternate. If the number of duplicated MSUs exceeds the provisioned maximum for the record (per second) then the MSU is not duplicated, instead the behaviour depends on the provisioned overload behaviour. If the overload behaviour is set to ''modify'' then the MSU is modified and processed, if the overload behaviour is set to ''original'' then the MSU is processed unchanged and if the overload behavior is set to ''alternate'' then the behaviour alternates between ''modify'' and ''original''. If the Modifier attribute is set to a Duplicate string form, the Message Category attribute cannot be set to SST, SCMG, or SCCP Data. The default values for the max is 1000 and the default value for the overload behaviour is alternate. For example, ''Duplicate'' is the same as ''Duplicate 1000 alternate''. TL1Name: MOD
InternalID No No Yes int32 Internal ID. TL1Name: INTERNAL_ID

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