Resource - Linkset

About this Resource

A sequence of Linkset attributes

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
APC Yes Yes Yes string Adjacent SS7 point code of this linkset. TL1Name: PC
Context No No Yes string TL1Name: CONTEXT
LinkType No No No LinkType Type of SS7 linkset. (A, B, C, D, E, F). Changing the type for the NTT variant to F forces the AB Plane Bit to A, and from F forces it to SLC_ENCODED, and requires the linkset to be empty. TL1Name: LINKT
ABPlaneBit No No No ABPlaneBit Sets the AB plane bit for TTC links. When set to A or B, the link's SLC value represents the 3-bit LSN in the SLS field. When set to SLC Encoded, the AB plane bit is encoded as part of the link's SLC value. You must delete all the links within the linkset to modify this field. The AB Plane Bit is always set to A for NTT F-links. Default value: SLC Encoded. TL1Name: ABPLANEBIT
LinksetName No No No string An NA unique linkset name between 2 and 16 characters. TL1Name: LINKSETNAME
CLLI No No No string Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of this linkset. TL1Name: CLLI
State No No Yes LinksetState Status of this linkset (inactive, active, failed) TL1Name: STATE
RotateSLS No No No Feature Enable or disable SLS rotation of MSUs that are sent on this linkset.If SLS rotation is disabled for the node (via the 'MTP3 NA' 'Rotate SLS' attribute) then this parameter has no effect. SLS Rotation is only applied to MSUs with SI at least 3 (SLS is not rotated for MTP3 management messages). TL1Name: ROTATESLS
ReverseRotateSLS No No No Feature Reverse rotate the SLS of incoming MSUs.Setting this parameter with traffic running may result in MSU missequencing.SLS Rotation is commonly used in ANSI networks. In some network configurations though SLS rotation can be detrimental, such as when routes via an STP have no cross links.One option in such configurations is to disable SLS rotation on pertinent linksets. If the adjacent node does not support disabling SLS rotation, we can fake it for them by enabling this feature.This feature performs a reverse rotation on the SLS of incoming MSUs before routing/loadsharing decisions or SLS rotation are performed. This modification affects the SLS of the outgoing MSU.If SLS rotation is disabled for the node (via the 'MTP3 NA' 'Rotate SLS' attribute) then this parameter has no effect. Reverse rotation of the SLS is only applied to MSUs with SI at least 3 (it does not apply to MTP3 management messages). TL1Name: REVROTATESLS
RemoteMTPRestartSupport No No No Feature Adjacent node MTP restart support TL1Name: RMMTPRSTSUP
RoutesetListName No No No string Name of the Routeset List used to route MSUs received by this linkset. Routeset Lists are represented by Routeset List objects. Changing this value while traffic is running will likely cause MSU missequencing. TL1Name: RTSTNAME
IMFSupport No No No Feature Integrated Monitoring Feed feature support for this linkset. IMF must be licensed to enable this attribute. All the linkset IMF Support attributes can be cleared simultaneously by using the Reset IMF action in the Linksets object. TL1Name: IMF
Alarms No No No Feature Alarms affect the alarms associated with the Linkset. DISABLED mode: Alarms will not be raised. ENABLED mode: Alarms will be raised. Valid values: ENABLED and DISABLED. Default value: ENABLED. TL1Name: ALARMS
PCMappingTableName No No No string An existing NA PC Mapping table name. (up to 32 characters). Default value: Empty, no mapping is applied. TL1Name: PCMAPPING
UserActivated No No Yes Feature Attempt to activate when possible TL1Name: USRACTV
ScreenManagementMSUs No No No Feature Screen Management MSUs feature provides the ability to screen out MTP3 Management MSUs (SIOs 0, 1 or 2) before sending them to GWS. If ENABLED, Management MSUs (SIOs 0, 1 or 2) on this Linkset will not be sent to GWS for screening. If DISABLED, Management MSUs (SIOs 0, 1 or 2) on this Linkset will be sent to GWS for screening. Valid value: ENABLED/DISABLED Default value: DISABLED TL1Name: SCREENMGMTMSU
BroadcastTCA No No No Feature Enable or disable the broadcasting of TCA SS7 messages for this linkset TL1Name: TCA
BroadcastTCP No No No Feature Enable or disable the broadcasting of TCP SS7 messages for this linkset TL1Name: TCP
BroadcastTCR No No No Feature Enable or disable the broadcasting of TCR SS7 messages for this linkset TL1Name: TCR
BroadcastTFA No No No Feature Enable or disable the broadcasting of TFA SS7 messages for this linkset TL1Name: TFA
BroadcastTFP No No No Feature Enable or disable the broadcasting of TFP SS7 messages for this linkset TL1Name: TFP
BroadcastTFR No No No Feature Enable or disable the broadcasting of TFR SS7 messages for this linkset TL1Name: TFR
NetworkIndicator No No No NetIdLS Network Indicator override on a per linkset basis. By default, the MTP3 NA attribute is used (NODE_VALUE). If set to a value other than NODE_VALUE, the 2 bit value identifying the network in the MTP3 service indicator octet are overwritten to the specified value (NI_00, NI_01, NI_10, or NI_11) on incoming and outgoing MSUs from/to the associated links. Modification requires the linkset to be inactive TL1Name: NI
SLTSI No No No LS_SIForSlt The SI used for SLT messages. NODE_VALUE sets the value based on Node Value NTM_REGULAR uses the SI value 1 NTM_SPECIAL uses the SI value 2 TL1Name: SISLT
SLTMPattern No No No string The Test Pattern Used for SLTM messages (hex format) Enter as a string representing the hex value (for example, AABBCCDD) TL1Name: SLTMPATTERN
RepeatSLT No No No Feature Enable or disable the repeating of Signaling Link Test Message (SLTM or SRT in Japan) SS7 messages for this linkset. TL1Name: RPTSLT
OPCVerification No No No opcVerification OPC Verification Please do not change this attribute unless instructed by customer support. OPC Verification is defined in GR82CORE Issue 10 Section 4.2.7 'OPC Verification' to provide some protection against an entity transmitting an MSU using an OPC that is valid but does not belong to that entity (OPC Spoofing). The behaviour is slightly different for MSUs received on a C-link linkset compared to another linkset type. MSUs with the OPC of the Mate STP are accepted from a C-link linkset regardless of the value in this attribute. For a linkset other than the linkset to the Mate STP (not a C-linkset): * If the 'OPC Verification' attribute is set to ENABLED then the DSC discards MSUs received on this linkset that have OPC set to the Local Point Code (LPC), the point code of the Mate STP (Mate STP PC) or the point code of a VNode. * When 'OPC Verification' is set to LPC_MATEPC then the DSC discards MSUs received on this linkset that have OPC set to the LPC or the Mate STP PC. * When 'OPC Verification' is set to LPC then the DSC discards MSUs received on this linkset that have OPC set to the LPC. * When 'OPC Verification' is set to NONE then no OPC Verification is performed. For a linkset to the Mate STP (a C-linkset), MSUs with the OPC set to the Mate STP PC always pass OPC Verification. Hence the OPC Verification checks on a C-linkset are as follows: * When the 'OPC Verification' attribute is set to ENABLED the STP discards MSUs received on this linkset that have OPC set to the LPC or the point code of a VNode. An MSU received with the OPC set to the Mate STP PC is not discarded. * When 'OPC Verification' is set to LPC_MATEPC MSUs received on this linkset and an MSU is received on this linkset that has OPC set to the LPC of the DSC then the MSU is discarded. An MSU received with the OPC set to the Mate STP PC is not discarded. * When 'OPC Verification' is set to LPC and an MSU is received on this linkset that has OPC set to the LPC of the DSC then the MSU is discarded. * When 'OPC Verification' is set to NONE, no OPC verification is performed. OPC Verification failures are typically caused by either a circular route or by OPC Spoofing. Either case can cause problems on its own. For instance, OPC spoofing can make network troubleshooting more difficult and may impair the effectiveness of MTP Transfer Controlled procedures (for managing congestion). It is strongly recommended to address the root cause of OPC Verification failures rather than disabling this attribute. This attribute defaults to ENABLED for all linksets except C-link linksets. This attribute defaults to LPC_MATEPC for C-link linksets to support configurations with a protocol converter or PCE where R4-8 compliance at the Mate STP may have been disabled. TL1Name: OPC_VERIFICATION
LongMSUSupport No No No Feature Enable or Disable support for MSUs greater than 273 bytes. This attribute defaults to DISABLED TL1Name: LONG_MSU_SUPPORT
LongMSUProving No No No Feature Enable or Disable support proving with long MSUs greater than 273 bytes. This attribute defaults to ENABLED. Long MSU proving messages are only sent if the Long MSU Support feature is ENABLED. The length of the proving messages is defined by the Maximum MSU Length value for the NA TL1Name: LONG_MSU_PROVING
SCTPClient No No No Feature All links in the linkset operate as an SCTP Client if enabled. This attribute is used for Generic Links only. It determines if the links in the linkset operate as SCTP client or server. The Client is the process that initiates establishing the SCTP association. When disabled the links will respond to SCTP assoc association requests. M3UA Server and IPSP links support both client and server operation. M3UA SG and M3UA MG links support client operation. TL1Name: SCTP_CLIENT
M3UAClient No No No Feature All links in the linkset operate as an M3UA Client if enabled. This attribute is used for Generic Links only. It determines if links in the linkset operate as M3UA ASPs or M3UA SGPs (M3UA client or server). When enabled the links function as M3UA ASPs. When disabled the links function as M3UA SGPs. Only IPSP links support both ASP and SGP operation. M3UA SG and MG links support ASP functionality. M3UA Server links function as SGPs TL1Name: M3UA_CLIENT
M3UAMGSharedPC No No No Feature All M3UA MG links in the linkset will operate as shared PCs TL1Name: M3UA_MG_SPC
ExtendedSSNMMessages No No No Feature When enabled all M3UA SG and Server links in the linkset will send/receive additional Signalling Network Management Messages. When using Sigtran to connect STPs we recommend using M2PA links. This flag provides additional SSNM messages for cases where customers are unable to use M2PA or need to use one of our M3UA link types. The flag enables SG links to transmit the M3UA equivalent TFMs ie. M3UA DUNA and DAVA. The flag enables Server links to transmit the M3UA equivalent of RSP and RSTs ie. M3UA DAUD. The flag is disabled by default. TL1Name: M3UA_SSNM_MSGS
TXAbatementL1 No No No Percent10to100 Congestion Abatement Level 1 (% of buffer usage) TL1Name: TXABTL1
TXOnsetL1 No No No Percent10to100 Congestion Onset Level 1 (% of buffer usage) TL1Name: TXONSTL1
TXAbatementL2 No No No Percent10to100 Congestion Abatement Level 2 (% of buffer usage) TL1Name: TXABTL2
TXOnsetL2 No No No Percent10to100 Congestion Onset Level 2 (% of buffer usage) TL1Name: TXONSTL2
TXAbatementL3 No No No Percent10to100 Congestion Abatement Level 3 (% of buffer usage) TL1Name: TXABTL3
TXOnsetL3 No No No Percent10to100 Congestion Onset Level 3 (% of buffer usage) TL1Name: TXONSTL3
M2PARXAbatementBusy No No No int32 Receive Congestion Abatement Busy (bytes per second). When the M2PA RX Abatement value is cleared (less than) on a given link and the link was previously set to locally busy, an M2PA LSBE message is sent on the link to notify the adjacent point code of the end of the local congestion. Applies to both the D6 and RFC-4165 M2PA versions. TL1Name: M2PA_RXABT_BUSY
M2PARXOnsetBusy No No No int32 Receive Congestion Onset Busy (bytes per second). When the M2PA RX Onset Busy value is reached on a given link, an M2PA LSB message is sent on the link to notify the adjacent point code of the local congestion. Applies to both the D6 and RFC-4165 M2PA versions. TL1Name: M2PA_RXONST_BUSY
M2PATXQueueSize No No No int32 Size of the M2PA Transmit and Retransmit buffer (Bytes). The M2PA TX Queue Size attribute is used to determine the congestion TX percentage based on the current transmit and retransmit buffer size and maps the value to the appropriate TX Abatement and Onset congestion levels. The congestion level will be updated and displayed on a per link basis in the M2PA Link Congestion Level attribute as required. If an outgoing M2PA message has its message length + the retransmit buffer and the transmit buffer exceed the M2PA TX Queue Size, the message is discarded. Applies to both the D6 and RFC-4165 M2PA versions. TL1Name: M2PA_TXQSIZE
M2PARTBSize No No No int32 Size of the M2PA Retransmit buffer (Bytes). A larger RTB generally improves throughput but decreases responsiveness. More specifically, with a larger RTB the other end may need to wait longer for M2PA Data Acknowledgment. This value is only used with RFC 4165 links. TL1Name: M2PA_RTBSIZE
UsagePercentage No No No int32 Link usage alarm is triggered when average traffic in percentage exceeds the value entered in this attribute. The average is calculated over period of time defined in Usage Interval Minutes and Usage Interval Seconds TL1Name: LU_PERCT
UsageIntervalMinutes No No Yes int32 Link Usage Interval Minutes defines time interval in minutes used for calculating average traffic load TL1Name: LU_MIN
UsageIntervalSeconds No No Yes int32 Link Usage Interval Seconds defines time interval in seconds used for calculating average traffic load TL1Name: LU_SEC
ErrorCorrectionMode No No No ErrorCorrection Error Correction Mode (BASIC, Preventive Cyclic Retransmission (PCR)) TL1Name: ERRCM
NAERM No No No int32 Normal Alignment Error Rate Monitor Threshold TL1Name: NAERM
EAERM No No No int32 Emergency Alignment Error Rate Monitor Threshold TL1Name: EAERM
SUERM No No No int32 Signal Unit Error Rate Monitor Threshold TL1Name: SUERM
MaximumMSUsRTB No No No int32 Maximum MSUs in Retransmit Buffer before forced retransmission (PCR only) The default value for this attribute is 127. For Low speed TDM links, values above 127 equate to 127. For High speed TDM links, values above 4095 equate to 4095. TL1Name: MXMSURTB
MaximumOctetsRTB No No No int32 Maximum Octets in Retransmit Buffer before forced retransmission (PCR only) TL1Name: MXOCTRTB
Heartbeat No No No Feature Enable or disable the Heartbeat Feature. TL1Name: HB
HeartbeatInterval No No No int32 Heartbeat interval (ms). TL1Name: HB_INV
RTOInitial No No No int32 RTO Initial (ms). TL1Name: RTO_INIT
RTOMinimum No No No int32 RTO Minimum (ms). TL1Name: RTO_MIN
RTOMaximum No No No int32 RTO Maximum (ms). TL1Name: RTO_MAX
MaximumPathRetrans No No No int32 Maximum path retransmissions. TL1Name: MX_PATH_RETRANS
MaximumAssocRetrans No No No int32 Maximum association retransmissions. TL1Name: MX_ASSOC_RETRANS
Bundling No No No Feature Enable or disable Bundling. TL1Name: BUNDLING
BundlingTO No No No int32 Bundling TO (ms). TL1Name: BUNDLING_TO
DelayedACKTO No No No int32 Delayed ACK TO (ms). TL1Name: DELAYACK_TO
FastRetransThreshold No No No int32 Fast Retransmit Threshold. TL1Name: FAST_RETRANS_TH
Checksum No No Yes SCTPCheckSum SCTP Checksum TL1Name: CHECKSUM
BytesBeforeAck No No No int32 Acknowledgment Threshold (Bytes) - If this many bytes of User Data have been received but not acknowledged then an explicit acknowledgment is generated. TL1Name: BYTES_B4_ACK
MessagesBeforeAck No No No int32 Acknowledgment Threshold (Message Count) - If this many User Data messages have been received but not acknowledged then an explicit acknowledgment is generated. TL1Name: MSG_B4_ACK
ProvingMessageSize No No No ProvingMsuSize Proving Message Size (bytes) - Only applicable for M2PA links. If Long MSU proving is enabled, this value is ignored. TL1Name: PROVING_MSG_SZ
DSCP No No No Dscp Differentiated Services Code Point is used to classify traffic within a network in order to determine the priority of the various classes of traffic (0 to 63). Default value: 0. TL1Name: DSCP
L2T1 No No No Timer Aligned/Ready ( 13,000 ms ) [ANSI], ( 4.8 Kbps: 500,000-600,000 ms, 64 Kbps: 40,000-50,000 ms ) [ITU] ( suggested, 15,000 ms ) [JT] TL1Name: L2T1
AnnexAT1 No No No Timer Aligned/Ready For Annex A links (Q.703) range 25-350s default 300000 ms TL1Name: ANNEXAT1
L2T2 No No No Timer Not Aligned ( 11,500 - 23,000 ms ) [ANSI], ( 5,000 - 150,000 ms) [ITU] ( suggested, 480,000 ms ) [JT] TL1Name: L2T2
L2T3 No No No Timer Aligned ( 11,500 ms ) [ANSI], ( 1,500 ms ) [ITU], ( suggested, 3,000 ms ) [JT] TL1Name: L2T3
L2T4e No No No Timer Proving period ( 2^12 octets, 600 ms ) [ANSI] Proving period ( 2^12 octets, 4.8 Kbps: 6000-8000 ms, 64 Kbps: 400-600 ms ) [ITU] ( suggested, 3,000 ms ) [JT] TL1Name: L2T4e
L2T4n No No No Timer Proving period ( 2^14 octets, 2300 ms) [ANSI] ( 2^16 octets, 4.8 Kbps: 100,000-120,000 ms, 64 Kbps: 7500-9500 ms) [ITU] N/A [JT] TL1Name: L2T4n
AnnexAT4n No No No Timer Proving Period for Annex A links (Q.703) range 3-70s, default 30000 ms TL1Name: ANNEXAT4N
L2T5 No No No Timer Sending SIB ( 80 - 120 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] (suggested, 200 ms ) [JT] TL1Name: L2T5
L2T6 No No No Timer Remote Congestion ( 4.8 Kbps: 8000 - 12000 ms, 64 Kbps: 3000 - 6000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] ( suggested, 3,000 ms ) [JT] TL1Name: L2T6
L2T7 No No No Timer Excessive delay of ACK ( 4.8 Kbps: 4000 - 6000 ms, 64 Kbps: 500 - 2000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU] ( suggested, 2,000 ms ) [JT] TL1Name: L2T7
SLTMT1 No No No Timer SLTM Timer 1 defines interval (4 - 12 sec) that Signalling Link Test Message (SLTM) [ANSI/ITU] or Signaling Routing Test message (SRT) [TTC/NTT] message must be acknowledged. A value of 0 shuts off the timer and SLTM/SRT signaling. TL1Name: SLTMT1
SLTMT2 No No No Timer SLTM Timer 2 defines interval (30-90 sec) when Signalling Link Test Message (SLTM) [ANSI/ITU] or Signaling Routing Test (SRT) message [TTC/NTT] is periodically repeated. A value of 0 shuts off the timer and SLTM/SRT signaling TL1Name: SLTMT2
L3T1 No No No LinksetTimer Changeover delay ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is NODE VALUE. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the Linkset to a value other than NODE VALUE overrides the value from the NA and affects all links in the linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T1
L3T2 No No No LinksetTimer Waiting for COA ( 700 - 2000 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is NODE VALUE. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the Linkset to a value other than NODE VALUE overrides the value from the NA and affects all links in the linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T2
L3T3 No No No LinksetTimer Changeback delay ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is NODE VALUE. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the Linkset to a value other than NODE VALUE overrides the value from the NA and affects all links in the linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T3
L3T4 No No No LinksetTimer Waiting for CBA: first attempt ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is NODE VALUE. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the Linkset to a value other than NODE VALUE overrides the value from the NA and affects all links in the linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T4
L3T6 No No No LinksetTimer Controlled rerouting delay ( 500 - 1200 ms ) [ANSI/ITU/JT] The default value is NODE VALUE. Setting MTP Level 3 timers on the Linkset to a value other than NODE VALUE overrides the value from the NA and affects all links in the linkset. CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not change the timer default values unless instructed otherwise by Signalling Systems Customer Support. Timer values should be modified with care, especially on a live system. Interaction of timers trough the various MTP3 procedures is complex and changing them incorrectly can reduce system stability. TL1Name: L3T6
RFC4165T1 No No No Timer Alignment Ready. References: - Q.703 Timer T1 - T1.111.3 Timer T1 - M2PA RFC 4165 ( - draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt The default value is taken from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt and is consistent with Q.703. TL1Name: RFC4165_T1
RFC4165T2 No No No Timer Timer Not Aligned. References: - Q.703 Timer T2 - T1.111.3 Timer T2 - M2PA RFC 4165 ( - draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt The default value is taken from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt and is consistent with Q.703. TL1Name: RFC4165_T2
RFC4165T3 No No No Timer Timer Aligned. References: - Q.703 Timer T3 - T1.111.3 Timer T3 - M2PA RFC 4165 ( - draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt The default value is taken from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt and is consistent with Q.703. TL1Name: RFC4165_T3
RFC4165T4n No No No Timer Timer Proving Normal. References: - Q.703 Timer T4n - T1.111.3 Timer T4n - M2PA RFC 4165 ( - draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt The default value is taken from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt and is consistent with Q.703. TL1Name: RFC4165_T4n
RFC4165T4e No No No Timer Timer Proving Emergency. References: - Q.703 Timer T4e - T1.111.3 Timer T4e - M2PA RFC 4165 ( - draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt The default value is taken from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt and is consistent with Q.703. TL1Name: RFC4165_T4e
RFC4165T6 No No No Timer Timer Remote Congestion. References: - Q.703 Timer T6 - T1.111.3 Timer T6 - M2PA RFC 4165 ( - draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt The default value is taken from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt and is consistent with Q.703. TL1Name: RFC4165_T6
RFC4165T7 No No No Timer Timer Excessive Delay of Acknowledgment. References: - Q.703 Timer T7 - T1.111.3 Timer T7 - M2PA RFC 4165 ( - draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-06.txt The default value is consistent with Q.703. TL1Name: RFC4165_T7
RFC4165StatusInterval No No No Timer Status Interval The frequency with which LS Processor Outage messages are sent while LPO. TL1Name: RFC4165_STATINV
RFC4165ProvingRate No No No Timer Proving Rate The frequency with which LS Proving messages are sent while proving. TL1Name: RFC4165_PROVRATE
RFC4165AcknowledgementInterval No No No Timer Maximum time interval before explicitly acknowledging User Data. This can be important in the case of unidirectional or low traffic. TL1Name: RFC4165_ACKINV
Draft6T1 No No No Timer Alignment - Range 1 - 60 seconds with default of 10 seconds. These values are taken from draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-06.txt. TL1Name: DRAFTV6_T1
Draft6T3 No No No Timer Ready - Range 1 - 60 seconds with default of 10 seconds. These values are taken from draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-06.txt. TL1Name: DRAFTV6_T3
Draft6T4n No No No Timer Proving Normal - Range 1-60 seconds with default of 10 seconds. These values are taken from draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-06.txt. TL1Name: DRAFTV6_T4n
Draft6T4e No No No Timer Proving Emergency - Range 400-600 ms with default of 500 ms. These values are taken from draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-06.txt. TL1Name: DRAFTV6_T4e
Draft6T6 No No No Timer Remote Congestion - Range 1-6 seconds with default of 3 seconds. The range is taken from draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-06.txt, the default value is implementation dependent. TL1Name: DRAFTV6_T6
Draft6T7 No No No Timer Excessive Delay in Acknowledgment - Range 0.5 - 2 seconds with default of 2 seconds. The range is taken from draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-06.txt, the default value is implementation dependent. TL1Name: DRAFTV6_T7
Draft6StatusInterval No No No Timer Status Interval - default 1 second, The frequency with which LS Processor Outage messages are sent while LPO (implementation dependent) TL1Name: DRAFTV6_STATINV
Draft6ProvingRate No No No Timer Proving Rate- default 0.1 second, The frequency with which LS Proving messages are sent while proving (implementation dependent) TL1Name: DRAFTV6_PROVRATE
Draft6AcknowledgementInterval No No No Timer Maximum time interval before explicitly acknowledging User Data. This can be important in the case of unidirectional or low traffic (implementation dependent). TL1Name: DRAFTV6_ACKINV

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