Resource - L2Connection

About this Resource

A sequence of L2 Connection attributes

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
CageID Yes Yes Yes int32 Cage ID is the slot or VM number where the TDM card is installed. Specifically for M2UA, the cage ID must be unique for each L2 connection object to the remote M2UA Server. TL1Name: CAGE_ID
DREID Yes Yes Yes int32 The DRE ID identifies the slot on which the DRE which manages this L2 Connection resides. Specified at creation time the DRE ID cannot be modified later. TL1Name: DRE_ID
Type Yes Yes Yes L2ModuleType The communication transport layer used between the L2 and the DRE. Communication between MTP2 and the DRE can be over TCP, SCTP, ATM or Local Device. SCTP is the default transport as it provides guaranteed delivery of packets and sequencing. TIPC is supported for existing configurations but is no longer supported for the creation of new L2 connections. TL1Name: L2M_TYPE
MTP2ProtocolType Yes Yes Yes L2ModuleProtocol The Internal Protocol API that is used to interact with this L2 Connection is either M2UA or a proprietary protocol. M2UA requires that the L2 Connection Communications Type be SCTP. TL1Name: MTP2_PROT_TYPE
Context No No Yes string A system generated condensed textual representation of the L2 Connection object. TL1Name: CONTEXT
CageName No No No string A descriptive name for the chassis running the L2 Connection object. In many case this is the same chassis as the CPU. This attribute is text only and is used for operator informational purposes only. TL1Name: CAGENAME
State No No Yes AvailState Status of this L2 Connection (INACTIVE, UNAVAILABLE, VERSION MISMATCH, AVAILABLE). The most common cause of an UNAVAILABLE destination is an IP configuration issue. Should the connection between the DRE and the L2 Connection be UNAVAILABLE, we suggest you see if any of the IP configuration was recently changed and refer to the log messages. VERSION MISMATCH means mismatch between protocol type and protocol version. TL1Name: STATE
MTP2ProtocolVersion No No Yes int32 The Internal Protocol version used to interact with this L2 Connection is displayed in this attribute. It is here for informational purposes only and indicates to customer support the relative ages of the software loads being used. The values for Type, MTP2 Protocol Type, and MTP2 Protocol Version are related. These are layers in a protocol between the DRE and the Level 2 modules. TL1Name: MTP2VERSION
LocalIPAddress1 No No No string Primary local address of this L2 Connection. This may be a hostname provisioned in /etc/hosts or an IP Address. This information is only used if the connection between the DRE and MTP2 uses SCTP. TCP/IP does not require knowledge of the local address. This value should not require modification in most configurations. This attribute can be modified only for M2UA L2 Connections. TL1Name: LOCAL_IPADDR1
LocalIPAddress2 No No No string Secondary local IP address of this L2 Connection. This may be a hostname provisioned in /etc/hosts or an IP Address. This information is only used if the connection between the DRE and MTP2 uses SCTP. TCP/IP does not require knowledge of the local address. This value should not require modification in most configurations. This attribute can be modified only for M2UA L2 Connections. TL1Name: LOCAL_IPADDR2
LocalPort No No No int32 Local port of L2 Connection. This value is used for SCTP only and should not require modification in most configurations. This attribute can be modified only for M2UA L2 Connections. TL1Name: LOCAL_L2PORT
RemoteIPAddress1 No No No string Primary remote IP address of this L2 Connection. This is the address of an MTP2 process. It should be a hostname provisioned in /etc/hosts or an IP Address. This value should not require modification in most configurations. When the connection to MTP2 uses SCTP, this address is the SCTP Primary Path. This attribute can be modified only for M2UA L2 Connections. TL1Name: REMOTE_IPADDR1
RemoteIPAddress2 No No No string Secondary remote IP address of this L2 Connection. This is the address of an MTP2 process. It should be a hostname provisioned in /etc/hosts or an IP Address. This value should not require modification in most configurations. This attribute can be modified only for M2UA L2 Connections. TL1Name: REMOTE_IPADDR2
RemotePort No No No int32 Remote port of MTP2. This value should not require modification in most configurations. This attribute can be modified only for M2UA L2 Connections. TL1Name: REMOTE_L2PORT
AssociationNumber No No Yes int32 SCTP Association Number TL1Name: ASSOCNUM
Heartbeat No No No Feature Enabling the Heartbeat Feature causes test message to the remote connection to determine its availability on the network The default value is ON. TL1Name: HB
HeartbeatInterval No No No int32 Heartbeat interval in milliseconds for the SCTP association. The default value is 100 milliseconds. TL1Name: HB_INV
RTOInitial No No No int32 Round-Trip Delay (RTO) Initial sets the initial expected time for packets to be sent and returned. Entered in milliseconds. The default is 180 (ms). TL1Name: RTO_INIT
RTOMinimum No No No int32 Round Trip Delay (RTO) Minimum is the smallest expected time for packets to be sent and returned. Entered in milliseconds. The default is 180 (ms). TL1Name: RTO_MIN
RTOMaximum No No No int32 Round Trip Delay (RTO) Maximum is the largest expected time for packets to be sent and returned. Entered in milliseconds. The default is 250 (ms). TL1Name: RTO_MAX
MaximumPathRetrans No No No int32 Maximum path retransmissions sets the number of retransmissions that will be attempted over the current transmission path without success before the path is deemed unavailable and a new transmission path is sought. The default value is 10 and is to be used on a good quality local network. TL1Name: MX_PATH_RETRANS
MaximumAssocRetrans No No No int32 Maximum association retransmissions sets the number of retransmissions to a remote device over all possible paths that will be attempted without success before deeming the end device as unavailable. The default value is 15, and is to be used on a good quality local network. TL1Name: MX_ASSOC_RETRANS
Bundling No No No Feature Enabling Bundling allows the bundling of messages into larger packets for greater line efficiency. The default value is ON. TL1Name: BUNDLING
BundlingTO No No No int32 Bundling Time Out (TO) is set in milliseconds and indicates the length of time that messages will be queued before being bundled into larger packets. This is only applicable if the Bundling attribute is set to ON. The default value is 20 milliseconds. TL1Name: BUNDLING_TO
DelayedACKTO No No No int32 Delayed Acknowledgement Time Out (ACK TO) sets the time in milliseconds that the system waits after receiving a packet before sending an acknowledgement. The valid range is between 10 and 500 milliseconds. The default value is 20 milliseconds. TL1Name: DELAYACK_TO
FastRetransThreshold No No No int32 Fast Retransmit Threshold sets the number of times a packet can be reported as missing before SCTP on the originating system retransmits packets using fast retransmission. The default value is 4. TL1Name: FAST_RETRANS_TH
Checksum No No Yes SCTPCheckSum Checksum sets the error detection algorithm on the SCTP connection. Valid values are: CRC32C, ADLER32, NONE, or AUTO. Not all options are available on all systems. The default value is CRC32C. TL1Name: CHECKSUM
SCTPDebugLevel No No No int32 SCTP debug level determines how much information is tracked and logged to the Debug Log file. It is recommended that one does NOT raise this value on a busy system, so that the CPU is not unduly busy proving log information rather that processing traffic. The values range from 0, meaning no debugging information, to 5, which provides a considerable amount of information. The default value is 1. TL1Name: SCTP_DBG_LVL
ConnectionTimeout No No No Timer Connection timeout (ms), the amount of time we wait for a connection to establish before reporting a failure. TL1Name: CONTIMEOUT
ConnectionRetry No No No Timer Connection retry interval (ms). This is the amount of time between connection attempts. TL1Name: CONRETRY
CommandTimeout No No No Timer Command timeout (ms), the amount of time we wait for an acknowledgement of a Link command before declaring the link failed and starting the Command Retry timer. TL1Name: CMDTIMEOUT
CommandRetry No No No Timer Command Retry (ms). If a command timeout occurs, mark the link as failed. Attempt to recover after this timer expires. TL1Name: CMDRETRY
M2UAVariant No No No M2UAFlavour M2UA variant. The protocol defined in RFC3331, however there are many aspects described as implementation specific. TL1Name: M2UA_VARIANT

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