Resource - DRE

About this Resource

A sequence of Distributed Routing Engine (DRE) attributes

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
DREID Yes Yes Yes int32 A unique identifier for the DRE object. The ID is set at creation time and cannot be modified after that. The Distributed Routing Engine (DRE) is the process that implements the signaling message handling portion of the MTP Level 3 (MTP3). This process works closely with Signaling Network Management (SNM) to provide MTP Level 3 functionality. The DRE provides most of the message routing, while the SNM manages links, routes, the associated Signaling Link Selection (SLS) tables, and the user interface for configuration. In most cases there is one DRE and one SNM per slot, however some configurations may have a number of remote DRE processes reporting back to a central SNM. TL1Name: DRE_ID
Context No No Yes string A system generated condensed textual identifier of the DRE object. TL1Name: CONTEXT
CLLI No No No string CLLI code of this DRE object. The CLLI code may be specified by your network designer. The value here is for informational purposes only and may be left blank. TL1Name: CLLI
State No No Yes AvailState Status of the DRE connection (AVAILABLE or UNAVAILABLE). Must show as AVAILABLE to be functional. If it is UNAVAILABLE links using it will not align. In this case you should check the IP addressing in the next attributes. TL1Name: STATE
IPAddress1 No No No string Primary IP address of this DRE. A host name from /etc/hosts or an IP address can be used. A host name is preferred. TL1Name: IPADDR1
IPAddress2 No No No string Secondary IP address of this DRE. A host name from /etc/hosts or an IP address can be used. A host name is preferred. TL1Name: IPADDR2

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