A sequence of Link attributes

Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
SLC Yes Yes Yes int32 Signaling Link Code for this link. Value of 0-15 TL1Name: SLC
Context No No Yes string TL1Name: CONTEXT
APC No No Yes string Adjacent SS7 point code of this link. TL1Name: PC
LinkName No No Yes string Link Name based on the Linkset Name. TL1Name: LINK_NAME
DREID No No Yes int32 DRE to own this link. TL1Name: DRE_ID
Cage No No No int32 Cage used by this link TL1Name: CAGE
Channel No No No int32 Channel used by this link, valid values are 1 to 8 TL1Name: CHANNEL
L2State No No Yes L2LinkState Status of MTP Level 2 for this link. Deactivated, Proving, In-Service, Out of Service, Failed, Local Processor Outage, Remote Processor Outage, Both Processor Outage, Local Loopback mode, Not Enabled, Not Initialized TL1Name: L2_STATE
L3State No No Yes L3LinkState Status of MTP Level 3 for this link. Deactivated, Proving, In-Service, Out of Service, Locally Inhibited, Remotely Inhibited, Both Inhibited, Blocked, Blocked and Uninhibited, Local Processor Outage TL1Name: L3_STATE
CongestionLevel No No Yes CongestionLevel Congestion level of this link. For ANSI networks the values range from 1 to 3 or FALSE if not congested. For ITU networks the value is either TRUE or FALSE. TL1Name: CONGESTION_LVL
RxMSUCount No No Yes int32 Received MSU count, per second. TL1Name: RXMSU
TxMSUCount No No Yes int32 Transmitted MSU count, per second. TL1Name: TXMSU
DiagnosticMessage No No Yes string Link management diagnostic message TL1Name: DIAG_MSG
Alarms No No No Feature Alarms affect the alarms associated with the Link. DISABLED mode: Alarms will not be raised. ENABLED mode: Alarms will be raised. Valid values: ENABLED and DISABLED. Default value: ENABLED. TL1Name: ALARMS
UserActivated No No Yes Feature Link activation flag. Used on stack restart for alignment attempt. TL1Name: USR_ACTIVATED
L2DebugLevel No No No int32 MTP Level 2 Debug Level. The recommended value for this attribute is 0. TL1Name: L2_DBG_LVL

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