Resource - Port

About this Resource

Defines an Port managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
PortNumber Yes No Yes PortNumber TL1Name: PORT
ClockSource No No No IndvPortClockSrc TL1Name: CLKSRC
InterfaceType No No No LineType TL1Name: IF_TYPE
Encoding No No No Encoding TL1Name: ENCODING
LineLength No No No LineLength TL1Name: LINE_LENGTH
FacilityDataLink No No No EnableType TL1Name: FDL
AlarmSquelch No No No EnableType TL1Name: ALM_SQUELCH
AlarmEgress No No No AlarmType TL1Name: ALM_EGRESS
LoopbackMode No No No Loopback TL1Name: LPBK_MODE
Statistics No No No LoggingState TL1Name: STATISTICS
StatusAlarms No No No Alarming TL1Name: STATUS_ALARMS
FramingStatus No No Yes FramingStatus TL1Name: FRAMING_STATUS
NoAlarm No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: NO_ALARM
RemoteRxLOF No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: REMOTE_RX_LOF
RemoteTxLOF No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: REMOTE_TX_LOF
RxAIS No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: RX_AIS
TxAIS No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: TX_AIS
LossOfFrame No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: LOF
LossOfSynchronization No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: LOS
LoopbackState No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: LPBK_STATE
T16AIS No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: T16_AIS
RemoteRxLOMF No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: REMOTE_RX_LOMF
RemoteTxLOMF No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: REMOTE_TX_LOMF
RxTestCode No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: RX_TESTCODE
OtherFailure No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: OTHER_FAILURE
UnavailableSignalState No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: UNAV_SIGSTATE
NetEquipmentOOS No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: NE_OOS
RxPayloadAIS No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: RX_PAYLOAD_AIS
PerformanceThreshold No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: PERF_TH
NoLoopback No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: NO_LPBK
RemotePayloadLoopback No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: REMOTE_P_LPBK
RemoteLineLoopback No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: REMOTE_L_LPBK
LocalLineLoopback No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: LOCAL_L_LPBK
FarEndPayloadLoopback No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: FE_P_LPBK
FarEndLineLoopback No No Yes StatusFlag TL1Name: FE_L_LPBK
CurrentGain No No Yes int32 TL1Name: CUR_GAIN
CurrentAttenuation No No Yes int32 TL1Name: CUR_ATTEN
FarEndLoopbackType No No No FarEndLoopback This attribute determines the type of loopback code to send to the far end. Transmission of loopback code is only supported for T1. PAYLOAD loopback code is only available if Facility Data Link is ENABLED. The default value for T1 is LINE, NONE otherwise. TL1Name: BERT_LOOPTYPE
FarEndLoopbackActivationTime No No No int32 The amount of time to transmit the loopback activation code. This attribute has no effect if Loopback Type is NONE. If Facility Data Link is ENABLED for T1 ESF, the timer value is in milliseconds and valid values are 40 to 1000 ms. The default value is 100 ms. If Facility Data Link is DISABLED, the timer value is in seconds and valid values are 5 to 10 sec. The default value is 6 sec. TL1Name: BERT_LOOPACT_TIME
FarEndLoopbackDeactivationTime No No No int32 The amount of time to transmit the loopback deactivation code. This attribute has no effect if Loopback Type is NONE. If Facility Data Link is ENABLED for T1 ESF, the timer value is in milliseconds and valid values are 40 to 1000 ms. The default value is 100 ms. If Facility Data Link is DISABLED, the timer value is in seconds and valid values are 5 to 10 sec. The default value is 6 sec. TL1Name: BERT_LOOPDEACT_TIME
BERTPattern No No No BERTPattern The type of test data to use for BERT. User Data will inhibit the generation and detection of PRBS test data. PRBS_2_15 will generate 2^15-1 PRBS, non-inverted for T1 and J1, inverted for E1. The default value is PRBS_2_15. TL1Name: BERT_PATTERN
PRBSDetectionTimer No No No int32 The time limit to wait for PRBS detection in the receive stream. This attribute has no effect if BERT Pattern is User Data. Valid values are 0 and 1 to 30 seconds. If the value is 0, the timer is disabled and BERT Duration time begins immediately. The default value is 5 seconds. TL1Name: PRBS_DET_TIME
BERTDuration No No No int32 The length of time to perform BERT. The time period begins when PRBS detection is confirmed. Valid values are 0 and 5-3600 seconds. If the value is 0, the timer is disabled and BERT runs indefinitely. The default value is 10 seconds. TL1Name: BERT_DURATION
BERTStatus No No Yes string Displays state information on BERT state machines. ========================== BERT indicates the overall BERT state machine initiated by the Start BERT action. * IDLE - The BERT state machine is not active. * SEND_ACT - BERT has asked LOOP to send loopback activation code. * WAIT_SYNC - BERT is waiting for PRBS to synchronize. * ACTIVE - The main testing cycle is in progress. * SEND_DEACT - BERT has asked LOOP to send loopback deactivation code. * BLOCKED - LOOP or PRBS has been activated independently of BERT. The Start BERT action is prohibited until LOOP and PRBS are both IDLE. ========================== LOOP indicates the far end loopback state machine, initiated by the Send Loop Up, Send Loop Down actions, or indirectly by the Start BERT action. * IDLE - The LOOP state machine is not active. * SEND_ACT - LOOP is sending loopback activation code. * ACTIVE - LOOP expects that the far end is in loopback mode due to the sent activation code. * SEND_DEACT - LOOP is sending loopback deactivation code. ========================== PRBS indicates the PRBS state machine, initiated by the Start PRBS action, or indirectly by the Start BERT action. * IDLE - The PRBS state machine is not active. * INIT - PRBS has been started and is in a 1 second debounce period to allow the hardware to synchronize. Errors are ignored during this time. * WAIT_SYNC - PRBS is waiting for synchronization. * ACTIVE_SYNC - PRBS is active in test mode, currently synchronized. * ACTIVE_LOST - PRBS is active in test mode, currently not synchronization. ========================== Note that when any one of the state machine is not in IDLE state, port configuration attributes Framing, Encoding, and Facility Data Link are locked. TL1Name: BERT_STATUS
BERTResult No No Yes string Displays execution results on the last BERT action. TL1Name: BERT_RESULT
PRBSSyncSeconds No No Yes int32 Displays number of seconds where PRBS is synchronized during BERT. This indicates the amount of time the PRBS state machine is in the ACTIVE_SYNC state. TL1Name: PRBS_SYNC_SEC
PRBSLostSeconds No No Yes int32 Displays number of seconds where PRBS is unsynchronized during BERT. This indicates the amount of time the PRBS state machine is in the ACTIVE_LOST state. TL1Name: PRBS_LOST_SEC
PRBSBitErrors No No Yes int32 Displays number of bit errors detection while running PRBS. Note that the number of error may be larger than actual, especially in cases of timing slips. TL1Name: PRBS_BIT_ERRORS
PRBSErrorInstances No No Yes int32 Displays number of instances where errors were detected while running PRBS. A regular increment of this value may indicate a TDM timing issue. TL1Name: PRBS_ERROR_INSTS

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