Resource - Connection

About this Resource

Defines an Connection managed object.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
Name Yes Yes Yes string Name used to uniquely identify the connection. Leading and trailing whitespaces are trimmed. Valid values: alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores (maximum size of 64). TL1Name: NAME
TargetName No Yes No string The load balancer target hosting this connection. Valid values: Existing load balancer target. TL1Name: TARGET
TransportType No Yes No TransportType Transport Type (SCTP, TCP, IPSec) Set to the transport type between the remote host and the local host. The following applies to IPSec only: o A Connection Ports object is automatically added to the connection. o The user cannot add or remove Connection Ports. o The user can delete the connection without deleting the automatically-added Connection Ports object. Default value: SCTP. TL1Name: TRTYPE
LocalHost No Yes No string Local host for the connection. Valid values: Hostname or IPv4 address. TL1Name: LOCALHOST
RemoteHost No Yes No string Remote host for the connection. Valid values: Hostname or IPv4 address. TL1Name: REMOTEHOST
TargetSlot No No No targetSlot Target Slot for the connection. The DSC routing slot currently serving this connection. Can only be set when the target load balancing algorithm is set to STATIC MAPPING. Valid values: A DSC slot defined in the target slots or the string UNSET. TL1Name: SLOT
ConnectionPortsCount No No Yes connPorts Connection Ports Count. The number of Connection Ports configured in this connection. When no Connection Ports objects are configured on this connection, the value is set to UNDEFINED. TL1Name: CONNPORTS
Status No No Yes string Configuration status. Indicates the status of the most recent configuration modification or that configuration is in progress. BUSY indicates that new configuration is temporarily blocked. TL1Name: STATUS
InternalID No No Yes int32 Connection unique internal ID. Reserved for internal use. TL1Name: INTERNALID

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